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Moments in time you’d like preserved forever?

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    Man I can’t say a specific time but I’d dang sure love to have one more day with My POPO, he got me into guns and hunting. I miss aimlessly wondering around Gun shows looking at everything with him we’d wonder back and forth methodicaly each isle table by table Gun by Gun.

    The first year he had passed away I don’t really miss him for some reason maybe because his cancer was so bad I was glad he died idk... I know for sure as the last few years have gone on I miss him more and more. Just thinking about him I get pretty tearful. Yeah those were good times.

    I miss you Popo!


      Too many to list, but I'll share a couple

      I'd give anything to be on the Trinity River below Livingston with my granddad, the smell of the old 2 stroke Johnson in the air mixed with the curling smoke of a Lark cigarette, as we took off down the river for the morning. He passed 9 years ago, and I miss him more every day

      A vivid memory as a young lad, maybe 4-5 years old, of dad carrying me on his shoulders down Caney Creek with my brothers and uncle beside us, checking set poles that they had put out the evening before. I grew up walking that creek every day during summer time, I haven't been back on it in 25 years or so...tempted to take the boys and go one day. A couple of spinning reels, H&H black and yellow single Colorado blade spinnerbait, and a day of fun wading up the creek hitting all of the holes


        There’s a few but the hardest for me to deal with are my little girl growing up before my eyes.

        Sierracharlie out…


          Sitting in the stand when my daughter and son shot their first deer. The look of excitement on my wife's face after she shot her first deer. Camping at the deer lease with my wife and kids!


            Watching my kids grow up and so many of their dreams coming true as they have made their way to 28 and 23. Darn I am getting old and the tears come so much easier.


              My brother and I always take my pops fishing on his birthday. It’s always during the peak of the white bass run. Several years ago the river was really low, so we couldn’t take my big boat, but my dad has a little 10’ Alumacraft with a 2.5 hp outboard. We all three crammed in that boat and puttered up the river, barely keeping the boat above the water level. We found a little hole with a little bit of a current, and slaughtered the whites. I think we caught well over 100 fish and made memories for a lifetime. The boat wouldn’t hold us three plus 75 white bass, so I had to stay behind and wait for my brother to come back with a unloaded boat. My dad still talks about that trip and what a good time it was.


                Yeah, there’s a couple


                  Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
                  Yeah, there’s a couple
                  Well please tell

                  Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk


                    Sleeping in an army tent back in the late 50's are early 60's at the deer lease with my Dad. It was very cold but I survived and loved every moment of it.


                      Too many to name specifically. Hunting with my buddy when he could walk. When we could just jump in the truck and go instead of messing with that wheelchair.

                      The times I spent with my grandma outside of a nursing home. I hope to God I ain't ever put in one of those places for as long as I live.

                      Building fence and working cattle with my buddy before he got cancer. Or the last day I ever saw him before he went down State for treatment. We didn't do much work that day. Just rode around in the pickup and talked for a few hours. If I'd have known that was the last time I'd ever see him I'd have talked a little longer. Those were good times and I didn't even know how good they really were at the time.


                        A few of mine would be - my kids birth; watching the sunrise from the Tooth of Time with my son in Philmont; walking my daughter down the aisle.


                          The day my dad killed his only deer...yep, 1 deer his whole life.

                          Fishing on the Ouiskachitto and Charriwinchie creek with my Granpaw Willis.

                          Going to the Sale barn with my Granpaw Walker

                          Fishing on Bundicks Lake with all 3


                            Wouldn’t mind going back in time to Oklahoma as a little boy. My family and I would go visit grandma in a tiny town. Back then there were still a number of old stone buildings left from the 1800’s and early 1900’s. The saloon was still standing as was the little jail. You could still buy groceries from the same grocery store that had been owned by the same family for maybe three generations. I’d count the train cars carrying coal every Saturday morning. Always had to get a good look at the caboose.

                            My uncle had a boot and saddle shop in town, but us kids knew he had a bad temper. So we didn’t go inside. Just stayed out on the sidewalk and admired things from a safe distance. I’d catch horned lizards whenever possible, but made sure to never harm them. And the days spent fishing on various cattle ranches was always memorable whether we caught much or not. There was always something interesting to see or hear.


                              The day I was baptized in the San Saba River at a friend's ranch by a wonderful friend/pastor and transformation for all in attendance, including me that day... The Holy Spirit was active and present and so ALIVE... was amazing...


                                Wouldn’t mind at all being able to sit down again to a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones and friends whose chairs are empty now. There was usually lots of laughter coming from my cousin and I. He was always cuttin up about something and dragging me into the middle of whatever the subject was. After he’d finally get his fill of the main dishes, he’d sit there complementing the womenz folks on their cookin. Then when the desserts started showing up he’d holler out that he had better start loosening his belt a couple notches.

                                I’d like to go back one more time and spend a day of fishing with the Angling Club I once belonged to. We were very much like one big family. You could often hear plenty of side-splitting laughter from across the lake. Sometimes you’d laugh so hard that you’d need to sit down. The cookouts were always entertaining.

