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South Texas Hunters Thread 2020

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    Yes sir, we are in the dog days of summer. It is miserable for us & the critters.
    I ran about 1/2 mile of 3" poly to one of my tanks last weekend that is on the verge of going dry. Lot of pear fruit & fair amount of beans. Deer are not hammering the protein or cottonseed but confident that is about to change.
    Fawns are dropping now, don't know how they survive this heat much less the yotes.


      I will be heading down Saturday to fill feeders and check cameras. I’m also going to fish Baffin for 3 or 4 days while I’m down there.

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        It was HOT this weekend. Deer have backed off the protein a bit. Still hitting the cottonseed. Need rain. Poor fawns are going to cook when they hit the ground.

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          It was really hot this weekend. 104 in the shade Saturday afternoon on the porch. Deer are pounding protein and cottonseed on our place. Saw several fat, pregnant does. Should be hitting the ground soon. Brush still looked in good shape, but all the grass has browned up and died. Saw a bunch of baby quail and several paired up. Looking forward to a really good year.


            It was HOT but made the best of it. Corn, protein, Big&J, & Cameras put out. Shot some guns and did some fishing. A Successful weekend it was!

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              We had a good time but it was starting to dry up a good bit. We still had water in the small ponds but they will be empty if we don’t get rain soon.

              Blew through the pictures pretty quick but did have a really nice buck catch my eye and tons of hogs running around. Overall should be another pretty good year with lots of targets to shoot with the hogs hitting the feeders as hard as they were. Ended up getting some fishing in also which was a plus but it was super windy on the water which made the fishing tough.

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                How did everyone shake out with the storm?


                  Nothing major in my area. Had a couple "sodas" and sat in the garage with the garage door open watching the wind and rain during the storm. Bunch of small broken branches in the yard this morning, thats about it. My girls had fun playing in the water puddles a while ago. Hope everyone turned out ok.


                    House did ok here in Harlingen. Some sitting water in the yard, broken branches, and power out since 9pm.

                    Need to get out to Raymondville as soon as possible. Worried about our camp and blinds. Was some nasty wind last night.


                      2 inches in Alice.


                        .1” last night in Tilden. Little more today but not much

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                          Good rains the last couple of days.
                          Attached Files


                            Went to our place today. 3/5 blinds down, both out houses flipped over, and our large roof is leaning over quite a bit. Almost ripped the concrete out of the ground.

                            Dad managed to bottom out his truck and luckily we were able to get him out without too much of a mess. Good news, found some fresh nilgai tracks in the mud and our pond filled up completely.


                              My uncle called today and said they've killed 7 rattlers since I was last down in June.

                              That is highly abnormal for us. Maybe I'll eat some rattlesnake this year.


                                Over 4” just NW of Freer. LO said the pasture looks like a jungle. I’ve had my eye on 2 bucks since my first camera pull. I should have a better look after everything dries up a little.

