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The Privilege of Prayer

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    The Privilege of Prayer

    The Privilege of Prayer
    Lisa M. Samra
    Give my son Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, statutes and decrees.
    1 Chronicles 29:19

    Country artist Chris Stapleton’s deeply personal song, “Daddy Doesn’t Pray Anymore,” was inspired by his own father’s prayers for him. The poignant lyrics reveal the reason his father’s prayers ended: not disillusionment or weariness, but his own death. Stapleton imagines that now, instead of speaking with Jesus in prayer, his dad is walking and talking face-to-face with Jesus.
    Stapleton’s recollection of his father’s prayers for him brings to mind a biblical father’s prayer for his son. As King David’s life ebbed away, he made preparations for his son Solomon to take over as the next king of Israel.
    After assembling the nation together to anoint Solomon, David led the people in prayer, as he’d done many times before. As David recounted God’s faithfulness to Israel, he prayed for the people to remain loyal to Him. Then he included a personal prayer specifically for his son, asking God to “give my son Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, statutes and decrees” (1 Chronicles 29:19).
    We too have the remarkable privilege to faithfully pray for the people God has placed in our lives. Our example of faithfulness can make an indelible impact that will remain even after we’re gone. Just as God continued to work out the answers to David’s prayers for Solomon and Israel after he was gone, so too the impact of our prayers outlives us.
    How have someone’s prayers made a significant impact on your life? How might you encourage others with your prayers?
    Heavenly Father, I bring my loved ones before You and ask that You would work out Your plans in their lives.
    Dr. Stanley



      Thanks Bro. Bill


        Amen. One thing I pray with my wife daily is that we would be able to be a blessings to others this day.


          Thanks Bro.Bill. I’ve been slipping these last couple months and I can tell I need to get back into the word.




              Just thinking about how so many have prayed for me and the blessings I've received. Am I returning the favor. God help me to continually pray for those around me, amen.


                Great great great is all I can say.


                  Good one!


                    The other day a lady stopped me and asked me what had happened to my hand (it is in a splint). As I started to tell her she interrupted me and said "Oh, you're the guy we have been praying for!" I had seen her around before but we had never formally met. I told her I had no idea who she was and we exchanged names. I asked her who the "we" was that has been praying for me. She said, "There is a whole group of us ladies that regularly pray for people and we have been praying daily for your hand to be healed."

                    Had to clear the lump in my throat and then thank her. This side of eternity, you just never know who or how many people are praying for you. I suppose it's a good thing to do the same for others.


                      Amen, great post, thank you


                        Thanks for the post. Amen


                          kind of on a different lean, my dad is very old now and has a hard time remembering much at all. He is a God-like man. He was the family patriarch and always prayed at the family gatherings. Now, when we get together he likes it very much when I pray for him and with him. What a blessing it is for both of us.


                            Originally posted by easeup View Post
                            kind of on a different lean, my dad is very old now and has a hard time remembering much at all. He is a God-like man. He was the family patriarch and always prayed at the family gatherings. Now, when we get together he likes it very much when I pray for him and with him. What a blessing it is for both of us.
                            Yes sir we need to grab the torch!!

