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Child support = depression

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    Originally posted by DRT View Post
    I'm a firm believer in child support. In fact I'd say it's often not even enough to cover all the real costs of raising kids from what I've seen with friends.
    But I'd go prison for murder long before I'd pay $2K a month in alimony.

    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
    Man it’s a good thing that every single penny ever paid in the history of child support went to the actual needs of the kiddos and not mom’s car, jewelry, steppin’ out clothes, etc…


      Originally posted by kck View Post
      Man it’s a good thing that every single penny ever paid in the history of child support went to the actual needs of the kiddos and not mom’s car, jewelry, steppin’ out clothes, etc…
      I know a divorced lady with two kids. She's on vacation at least 8-10 times per year. And nearly every single weekend HAS to be going somewhere to do something. It's crazy. Oh, and it's Vegas a few times per year LOL.. But I'm sure that it's just her money she loses in Vegas.


        This will sound bad...but I believe GOD was in control when I had two miscarriages with my very attractive/materialistic first wife early in life,we eventually divorced...she told my mother she would destroy me financially by loading credit cards around 50k on the way out,since we had no kids...not enough time her to attack my 401k and I had a condo before she had nothing.I would be under a bridge if she had her way.So thankful for no children with that woman.....should be a college course credit for males.


          My oldest just turned 18 and my next paycheck should be the first one in 16 years where I get to keep all of it and none goes to the already planning some sort of celebration for myself weather it be a nice bottle or maybe a steak dinner....or both....I work a lot of overtime so my gross wages can vary over 20k a year depending on the industry workload.....the fact that they base my child support values from that is absurd....the fact of the matter is the overtime isn't gauranteed....but that money they pull from your check sure is....I can honestly say I feel everyone's pain dealing with this and can't understand why it's still the way it is and fathers haven't rallied and marched through the streets in protest over this matter like civil rights movement....I have never had a problem taking care of my responsibilities and agree moms need money to raise these children....but the way it's calculated is just wrong all together....ex gets all the money then when kids go stay with dad the pantry is bare cause he's broke....sad
          Last edited by DEREKG22; 06-26-2021, 09:39 AM.


            I would just like someone to tell me how a 6 year old requires $863 a month to raise? I buy his school supplies and all his clothes for my house. Provide his insurance and pay half the daycare too. All I asked for was to claim him on my taxes and that was a big fat no.


              Mine eats $200 worth of groceries every week!!


                Originally posted by c3products20 View Post
                Mine eats $200 worth of groceries every week!!
                Quit buying him caviar if a 6 year old eats $200 a week. I’m 38 6’3 280 and I probably eat $300 a MONTH


                  Who came up with this primary custody and the other parent gets visitation every other weekend? Why not just rotate weeks and nobody pays any child support?

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by MBV77 View Post
                    Who came up with this primary custody and the other parent gets visitation every other weekend? Why not just rotate weeks and nobody pays any child support?

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    That’s what we do during the summer and she had the nuts to ask me if I was going
                    To pay extra daycare since I had him extra time? I was like sure “long as you cut my child support in half every summer in writing”

                    Oh whoa whoa whoa nevermind


                      I’ve heard of men getting hosed by having to pay child support for kids that weren’t theirs. Totally wrong.


                        Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
                        I’ve heard of men getting hosed by having to pay child support for kids that weren’t theirs. Totally wrong.
                        Yeah, I had a buddy , Bob,that fell in love with this redhead, Lynn, after her husband dumped her. Gets married to the ho, and she divorces him a year later. Ripped him off for 16 years cause the DA adopted the spawn.


                          My son has lived with me for 10+ years and finally got my child support voided out!!! Years of work finally paid off.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by Smithwr View Post
                            Quit buying him caviar if a 6 year old eats $200 a week. I’m 38 6’3 280 and I probably eat $300 a MONTH
                            I was really just kidding, a little bit! I have 4 sons and it seems like all we do is buy groceries! I'm actually kind of scared how much our bill is going to be when they are all teenagers! I built a "meat processing" place behind my house so I can start making a few hundred pounds of jerky and sausage every year to lighten the load. My 5yr old is literally in the pantry every time I look up... I don't understand how a little person can eat so much!


                              My wife had a 7 year old daughter when I met her. Her dad never paid child support or paid for her to have health insurance. Every couple years the OAG would deposit money into my wife’s account if he had an income tax refund. I raised her and paid for her. Didn’t say anything bad about her dad in front of her even when she’d tell me her dad is paying her child support which he wasn’t. She’s 25 now and knows the truth and not because I told her but she knows that she’s known it all along.


                                Originally posted by SabineHunter View Post

                                Yeah, I had a buddy , Bob,that fell in love with this redhead, Lynn, after her husband dumped her. Gets married to the ho, and she divorces him a year later. Ripped him off for 16 years cause the DA adopted the spawn.
                                Wow! Straight up ho’ she had it planned all along. How did your buddy handle it?

