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When Did You Start To Feel Old?

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    I have certainly aged but feel good for 49, I guess. Never been this age before so it's hard to say for me it seems to be more of at what weight I don't feel good. At anything over 200 I start to have issues with my knees. If I can stay closer to 185 I am good.

    seems crazy but as soon as I get under 190 I really feel good. I can play basketball for hours at a time and no issues. Additionally, I honestly believe mind set has a lot to do with it. Hope to stay active until the Good Lord deems my time on earth has ended.

    Someone mentioned the "trapper Jake" documentary on Amazon Prime. I highly recommend watching it. He would laugh at a lot of us for what we consider getting old.


      Originally posted by Oleman View Post
      Broke a collar bone at 48 playing city league softball. Knew then my game was over. Had back and neck fusion. I am 79 today and turning 80 tomorrow and I can honestly say I still garden, have chickens, mow almost 4 acres when needed and make some home repairs. Deer hunt and fish. So stay as active as possible.
      man that's great yes staying active is the key I will be 74 in august and
      bale hay all summer fix most anything that breaks I have a bad hip
      that's needs fixing when all of this virs is over looking forward to hunting season


        When I started thinking my sisters friends.. Early 20's weren't attractive lol.


          Good health until 55 then got prostate cancer and physically took a lot out of me. Cancer came back at 64. Had Rt kidney removed and radiation for 8 week, really knocked me in the dirt. Retired at 65 in January. Always been active, lost almost all my muscle strength. It’s hell when you get old.


            Well, if I wasn’t depressed before...


              Originally posted by tps7742 View Post
              In your 30s and already complaing of getting old. Y’all are in some serious troubles.
              Seriously. I'm almost 67 and really haven't felt the effects of my age until just recently. Oh, I slowed down a little in the late 50's but nothing to even contemplate.

              Now, it seems I get out of bed a little stiff. I used to be able to go hit a golf ball without warm-ups, still can but who knows where. Now I got swing 6-10 times before I feel loose. Real work, I have to start a bit slow and work up a head of steam.

              Sleep, I'd rather not even go there. 3 or so hours at a time is about it.


                Mine was much earlier than some, since in college i though i wanted to be a body builder.
                I dealt with a lot of constant soreness and back pain. This started at about 25 and just dealt with it until recently at 35. Then a few months ago I found Airrosti, after years of chiropractor visits with no real improvement, I gave them a try. After 4 visits with them, I feel better than I have in years, and haven't had any back problems in two months. They are a little bit pricey, but well worth it to not have constant back pain.


                  Originally posted by hunt247 View Post
                  What have you done to break all your fingers twice?
                  Mainly football. I played right tackle. Fingers would get stepped on quite often. Also there were things that were legal in the late 60's and early 70's that aren't now. My favorite weapon was the head slap. But if you caught too much face guard......snap goes a finger. I've broken a few in later years, but most were on a football field.
                  Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
                  Rollin a wheel chair n got em caught in the spokes? Lol, sorry, I couldn't resist.

                  Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk
                  Ha Ha!


                    Originally posted by Abcdj View Post
                    Around 50 was when it hit me hard. I couldnt do half the physical stuff I used to do. I am 59 and now mentally I don't want to do the other half of what I used ta could do.
                    All you 30 somethins got a long way to go.
                    I am with yea, 50 was a huge slap in the face. And can defiantly feel the down hill slide. And yes I know what the thirty year olds feel like, but believe me it gets worse, do what you can ( enjoy) while you can. The next 20 years goes fast and it won’t get better.


                      First felt old around 41 after 3 years of colon cancer, surgeries, chemo etc.

                      Now I'm turning 50 in a week and I'm feeling ancient.


                        I turned 66 this last December. I have felt worse this spring and summer than anytime in my life. Sore joints, fatigue, dizziness when I stand up quickly. I torn the Labrum cartilage in my left shoulder climbing trees last deer season. I have been going to PT for that. I can draw and shoot my bow but it hurts to do it.

                        I don't know if it's just because I am getting old or if it is something else going on. My results from my physical exam in February were good. I am going in August 4th for a check up and a test for Lyme disease. The check engine light has definitely been going on and off the last few months.

                        Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


                          Originally posted by Arrowsmith View Post
                          I turned 66 this last December. I have felt worse this spring and summer than anytime in my life. Sore joints, fatigue, dizziness when I stand up quickly. I torn the Labrum cartilage in my left shoulder climbing trees last deer season. I have been going to PT for that. I can draw and shoot my bow but it hurts to do it.

                          I don't know if it's just because I am getting old or if it is something else going on. My results from my physical exam in February were good. I am going in August 4th for a check up and a test for Lyme disease. The check engine light has definitely been going on and off the last few months.

                          Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
                          Wooooohoooooo! CORN BOIL!!!!!!!!


                            at age 55 It started hitting me


                              Originally posted by joel45acp View Post
                              51 now and still feeling great. I run 3x a week in this Texas heat which I absolutely love. I’m still able to do 1.5miles in under 10min. I sleep like a baby and wake up with zero aches or pains. I don’t take any meds and have zero health issues. I’m blessed to say the least.

                              I’m 39 and run with my players sometimes, throw BP all day, don’t really have any issues (praise).


                                Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
                                Rollin a wheel chair n got em caught in the spokes? Lol, sorry, I couldn't resist.

                                Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk


