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Dead deer or not???

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    Good luck, I'd definitely be out there looking.


      I’d be on hands and knees looking or have a dog out there for that quality of deer.

      Can’t tell you if he’s dead or not from a description because the mind changes things rerunning it over and over.

      Good luck to your buddy


        Hopefully y’all find him.


          They looked for 3 hours last night and nothing. Will be back out at day break.


            Good luck!

            Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk


              Hope he finds him!

              In for the LDP/Follow up


                We’ve all been there. Good luck!


                  Hope y’all find him. I’m in the same boat this morning on my biggest buck. Ready for daybreak


                    Good luck this morning bud.


                      Listen for coyotes this morning and also for birds raising a ruckus, and
                      if it's quiet could mean the deer is still alive or escaped to the next county which is a good sign it could survive.

                      As a side note, in all my years of bow hunting, when you have a mule kick, and hear brush breaking, and then a crash, the chances of a dead deer or 99.9 percent you have a dead deer!
                      Just because you saw the deer hit the brush in a certain spot doesn't mean he didn't double back. I've seen them do that many times.

                      Deer are tough critters.
                      Last edited by Jimbo47; 09-29-2019, 05:34 AM.


                        In for the results. Heck of a deer.


                          Originally posted by Abcdj View Post
                          No, just mental film
                          Mental film from the hunter is worth about 0. I’m not saying he’s not right but I’ve seen people say they hit X and the deer ran this way. Go tracking and the deer ran the opposite way and they really hit Y. I think it’s too much adrenaline and happens too fast to get a true accurate recollection sometimes.

                          I am just as guilty. I shot a bobcat one time that I thought hit too far back. I swore he jumped 3 feet in the air and ran forward. In reality the shot was perfect, he jumped up and ran completely opposite of what I thought.

                          Either way, I’m glad they looked last night and hope they have better luck this morning.


                            Good luck

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              In for the recovery

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                Hope you find him

