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Update on Bowhuntamistad, I'm still around!

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    Update on Bowhuntamistad, I'm still around!

    As I had stated before the crash several times, I was scheduled to leave for basic on the 10th and was to miss the season. Well, I hunted hard the whole first week(including a three day trip to Brady) and quietly accepted the fact I wasn't going to harvest a deer with two misses during the week. I tested that wensday morning in SA for SERE and passed the test. Now it was a matter of a few days. I was left with no Green Screen for a few days before and left without being able to say my temp goodbyes to everybody here . I got to Lackland and was pulled aside and notified I was to be sent home pending my new contract since I had been accepted into SERE and me dates were to change . Well tonight I got the call, after two weeks, and was given my official EAD date, January 23. I must have jumped around like a little girl at a Ricky Martin concert. Now I get to hunt the rest of the season and spend time with loved ones.

    So in other words, ya'll are stuck with me for a few more months. I'm driving up to Brady on thursday to meet up with my dad and hunt for the rest of the week. I'm enjoying every minute of what time I have.

    Good to hear you get to finish the season with family Sergio. Good luck to ya! Try and keep in touch when you can.


      I still haven't found Tom, Coach. I'm thinking of stopping by on my way to Brady to see whats up.


        That's great news, Sergio! Hope you get a good buck to go with the Catalina.


          Congratulations on acceptance into SERE school. Are you going to do your training af Ft. Bragg??? I kinda miss the old base. Miss Amistad too. Haven't hunted it, but there are a couple of ten pounders with holes in their mouths around Castle Canyon and Zoober.


            Shot a longhorn spike at 40 yards the 2nd weekend of the month on section 4. Thing is, the thing still had velvet over the 5 and 6 inch spikes. Used a tracer arrow and I knew the deer didn't have a chance.


              Cool, let me know next time you're in town. I missed an extremely old buck opening sunday and missed a doe last week. I missed her lest year too.

              Ezed, theres been fish that big caught almost everyday. Its crazy down here. I'll be in Fairchild AFB in Washington.




                  Good news. Enjoy the hunting from now until January and good luck hungting and in the military.


                    While we were done there a guy brought in a 9 lb 5 oz bass and man that thing was big.


                      how far back do you go to area five where the goats are at and what kind are there


                        They hang out between the houses and the hunt area. Somebody placed feeders there and they are enjoying the food. They are mouflon sheep but a few goats are hanging around with them. Is it legal to shoot thegoats, I don't know. The park service says you can shoot feral sheep, so I'm guessing goats are okay but I knnow mouflons are fair game.

