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2019 Live Pig Hunts

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    Congrats gangsta PB2![emoji23]

    Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


      Nice pig. Congrats PB2!

      Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


        Me and a friend from Church went out tonight.
        It was a quick hunt
        I wanted to be setup by 8pm.
        Didn't get there till 804, feeder had already spun.

        About 815 I see a pig step out of the trees across the pasture. We was chit chatting and my buddy didn't see him.
        I touched his shoulder and said pig. He looked confused. I directed his attention to it. Neither of us was in a shooting position so we had to plan our movement's.

        The pig was real skittish. I wanted my buddy to shoot it so I could video record it on my Wraith.
        We finally get in a stable position. I tell him I've got the pig. About that time the pig decides it's time to leave. Takes of Northea6t, away from us headed for the tree's.

        I tell my buddy to shoot him. He doesn't. I wait and wait and wait. I'm tracking the pig with my scope and videoing it. He still hasn't shot so I do. We both ended up shooting about the same time. I follow the pig to the tree line. I see him turning circles at the edge of.the tall grass. I telly buddy to shoot him again. He doesn't. So I send 2 more .308 150 grain Cor lokts after him. He disappears. I don't hear no squealing. We start making our way after him. My buddy stops at first shot to look for blood. I told him I didn't expect to find any.

        I went to where I thought I last saw him and we didn't see him. We walk the tree line about 10 yards either way and don't see him. We see what looks 3 or 4 game trails. But they're empty.

        Inside the trees is a seasonal creek, I ask my buddy to go to the North side of the trees to look for a dark spot, pig. He does but doesn't see any. I start walking into the trees to walk the creek it's, almost dry and 2 - 3 feet below grade. I have my .308 sling and have my 9mm grasped in my hands scanning both side of the creek. He's like uh you're going in there? I said yes, I have a.lig to recover. I make it @ 25 yds and my buddy says. Hey there is a big black snake headed up the creek bed.behind you. :Eek: I ask him what kind. He's like fat and black. I turned and left the creek bed. I don't care for snakes.

        I review the video of where I last shot at him and see a tree branch that looks different than the others. We continue walking the tree line looking for the branch and about 5 yds past where we stopped looking on the last sweep we see the pig.

        We look and count 3 hits. We shot 4 times.
        My buddy shot behind the shoulder with a 6.8 SPC. I recommended a head shot.
        My first shot might have been a miss. I was aiming for the head. I was using a fence post to steady my aim. My 2nd and 3rd shot was while he was turning and flailing. One was a Texas Heart shot the other caught his right rear hoof.

        We took pictures and disagreed on who's pig it is.
        I say his he says mine. So we decided to stick to that.

        Heart Girth weight says 160#
        He measured 40"*40"

        I think it's a young boar. His teeth ain't that big.
        I used my new to me Sig Kilo 850 to range back to where we shot from. 116 yds.
        Last edited by Pushbutton2; 08-01-2019, 10:26 PM.


          Going after some pigs this evening for the first time in a while. Carrying the 12 gauge for some close up action. Fingers crossed I run into a pig or 2.

          Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


            Originally posted by dbpredator View Post
            Going after some pigs this evening for the first time in a while. Carrying the 12 gauge for some close up action. Fingers crossed I run into a pig or 2.

            Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk
            Hope you get 5 or 10 dbpredator


              No luck today. Didn't see or hear a pig

              Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


                Originally posted by dbpredator View Post
                No luck today. Didn't see or hear a pig

                Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk
                Are they still hammering the corn fields? How far away is harvest?


                  Originally posted by .243 WSSM View Post
                  Are they still hammering the corn fields? How far away is harvest?
                  No it seems they're not after the corn as much after it hardens. They'll still be around and take down some corn but not near as much as a couple weeks ago. I think they will begin harvest in about 2 weeks.

                  Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


                    Anyone been braving this heat?

                    I've wanted to go but haven't


                      Some corn and milo getting cut around here now. They are losing their hiding places....probably break out the thermal this weekend and put ‘em back in their place!!


                        I haven't been out in a while. Corn harvest here is also in full swing.

                        Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


                          Gonna hunt this evening and the next. Feeders have only been throwing for a week but hopefully that's all it takes. Not looking forward to sitting in the evening heat but you can't kill 'em from the couch. I think it's gonna be good.


                            Originally posted by quarterback View Post
                            Gonna hunt this evening and the next. Feeders have only been throwing for a week but hopefully that's all it takes. Not looking forward to sitting in the evening heat but you can't kill 'em from the couch. I think it's gonna be good.
                            Good luck![emoji1303][emoji1303]


                              Good luck!

                              Sent from my LM-X410.FG using Tapatalk


                                Headed to a friend's lease with her, her husband, and my wife. Gonna be riding the lease roads on a mule. They're overrun with pigs, should be good.

                                Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

