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If you have a minute, please say a quick prayer.

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    Prayers sent.


      I know you are hurting Kevin. Confined prayers for Tina, you and the entire family.


        Hate to hear this


          Originally posted by SaltwaterSlick View Post
          Oh man Kevin, this breaks my heart to hear of this news. I just don't know what to say or do. Your bride is such a kind, loving and beautiful person, it tests my faith to see that God would allow such afflictions to befall her! Sometimes it is hard to understand the whys and hows of God... This is one of those times and situations that I am struggling mightily with brother!

          I love you brother, you and your wife and Konnor. Just know that I will do anything I can for you guys. We've known each other since those days way back when you were in Methodist downtown with an unknown affliction and God got us through that one... He will do the same this time. He does not change. He is always God and He loves us. Please, Please join me in trusting in Him, in whatever method he chooses, whether it is earthly healing for Tina or eternal healing where she will look full on his face, it will be the right plan for it will be God's plan! Hang tough and keep Your eyes on the long game where your family circle shall be unbroken for all eternity!

          Lord God, You are our God and we put our faith in You. We sure struggle sometimes with the things of this world, but we know we have a place reserved to be with You for all eternity after this short stay here on earth. Lord, we ask you with heavy hearts and broken spirits to intervene in the life of Ms. Tina and heal her. She is such a beautiful person and a powerful witness for You Lord. Please dear Lord Jesus with Your hand, heal her and give her years to be Your witness. Show us Your awesome power to heal. Allow her Jesus to raise up her son that he may grow up as Your disciple as well. Strengthen our brother Kevin and show him that You love him. Protect them both and carry them through this tribulation period to be drawn nearer to You Father. Through the powerful name of Jesus we ask and pray these things, Amen.

          Amen. Just seeing your post Kevin and as usual my words would pale in comparison to Charlie’s so I’ll just x2 his.

          Hang tough and see this through. I’m close so please ask for anything you may need.

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            Heartbroken for y'all. Lean on God, each other, and us. I'm sorry y'all are in this battle.


              Dam Kevin I missed this. I will be saying prayers for Tina, you and Konner. If you need anything I’m just down the road.

              Sierracharlie out....


                Prayers, Keep the Faith in the LORD!!!


                  Hang tough, prayers sent.


                    Kevin- praying for Tina, you and your family!


                      I hate to hear this. Praying that God will heal Tina and comfort you and your family.


                        Prayers up for you and yours!!


                          Prayers sent


                            Continued prayers for Tina


                              Prayers up


                                Lord Jesus we are in desperate need of Your miracle for this family. We call on You to bring Your healing power over Tina this morning. Deliver her from this disease and restore her health that she will know You are her Lord and her Savior and that any and all attacks from the enemy on one of God's children will be met with Your swift and righteous hand. Lord forgive us if we have not been patient in our trust in You. In our weakest moments Lord we know we must turn to You for our strength and forgive us when we haven't. Lord we need You now. Jesus in our most humble of moments we turn to You, knowing we need only You. Jesus, we know Kevin and Konner need Tina as their wife and mother because You chose her for them to complete the family that represents the holy union between You and the church. Jesus we know this was Your arrangement and we trust it to You. Lord, we ask you keep this family together that they may continue to be a testimony of Your love for us. Thank You Jesus for our answered prayers. We lift our hands and our voices in praise, Amen

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