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White Fallow Down

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    Congrats! As far as table fare, I think they are up there with axis! Supercool




        Wow he's nice!


          Very nice, congrats


            Now thats a heck of a surprise on stand! Congratulations




                Nice fallow! Congrats!


                  Nice deer, congrats


                    Very nice




                        Thanks everyone. Yeah I was super pumped. For free range, on a 100acres with the bow, it doesn’t get much better to me.

                        My dad and I were trying to decide where to hunt that evening. I told my dad that one of us really needed to be in this stand because we had been seeing more exotics here than anywhere else. The chances of seeing an exotic were still really slim, so I actually wanted to hunt a different stand that had been seeing a bunch of pigs. I tried to talk my dad into hunting there since he had already shot a pig, but since he hunted this stand in the morning he didn’t want to. He said he didn’t want to watch the same 8 whitetail for 2 hours. .
                        After going back and forth I told him if he wasn’t going to sit there, that I would. Went to the stand about 5:30 and there were turkey and whitetail camped out. The whitetail scattered while I got into the stand. Within 5 minutes they were all back, but skittish because they knew I was around somewhere. After about 5 more minutes I saw the fallow coming in from about 75 yards away. He was really skittish and before he could make it all the way in he startled and ran behind me out of view. I think he might’ve heard my heart pounding . I sat perfectly still and basically holding my breath for a few minutes hoping he would make his way back. After a few minutes the whitetail all started acting funny and looking back towards where he had ran. Then he came back into view but was acting really jumpy. He got to about 18 yards and was slightly quartering away. I drew back and put a quick shot on because he looked like he was going to bolt at any second. Hit right behind the shoulder but a couple inches higher than where I was aiming. Not sure if that was from me or if he ducked that much. Either way he immediately grunted loudly and I could see a dark streak of blood on the white coat. I knew it hit him fairly good and could see blood pumping out as he ran off. Never heard him crash, but he didn’t make it much farther than where I last saw him from the stand.
                        I was so excited that I walked to the stand my dad was hunting and scared all his deer away. Lol. I did the same thing a couple years ago when I shot an aoudad. I told him if i shoot an axis he can expect the same thing.
                        To me sharing these moments together are what it is all about.
                        I can’t thank my dad enough for all that he does. He refuses to let me split any of the land costs and I have to basically force him to let me pay for feed and other things.

                        Originally posted by Jmh05 View Post
                        Nice man! Congrats and great shot! Post more pics of him. BTW I took some strips of meat off the shoulder of the one I killed- salt, pepper and hit it quickly on the grill to medium rare- VERY good meat!
                        Yeah I didn’t do a good job of pictures lol. We did try to prop a phone up and get one of my dad and I. Also made a makeshift ice chest that could hold the head until I get it to the taxi.
                        I have tried fallow before, but am excited to try it again.

                        Originally posted by CastAndBlast View Post
                        Congrats!!! That is the awesome thing about y’all’s place! You never know what is going to walk out!
                        For sure. Makes every sit more exciting. We are starting to see some decent axis too, just need to get more time in the chair.

                        Originally posted by zhall View Post
                        Congrats! Had you ever seen him before?
                        We have game camera pictures of a few different fallow, but pretty rare to see. There are a couple little spotted fallow that are almost like pets around the camp. You can drive by in a ranger within ten feet and they will just watch you.
                        Attached Files


                          Congrats. Very nice start to the season.


                            Can't beat that for free range!


                              Thats awesome, congrats!



