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    Thanks for a great update Kev. Prayers continue for complete healing.


      Awesome new Kevin!!


        Originally posted by Texastaxi View Post
        We finally got a bit of good news yesterday.

        Tina had a CT scan, of her brain on Monday and the report came back yesterday.
        All the spots that were treated are showing signs of shrinkage/improvement and there were NO new spots!

        It was a good evening in our house!

        Thanks again for all of your prayers. Please keep them coming.
        Praise Jesus. You guys are deserving of all that is good.


          Glad to hear the good news!! Prayers for more success and healing!!


            Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
            father we thank you for this blessed and uplifting news. Lord we proclaim your glory and praise your name. Thank you jesus!
            We continue our fervent prayers lord that you will continue to bring healing and restoration to tina's brain as well as her entire body. We lift her up to you lord for a divine miracle. In jesus name, amen

            sent from my sm-n970u using tapatalk




                Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
                Father we Thank You for this blessed and uplifting news. Lord we proclaim Your glory and praise Your Name. Thank You Jesus!
                We continue our fervent prayers Lord that You will continue to bring healing and restoration to Tina's brain as well as her entire body. We lift her up to You Lord for a divine miracle. In Jesus Name, Amen

                Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk


                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  So glad for the good news and answered prayer.


                    That's great news Sir.


                      Good news, prayers continued


                        Well, that was short lived.

                        Tina now has fluid forming in her abdomen and around her heart. This is most likely the cancer mutating and finding another way to attack her body. The last two scans showed spots on her liver, and if the cancer has moved there, that is most likely causing the fluid. She reads a lot and some evidence supports that this is a side effect of her treatment (inHers2, not sure if that's the right spelling) Her oncologist is taking her off of her current treatment and doing more bloodwork to confirm that it is a mutation. There are a few more treatment options, so we've still got hope.

                        To say that I don't know what to do with myself is an understatement. I can't imagine my life without her.

                        Thanks for all the prayers. We need all we can get.


                          Originally posted by Texastaxi View Post
                          Well, that was short lived.

                          Tina now has fluid forming in her abdomen and around her heart. This is most likely the cancer mutating and finding another way to attack her body. The last two scans showed spots on her liver, and if the cancer has moved there, that is most likely causing the fluid. She reads a lot and some evidence supports that this is a side effect of her treatment (inHers2, not sure if that's the right spelling) Her oncologist is taking her off of her current treatment and doing more bloodwork to confirm that it is a mutation. There are a few more treatment options, so we've still got hope.

                          To say that I don't know what to do with myself is an understatement. I can't imagine my life without her.

                          Thanks for all the prayers. We need all we can get.
                          Well, we're still praying, Bud. Praying for God to heal Tina and to give you both peace while he's doing it.


                            Good luck and more prayers sent!


                              Praying for the better option and not the mutation.


                                Oh man Kevin, what a gut punch!! Man I'm so, so sorry to hear about this, yet another setback! We will kick it in high gear! Please give her a big hug from us!

                                Lord God Almighty, hear our pleas! This sweet, sweet lady Tina is Your Disciple! Please Lord, we ask You to heal her and take this cancer from her body and make her whole again. This is our pray Lord. Please, Please if it can be in Your will, heal her. If Lord that You need her for something else to serve You in Heaven, then Lord please bring her home without pain and suffering! We Love You Lord, and we Love Tina as a Sister in Faith. Lord give her and our brother Kevin peace and strength to follow Your plan. Give them comfort and show them clearly what Your will is. Take care of little Konnor and keep him close to her mom. Give him the security that he needs to safely grow up and follow Your path too. We ask these things in the powerful healing name of Jesus, Your Son and our Savior, Amen!

