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    Originally posted by ca1219 View Post
    I don't feel that it will be a hard adjustment. I drink water 75% of the time already, a coke here and there then tea. Two of my favorite foods are Italian and Pasta, that will be a change. So far this week since finding out, it has been Salmon brown rice and sauteed peppers for one meal. Grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for another. Then a spinach salad with grilled chicken.

    Those are good choices, that rice will get ya though. Make sure your tea isn’t sweet tea, use artificial sweeteners. Protein and veggies are the way to go. The change from Italian/pasta is going to be tough. There is really no diabetic friendly Italian/pasta way to go, you just have to cut it out nearly completely. Watch your snacking, most all snacks are high carb, even something as simple as having popcorn at a movie.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


      Originally posted by Dukota01 View Post
      Those are good choices, that rice will get ya though. Make sure your tea isn’t sweet tea, use artificial sweeteners. Protein and veggies are the way to go. The change from Italian/pasta is going to be tough. There is really no diabetic friendly Italian/pasta way to go, you just have to cut it out nearly completely. Watch your snacking, most all snacks are high carb, even something as simple as having popcorn at a movie.

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Yes, I plan to adjust my snacking to certain fruits, celery and peanut butter and things like that.


        You will have it kicked in no time if you keep eating your new way. But it will take a lifestyle change as to have numbers that high at your age/weight, your diet must have been pretty bad


          Originally posted by ca1219 View Post
          Last week, I went in to have labs and a physical done and was informed Monday that I am diabetic. I am fairly young (38), have a few extra pounds but not obese (5'10 190lbs), exercise fairly regular (walk/jog 6-8 miles a week) and eat fairly decent. What kind of lifestyle changes do I have to look forward to and any advice on steps to take from anyone who is in a similar situation would be appreciated.
          You want to beat diabetes, I have a program I'm on that got me away from going there and my health coach has gotten people back to normal levels with just a different nutrition plan. Let me know if you want some info.


            Call any time. You've gotten some good info on here. Can call anytime. Be glad to talk to you and let u know what I've been through and what helps me. Eat lots of vegetables and watch ur sugar intake and take your med like doc says. Not as bad as it might seem. Getting it under control is biggest step. Givery me a call anytime. You can do this. It's really not that hard


              Originally posted by ca1219 View Post
              Thanks. Yes the numbers are way to high, I have only been taking the meds a couple days so hoping to see changes soon.
              I was in the same situation a year ago. I cut out most of my carb intake and started metformin. It took about a month, but I went from a 10 a1c and blood sugars in the 300s to a 5.5 and 80-140 blood sugars.


                Diet, metformin and exercise.


                  It'll take a couple weeks for metformin to bring your sugar down. I was diagnosed two years ago at 31. I'm overweight, drink beer everyday and eat what I want. I'm I'm on 2000mg of metformin per day and I usually run around 150-200. Last a1c was 6.9. when I was first diagnosed it was over 12. I need to kick my habit's and eat better but it's just so hard lol


                    Originally posted by big_smith View Post
                    Just a word of caution-there are side effects of metformin. It can cause some pretty dramatic mood swings. Be aware.
                    As well as gastrointestinal issues as your dose increases.


                      Originally posted by twistedmidnite View Post
                      It'll take a couple weeks for metformin to bring your sugar down. I was diagnosed two years ago at 31. I'm overweight, drink beer everyday and eat what I want. I'm I'm on 2000mg of metformin per day and I usually run around 150-200. Last a1c was 6.9. when I was first diagnosed it was over 12. I need to kick my habit's and eat better but it's just so hard lol
                      It is hard to change those habits but it can be done....but you have to be the one to decide that health is more important than the false satisfaction of a #2 Whatameal.
                      Believe me, I know. When I couldn't do a zipline last summer with my don os when I knew I needed to make a change. 80 lbs lighter and feeling great. And it's just not the weight loss but getting back my life of not being sluggish in the afternoon or winded when working on my hunting land.
                      Let me know if you want to change those habits.


                        Originally posted by ca1219 View Post
                        Yes, I plan to adjust my snacking to certain fruits, celery and peanut butter and things like that.
                        Watch the fruits some of them is not a good thing.

                        They make a low-carb pasta it sucks bad and will help you get over the craving for pasta. lol

                        You should also consider seeing a endocrinologist.

                        Last piece of advice is watch your portions of food. My endo and educator both tells me eat what i want just count my carbs and take my insulin accordingly.

                        Be sure and read about the low blood sugar signs and symptoms and always be prepared for them. very scary

                        Good luck don't give up


                          Thank you to everyone responding and the encouragement, I will definitely reach out to the ones that have offered advice and such.


                            I have been diabetic for the last 17 years started after my liver transplant they told me it could happen. It is just something you learn to live with, you make adjustments in your lifestyle.
                            My biggest weakness is blue bell ice cream just can't seem to give it up. Like someone else
                            Said portion control is the key just because it's there in front of you it doesn't mean you have to
                            eat it. Good luck it's not that bad just takes a little work.


                              PM Sent..


                                Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I too am Type 2 Diabetic and tried Metformin but had sever side affects from it. Went to Glypicide as an alternative but occasionally have blood sugar drops, which are just as bad (I go from 120-55 in minutes). Since then, I have started taking Blood Sugar Support for an OTC alternative and maintain a blood sugar of 115-125 daily. You can purchase Blood Sugar Support from Amazon for about $19.00 for 120 capsules. I take one every morning and one just before bed with the Glypicide and my blood sugar runs about 6.4 for my A1C every quarter.

                                Good luck. 'Doug Key

