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The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

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    Go get them Tim, but keep the moccasins at arms length

    Congrats Bill! 34 years is a long time putting up with your shenanigans!

    Work is trying to drive me insane, guess I'm just not excited about building 665 ton capacity cranes as I'm suppose too be. Three guys were R-U-N-T-O-F-T for taking pics of themselves by the tracks on one of these monsters. Two were useless expect for jacking with this kinda work and the other was a dang good hand that should of known they'd do something as dumb as post it on a social media network.

    So now I'm writing permits, two JSA's (feel safer already...) and a lift procedure form every morning. I'm really going too need to find a deer stand somewhere to unwind from all this.


      Hope they get some help for you Russ, not good to be overloaded at work. Creates an unsafe environment.

      Happy anniversary Bill, do it up right bro.

      Getting ready to meet the guys at Whataburger for breakfast and fellowship, I know them folks think we are crazy sometimes.

      Y'all have a great day and be careful out there.


        Back to work taxpayer, 51% of America is depending on you today!


          Tim, that wasn't one of yours in the accident on 45 at 242 was it?


            Originally posted by wassaw View Post
            Tim, that wasn't one of yours in the accident on 45 at 242 was it?
            No sir, if it was they failed to call me.


              My almost 15 year old.

              [ame=""]Kickboxing is my thing - YouTube[/ame]

              Honestly, I try to keep my kids off the exercise toys at Academy but sometimes they amuse me to the point I have to let 'em play a bit.


                Here Thanks!!!


                  She is growing up quick Steven, seems like they all do. Looks like y'all are having great times together.


                    The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

                    At MD Anderson waiting on CT scan results. Annual checkup. Hoping for a full 2 years of cancer free.
                    Last edited by Chew; 11-19-2013, 08:55 AM.


                      Originally posted by Chew View Post
                      At MD Anderson waiting on CT scan results. Annual checkup. Hoping for a full 2 years of cancer free.
                      Praying for a good report


                        The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

                        Originally posted by Chew View Post
                        At MD Anderson waiting on CT scan results. Annual checkup. Hoping for a full 2 years of cancer free.
                        Hard to believe you've been kicking cancer's azz for 2 years already. Keep up the fine job sir!!


                          Prayers for you Bobby.


                            Prayers sent for ya Bobby!



                              So far so good. The cyst in my pancreas hasn't grown and appears to be a benign lesion. I have another appointment on Monday that may or may not happen since I was supposed to have a full CT scan and they only did the abdomen. It's always something. But spirits are high. No problem.


                                Sounds like good news! Prayers for ya Buddy!

