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Dreaded medical procedure!

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    Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
    When I asked at the VA about having it done, they just sent me a stool sample kit. Sent it in and the screen came back negative. They said I was good. Are they that advanced or that incompetent? Not that I am looking forward to having the procedure but I did loose a close friend to colon cancer and don’t want to go through that.

    I'd have to think a colonoscopy is more thorough....You actually have a camera on a tube look for polyps, precancerous cells, cancer or in my case, check to see that a diverticulitis perforation has healed well enough to not need surgery.

    Sounds like you got the drive thru method.


      Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
      When I asked at the VA about having it done, they just sent me a stool sample kit. Sent it in and the screen came back negative. They said I was good. Are they that advanced or that incompetent? Not that I am looking forward to having the procedure but I did loose a close friend to colon cancer and don’t want to go through that.
      I don't think I could fully trust that test. My thoughts on it were by the time the test would detect whatever needs detecting, it could be a polyp that had progressed too much.
      Had two of em in 6 months. 1st one, weird shaped polyp removed. 2nd, follow up to make sure it didn't try to regrow.
      Prep is SO easy now. Over the counter stuff. Dulcolax tabs, then miralax mixed with gatorade...all at certain time intervals. Not uncomfortable and no cramping etc., just don't stray too far from the can!

      Guys, don't play games with this because you think the prep or procedure is so bad. It's stupid easy and a walk in the park compared to colon cancer!!! DO IT!


        Dude it’s nothing.


          Yea, the first one was not fun, especially the prep, it was horrid. Everyone told me the prep for one now is not bad, not good, but not horrid! LOL!


            well how did it go??????


              Originally posted by cva34 View Post
              well how did it go??????
              The 10th is the dreaded day!


                got two the first go round, then every TWO years.
                Found a cancerous tipped polyp the first time. Checked for proper heal.

                They's nothing


                  Best advice I can give is TAKE IT! I had 5 of em because the results of the first test were NOT good. I was one of the statistics that ignored the signs, almost cost my life and did cost 2.5 years and 3 crappy surgeries because I refused to live with the bag and didnt givin to the doctor requesting it. With the size of the tumor it was amazing it didnt metastasize and was within microns of letting loose. God was involved with keeping me around a little longer Im certain. TAKE IT


                    Family history of colon cancer so I have one every three years. Going on my fifth one this coming Wednesday. Absolutely no big deal. The prep has gotten better and I’m kinda looking forward to the night night shot lol


                      I have had one with no issues, but 11 years later it is time!


                        I had no issues at all. Easy breezy!


                          It's time for me to schedule one. The last one was about 4 years ago. The doc removed a polyp and actually tattooed the spot so he could find it again.


                            Had the deed done this morning thankfully! They found one very small polyp so we are waiting to see what the biopsi says. Gatorade is now off the list for future drinks! LOL!
                            This prep was way easier than the first, but still not enjoyable.

                            Time to eat!


                              Buck up man - had 3-4 them - nothing to it -

                              prefer colon cancer treatments or a simple scope? Think about it



                                Originally posted by Smart View Post
                                LOL...I just covered up and told the Indian doc to go's been exit only for 51 years.....he chuckled, the anesthesiologist chuckled and here went the drugs into lala land!
                                Exit only. LOL haha. There is some risk to these procedures that is never discussed. Can result in abrasions and worst case sepsis. I had one 2 years ago with a clean result. Am now getting pressured to do another check. Is this a revenue generator like MRI’s?

