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    Originally posted by SaltwaterSlick View Post
    Sammy, that video IS YOUR STORY! It is scary how similar your story is to this one! I just watched it again, and all I can say is keep a handkerchief handy. There are adoptions in my family, both ways, and this video I can assure you will give you peace. wife and kids make fun of me because i cry so easy, lol. Seriously though, thanks for sharing. I will watch it when i get home.

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


      In agreement with the others & reckon she is every bit as scared as you are if not more. Can't imagine being just 15 & going through such an ordeal...although she may very well have made the correct choice for your future, it had to be a daily struggle. Best of luck amigo & prayers for you & your family during the emotional coaster.



        We are all adopted [emoji3583]

        I say meet her and know for yourself wether or not you want to know her.

        Never know till you try. Is a saying I like.

        Just know that I Love You


          Life is too short to not do it.


            i can understand being torn about losing another loved one but if you are 46 she is 61 right? so yall should have many many years togehter to build a relationship. i know you didn't ask for opinions but this kinda situation brings up that old saying "it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all." i completely agree having to bury another loved one would be terribly hard but if it were me i feel like not knowing when i know i had the chance would eat me up more inside.

            just think long and hard and pray on it. the right path will reveal itself to you. good luck brother.


              My twin and I were adopted. At around 20 we met a city clerk that offered to get our birth parents names etc. We thought about it for ten minutes and said no thanks. My adopted sister tracked down her birth mother and wished she hadn't. Was quite a mess with drunken midnight calls requesting money. I don't think they have spoken for 10 years................


                She messaged me back. She never wanted to give me up but was forced to. She was 14 going on 15. I found out that my biological dad was mexican from mexico. My biological mother is of german, irish, apache and dutch. I think i am going to meet her and see what happens.

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                  Originally posted by sambo73 View Post
                  She messaged me back. She never wanted to give me up but was forced to. She was 14 going on 15. I found out that my biological dad was mexican from mexico. My biological mother is of german, irish, apache and dutch. I think i am going to meet her and see what happens.

                  Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
                  Awesome!! I hope you are able to develop a wonderful relationship with the woman who gave you life. I hope you will update this thread!


                    Originally posted by sambo73 View Post
                    she messaged me back. She never wanted to give me up but was forced to. She was 14 going on 15. I found out that my biological dad was mexican from mexico. My biological mother is of german, irish, apache and dutch. I think i am going to meet her and see what happens.

                    Sent from my sm-g973u using tapatalk
                    keep us updated friend. I know myself and many others will be praying for you!


                      Thanks! I will keep yall updated

                      Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


                        Sammy, you gotta watch that video!! The similarities are phenomenal!! I will be in intercessory prayer for you and your birth mother. I just know God will bless that! After all, it is the first Commandment with a Promise... to honor our mother and our father that it may go well for you...


                          Good luck to you. I pray it turns out to be a positive experience.

                          Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk


                            Listen to your own feelings on this. No other opinion matters. Some kinfolks are way overrated.


                              Keep us updated.

                              I too am adopted and was adopted before I was born. I am 33 now and my adopted parents are the only parents I know. I have been torn to look into my birth parents because I don't want to hurt my parents feelings. They have told me they wouldn't get upset and it is 100% my decision to look into them if I choose. I just know she was 16 and he was 17 but that's it. Like you I wonder for health issues as I have zero healthy history. I hope everything works out for you and maybe one day I will decide to try to track down my birth parents.


                                I can’t speak for you, because I’m not in your shoes, but I think I would regret NOT doing it.

                                I think she deserves a chance, but obviously you should go with your heart.

