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Sexier Than Hell Ram Hunt 2019

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    I guess they are still in bed.....
    Hope they took some bedsore medicine to rub on each other!

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      I’ve been out of bed since 5:30 this morning lol

      Yesterday Greg the Australian got his first kill ever (first time hunting) so we celebrated that pretty hard. Pics to come of that later.

      Josh also got on the board with a ram, then spent the rest of the day “celebrating “ with a lot of whiskey and beer

      We cooked up a mess of home made sausage and pork chops for dinner and partied a little to hard into the wee hours of the morning.

      Costa and I performed the American wake up call at 6:30 - for those of you not in the loop it’s where we walk into the bunk room and play Angel of Death by Slayer as loud as humanly possible on the Bluetooth speaker.

      I cooked up some chorizo and eggs and for the group and then they went to the killing fields to see if we can’t get Leah her very first bow kill

      So that’s where we are now. No ram jams at this point in time, but with the usual suspects all missing this year the shenanigans are at an ALL TIME LOW.

      We expect next year to be twice as hectic to make up for lost pranks.

      I’ll update again this afternoon once I get some more aiming fluid in me and hopefully there’s been more blood drawn

      Y’all get good! It’s Saturday ya wankers


        A few photos for now....

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          Bring on the sheep scrot pics.


            Come on guys.......Update please?


              Need more pics




                  you guys really disappointed us on the pics this year...


                    No kidding... if only they had a professional photographer with them...


                      Originally posted by Jspradley View Post
                      No kidding... if only they had a professional photographer with them...
                      thing is -- we did.

                      I don't take pictures of anything, like ever lol

                      I keep waiting for Sneaky or his lady to update

                      Either way, it was a good time this year and after some discussions, there is going to be a Sexier than Hell golf tournament next year, which i am extremely excited about


                        Originally posted by JTRichardson View Post
                        thing is -- we did.

                        I don't take pictures of anything, like ever lol

                        I keep waiting for Sneaky or his lady to update

                        Either way, it was a good time this year and after some discussions, there is going to be a Sexier than Hell golf tournament next year, which i am extremely excited about

                        I know, that's why I said it lol

