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Moon Landing... Real or Not?

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    Originally posted by oktx View Post
    I’m no engineer, my belief (hope) that all those burning gallons of jet fuel weakened the beams and they fell like a house of cards. Just one weakened beam could start it.

    I’m not an expert whatsoever when it comes to demolition, but it just never made sense to me. I was talking to a guy about 15 years ago that worked for a big demo company and I brought it up to him. His response was, “No way!”. Just made me wonder even more.

    It was a tragic day and the one day that I can remember vividly out of all my days the past 20 years so I feel guilty even thinking any kind of conspiracy. Still odd though.

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      Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
      Only adjusting for new technology etc it would be like going to Disney today for $10

      I still ain’t going!!![emoji23]

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        The full-on conspiracy theory about 9/11 goes something like this: unmanned mysterious black planes -- drones -- were flown into the World Trade Center buildings, which had been pre-wired with explosives by teams of Israeli students/agents and set off after planes had made impact. Haven't heard about passengers being held in some other location all this time until a post above. Motivation for all this gets into Zionist conspiracy as well as Military Industrial Complex gains in that creating an Islamic boogeyman to fight would protect Israeli interests, plus generate plenty of capital for arms manufacturers.

        Not believing this stuff, but kind of interesting and unsettling to consider.


          Fake like silicon boobies. Fun to watch even though you know it ain't real.


            Enjoying all this [emoji3166]

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              I never said tech hasn't improved, reread what I said
              I said it hasn't improved at the revolutionary level. Our calculations and communications have gotten way faster and the tech is way smaller and more reliable but that stills doesn't change the distance between the earth and the moon.

              A better question for those who believe it was fake is why hasn't there been another FAKE landing? The real thing would still be extremely difficult and risky but with today's imaging tech and cg it would be wayyyyy easier to create a fake that would truly be indistinguishable from the real thing.


                How was this stuff made using the primitive ( soft copper ) tools the archaeologist tell us these people used? This is some of the hardest rocks on earth and yet they want you to believe it was cut, carved and polished by primitive people.
                [ame=""]Hoysaleswara Temple, India - Built with Ancient Machining Technology? - YouTube[/ame]


                  Lathes ain't magic.

                  Primitive people were just as smart as we are (in many cases they even had higher cranial capacity in pretty agricultural times) so it's not really a stretch of the imagination to believe they could invent a thing that spins another thing and then find a harder thing to cut the spinning thing.

                  If space aliens came down and just gave me a spinny thing to make pretty pillars I'd feel pretty gypped.

                  Theres lots we dont know about ancient civilizations but the fact that they had all this stuff is evidence that they knew a lot we dont know about now, hardly proof that space aliens came down to give them the amazing technology to make stuff spin.


                    Originally posted by Jspradley View Post
                    I never said tech hasn't improved, reread what I said
                    I said it hasn't improved at the revolutionary level. Our calculations and communications have gotten way faster and the tech is way smaller and more reliable but that stills doesn't change the distance between the earth and the moon.

                    A better question for those who believe it was fake is why hasn't there been another FAKE landing? The real thing would still be extremely difficult and risky but with today's imaging tech and cg it would be wayyyyy easier to create a fake that would truly be indistinguishable from the real thing.
                    We also can't forget the Russians tracked these missions. If they thought something shady was going on they would've offered unlimited fortune to the person that could give them proof. Even is you compartmentalize departments to the highest degree possible you still have dozens of people at minimum with knowledge of the entire scheme.


                      Originally posted by CEO View Post
                      We also can't forget the Russians tracked these missions. If they thought something shady was going on they would've offered unlimited fortune to the person that could give them proof. Even is you compartmentalize departments to the highest degree possible you still have dozens of people at minimum with knowledge of the entire scheme.
                      Yuuup. Anyone who thinks the Reds wouldn't have blown the cover on the whole thing if it were a fake is delusional


                        All you have to do to believe any of these hairbrained conspiracy theories is ignore mountains of credible evidence, and believe the weak minded theories of nerds.

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                          Originally posted by Jspradley View Post
                          Lathes ain't magic.

                          Primitive people were just as smart as we are (in many cases they even had higher cranial capacity in pretty agricultural times) so it's not really a stretch of the imagination to believe they could invent a thing that spins another thing and then find a harder thing to cut the spinning thing.

                          If space aliens came down and just gave me a spinny thing to make pretty pillars I'd feel pretty gypped.

                          Theres lots we dont know about ancient civilizations but the fact that they had all this stuff is evidence that they knew a lot we dont know about now, hardly proof that space aliens came down to give them the amazing technology to make stuff spin.

                          The point is not that aliens gave tech tp spin things. Its proof that the narrative of our past is simply not even close to being true.


                            Originally posted by flywise View Post
                            The point is not that aliens gave tech tp spin things. Its proof that the narrative of our past is simply not even close to being true.
                            That's why people are still researching. There isn't much "truth" in the real world, only the best understanding we currently have that gets updated as new stuff is learned.


                              Originally posted by Jspradley View Post
                              That's why people are still researching. There isn't much "truth" in the real world, only the best understanding we currently have that gets updated as new stuff is learned.
                              Who are the people?
                              These things have been around for 1000 or many more years and the common narrative is that these things in this and many other videos were made by primitive people with simple soft metal tools and sand.

                              Lost tech from thousands of years ago is basically being ignored.


                                I do not believe much if any of these, however that being said I 100% remember watching the Sandy Hook shooting and them arrested a guy in the woods saying they had one of the shooters... they put him in the car and drove off. To this day that still bothers me because I know I saw it but I have never heard anything else about that guy, he was clearly laying down in the woods with handcuffs and was walked to a car and just like that he was gone.... very strange.

