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Red Wolf?

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    My family members spotted a red wolf in Oklahoma back in the late 1980’s. It was out in the country on a remote ranch. We all grew up close to wildlife and know the obvious differences between a coyote and a wolf. This sighting was much larger than any coyote and it happened to be at a close distance.


      Originally posted by CharlieTX View Post
      My Mammalogy prof was confident that the Red Wolf had all but been eliminated through hunting and inbreeding with the yote. This was back in the late 80s. I guess you never know.
      If this mammalogy prof was at A&M(Honeycutt), he is an expert in Canid genetics...... And worked with the other researchers at UCLA(Bob Wayne's group). So he knows of what he speaks


        Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
        Your pic looks identical to a 100% pure Red Wolf.. Not a hybrid of some sort.
        This is a Pure wolf pic.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Look how similar the bottom picture is to 1 I shot last year
        Attached Files


          That looks like a coyote to me, mudkat.


            I could swear I saw one a few weeks ago while deer hunting. He came in fast and quiet from behind me and trotted by me and into the brush before I could even think.

            I texted my sister and said I just saw the biggest coyote ever and it was red. I wish I had my camera turned more in that direction. When I asked my biologist about it he said fat chance and there are no pure red wolves in Texas. After going through these posts, I think he might be wrong. But I'm still not convinced what I saw was indeed a red wolf.


              Red wolf is the new black panther.


                Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                Yep absolutes do not exist I the animal kingdom in many cases..

                I'm 53 and have a good friend the same age who's entire, family on his fathers side, grew up in Mount Enterprise.. I used to love listening to the stories the old timers in his family used to tell about the Gray wolf and the Red wolf in those parts... How many they killed during "bounty" years.. And man did they have some stories...
                I'm your age and grew up in outside of Henderson but spent a lot of time with buddies that had places in Mt Enterprise and Laneville, I may know them. I never have seen anything that I thought was a wolf in East Texas but did see one that I am positive was a wolf in the Marble Falls area and it wasn't my first wolf sighting. I have seen them in Yellowstone and in northern Colorado around Trappers Lake area.


                  Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                  Your pic looks identical to a 100% pure Red Wolf.. Not a hybrid of some sort.
                  This is a Pure wolf pic.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  These photos make me question an animal I saw over thanksgiving hunting my family's place in Real Co. Across a canyon I spotted movement in a spot I know to be 250 yards from the stand I was in. Based on seeing deer cross that clearing regularly and the size of what I saw I immediately thought it was a deer. I got the animal in my optics and immediately realized I was looking at the largest coyote I had ever seen. I have killed plenty of coyotes as well, especially ones on our place in Real co. Honestly they do good to even scratch 25lbs, hardly bigger than a fox in most cases. This one however dwarfed those. The big guy also had a more "reddish" tint to his coat as i noted this to myself when I looked him over in the binos. I got my gun up and as soon as I had him (or her) in the scope it was gone and into the juniper never to be seen again. I have no concept of red wolves historic range, their size, etc. I also never would of questioned it just being a giant coyote until this thread. That being said I am no biologist and know next to nothing of the red wolf but if you put a gun to my head after seeing these pics id have to say I am leaning towards a large hybrid at the very least.


                    Princeton biologists found red wolf DNA in a group of canines living on Galveston Island, where red wolves had been thought to be regionally extinct since the 1970s.


                      Originally posted by waterdog View Post
                      update! looks like they move into Galveston co.....
                      They didn't move there, they have been there.. That is a big part of their original turf.. Coastal counties were a huge part of their home range for the beginning.. I lived where they live my whole life and have seen a few over the years..

                      It's fascinating to me how anyone could actually believe they are extinct "just because someone said they were".. Thes folks obviou have never gotten out of the truck at some of our national forest or state land where there are 10's of thousands of acres of thicket and brush without even a road cutting through it..

                      I guess these same folks now believe the National Anthem is racist because Barry told them it was..
                      Lol.. SMH..
                      "Yep they said it so it HAS to be true"!!!!
                      Last edited by PondPopper; 12-19-2018, 12:25 PM.


                        It's interesting how this article doesn't mention Fossil Rim..


                          Originally posted by BitBackShot View Post
                          Red wolf is the new black panther.
                          Then I could see were It would look like a yote to you..


                            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                            Then I could see were It would look like a yote to you..
                            It's a yote.


                              Originally posted by okrattler View Post
                              If you shot a red wolf hybrid or even accidentally shot a red wolf that'd probably land you in deep doo doo wouldn't it? Although they're supposedly not there. I don't know how that'd turn out.

                              What I do know is if anyone here has ever shot a 60+ pound coyote I really have my doubts that it was 100% coyote. Not saying it isn't possible but if I were betting I'd bet it was a hybrid of some kind or another.
                              To your first paragraph..
                              That's a interesting question.. I'll tell you a story if we ever meet.


                                Originally posted by BitBackShot View Post
                                That looks like a coyote to me, mudkat.
                                look close at the colors the black is almost exact the red on the legs is the same and look at the muzzle look how the red color comes down in a triangle shape on both animals.
                                that dog weighed right at 60 lbs
                                And realize I'm not saying it's a 100% red wolf they are all cross breeds but the ones at my place are way more wolf than coyote like those scrubby little things running round south texas.

