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Art Briles Back in the News

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    Originally posted by BrandonA View Post
    I don't like Briles at all but the above is true. The Baylor board of regents wrote a letter basically saying there was no fault on Briles. Do I believe it all no. But I also think he turned blind on a lot of his players as well.
    Yep they also paid him out on his contract, $15.1m when he was fired which to me is basically paying him off to accept the blame. Think about it, cost Baylor $15m to shift blame to Briles and it took them out of the limelight. If i owned a company and my employee was accused of that stuff, i sure wouldn't be paying him out.


      Originally posted by Fmjag64 View Post
      Yep they also paid him out on his contract, $15.1m when he was fired which to me is basically paying him off to accept the blame. Think about it, cost Baylor $15m to shift blame to Briles and it took them out of the limelight. If i owned a company and my employee was accused of that stuff, i sure wouldn't be paying him out.
      You would if you and he wanted it kept quiet.


        Originally posted by Take Dead Aim View Post
        You would if you and he wanted it kept quiet.
        Exactly, on Baylor's part.


          Originally posted by Fmjag64 View Post
          I also agree that he messed up in not taking a bigger stance but if anyone actually reads the court records etc, Briles DID report several of the players to the appropriate parties. BAYLOR decided to not take harder next steps on a lot of this. Could Briles have done more and was he in a position to do so, Yes and he absolutely should have. BUT those of you acting like he was in on the rapes or didn't report them to his uppers and AD are incorrect.

          I obviously hate what happened and am strong against anything like that happening but those thinking this was 100% Briles are wrong. But that's what happens when the University pays millions of dollars in PR to focus the blame on Briles. How Baylor itself wasn't under more scrutiny is crazy to me. So many high end officials involved or with knowledge from Baylor should've been canned when Briles was.
          Very well put. I could be wrong but I think there were only 3, maybe 4 players that were even CHARGED of sexual assault under Briles? Not convicted... charged. This idea that all of this cold hard evidence exists and was overlooked/covered up by Briles is inaccurate.


            Originally posted by Fmjag64 View Post
            Exactly, on Baylor's part.
            Both parties wanted it quiet. Briles was willing to take it to court and the University wanted no part of what would happen to them. Keep in mind they are responsible and liable for Briles actions along with their own. Briles was as guilty as Baylor.


              Originally posted by Take Dead Aim View Post
              You would if you and he wanted it kept quiet.
              Well isn't that just quite the leap/assumption.

              I'll play devils advocate with your assumption: wouldn't Baylor have preferred to fire Briles for cause with no pay? We're talking 15 million dollars here... why would Baylor pay that when they could've fired him and owed him nothing?


                I ain't arguing that the whole thing wasn't a **** mess. From the BOR, Admin, down to the staff. Lots of fishy stuff was going on. But this idea that Briles is some devil that was running around covering up FIFTY rapes has always been a weird stance to take, imo. The evidence has never supported that stance. My suspicions have always been that the program was paying players/committing big time NCAA infractions, and they fired his *** quickly because they wanted to stop the NCAA from sniffing around too much. That's just one mans hunch..


                  Originally posted by Daddy D View Post
                  Well isn't that just quite the leap/assumption.

                  I'll play devils advocate with your assumption: wouldn't Baylor have preferred to fire Briles for cause with no pay? We're talking 15 million dollars here... why would Baylor pay that when they could've fired him and owed him nothing?
                  Because if he challenged them in court over his contract, discovery MAY have revealed more than any of them wanted revealed. I'm not saying that is "why", but since we're playing devil's advocate, that is why they pay people to just go away.


                    Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                    Because if he challenged them in court over his contract, discovery MAY have revealed more than any of them wanted revealed. I'm not saying that is "why", but since we're playing devil's advocate, that is why they pay people to just go away.
                    Sure. But like others have said, the fact that they paid him off seems to indicate that lots of other people within Baylor (people higher up than him) were doing dirty stuff. It was a big web of dirty stuff that he was caught up in. He wasn't some rogue dude doing all this by himself. I remember reading at the time, when all this was a hot topic, multiple police report documents and pleadings that had actual evidence that Briles himself was reporting these things to higher up at Baylor or to the university police. Now... maybe he knew "wink wink" that nothing would ever come of that, but we don't know that? The bulk of the evidence seems to show he was passing these incidents up the chain of command.

                    As far as Mt Vernon.. if they wanna take the heat, I guess they're free to do so lol but I kinda feel bad for those kids that are in the spotlight now. I wonder how those kids have taken it? Maybe GhostGoblin could chime in on that?


                      Originally posted by Daddy D View Post
                      Sure. But like others have said, the fact that they paid him off seems to indicate that lots of other people within Baylor (people higher up than him) were doing dirty stuff. It was a big web of dirty stuff that he was caught up in. He wasn't some rogue dude doing all this by himself. I remember reading at the time, when all this was a hot topic, multiple police report documents and pleadings that had actual evidence that Briles himself was reporting these things to higher up at Baylor or to the university police. Now... maybe he knew "wink wink" that nothing would ever come of that, but we don't know that? The bulk of the evidence seems to show he was passing these incidents up the chain of command.

                      As far as Mt Vernon.. if they wanna take the heat, I guess they're free to do so lol but I kinda feel bad for those kids that are in the spotlight now. I wonder how those kids have taken it? Maybe GhostGoblin could chime in on that?
                      I agree 100% with your first paragraph. That the thing about discovery in a trial. When you start looking into closets, there is no telling what you'll find. I'm sure all involved just wanted it to go away.


                        Everybody defending Baylor or Briles should have to sit and listen to the victims tell their story and thank the Good Lord Almighty that it was not your daughter or granddaughter.

                        Shame on Baylor and Briles.


                          Originally posted by Daddy D View Post
                          It was a big web of dirty stuff that he was caught up in.
                          And he was the face of the football program.

                          He recruited the players, interacted with them daily, literally studied them, he knew which ones were bad guys, and he still brought them to campus.


                            Do some research into this claim as well as the Baylor deal, Did he handle it perfect, probably not. However Briles reported if and the University chose to keep it quiet. As someone said above, Briles wanted to fight the accusations but the University did not. I agree with what someone said above..... Why would Baylor be willing to pay him off and send him down the road??? I bet he signed a gag order to get out of there with his money and not throw the University under the bus and never dreamed he'd get the backlashed he received after he left...

                            Another thing is..... How many of those cases went to trial and/or were settled?? Honest question I don't know and really don't recall any of them going much further....


                              Originally posted by Daddy D View Post
                              Well isn't that just quite the leap/assumption.

                              I'll play devils advocate with your assumption: wouldn't Baylor have preferred to fire Briles for cause with no pay? We're talking 15 million dollars here... why would Baylor pay that when they could've fired him and owed him nothing?
                              You do realize just because they paid him doesn't make him innocent. They paid him becuase it was the quickest means to an end. Also those paying were guilty too. So going to a trail was going to bring their misdeeds to light. The fastest way to end the ordeal was pay everyone which is what has happened. Just be cause you were paid doesn't mean your are right.


                                Originally posted by KR-oldmexico View Post
                                Do some research into this claim as well as the Baylor deal, Did he handle it perfect, probably not. However Briles reported if and the University chose to keep it quiet. As someone said above, Briles wanted to fight the accusations but the University did not. I agree with what someone said above..... Why would Baylor be willing to pay him off and send him down the road??? I bet he signed a gag order to get out of there with his money and not throw the University under the bus and never dreamed he'd get the backlashed he received after he left...

                                Another thing is..... How many of those cases went to trial and/or were settled?? Honest question I don't know and really don't recall any of them going much further....

                                Have you read the text between Briles and his coaches? If not I say find them and get a new prospective. He helped keep players out of trouble(sexual assault) multiple times. He texted to another coach after a girl was gang raped and said "what was she doing hanging out with those guys they are bad dudes". If he knew they were bad dudes and were bad enough to gang rape why did he have them on the team? Much less why did he leave them on the team after the incident?

