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I refuse to eat feral hog...change my mind?

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    The meat isn't bad but you need to cook it well done, so that's a downside. I stopped eating them just because I was tired of the ticks and fleas. Especially with the escalating spread of so many tick borne diseases


      Originally posted by Longue Carabine View Post
      The meat isn't bad but you need to cook it well done, so that's a downside. I stopped eating them just because I was tired of the ticks and fleas. Especially with the escalating spread of so many tick borne diseases
      A smaller one (under 100 pounds) at this time of the year aint bad especially if they got some fat on them. Ticks and fleas are gone. Grind up the whole thing in sausage.


        I've eaten plenty of them and if cooked right, they are delicious but I just hate messing with them. Last few I killed, I left them for the buzzards and went to look for their skulls later.


          I like it and eat more than my share...And there ORGANIC (all Natural)


            Originally posted by TXBRASS View Post
            x 2

            If you can eat a chicken, then you have eaten the nastiest critter out there...
            x1000 and the stupidest animal too. They will eat maggots out of a dead carcass and then get limber neck and die. The other chickens will eat the maggots from it's dead kinfolk and they in turn will get limber neck and die. This goes on until all are dead from limber neck.
            Limber neck is where the maggots don't die when swallowed and continue to eat the live chicken from the inside out. Once the chicken's craw and neck muscles are eaten away it dies.


              Originally posted by mjhaverkamp View Post
              I have killed many hogs, have not ate too many of them, I just do not want to fool with them, pork is plenty cheap.


                I will eat a wild hog with no hesitation. I think most people who say it doesn't taste good doesn't know how to cook or prepare them. Here is few ways i have cooked them in the past.


                  I had one this year under 80LB-I marinated the backstraps 2 days then oak smoked.It was some of the best eating ever.


                    A friend of mine trapped and fed out some for about 30 days. Made some of the best pulled pork I have ever had.


                      For those who don’t want to clean - had found a good link on the YouTube recently - haven’t practiced yet - but very clean & efficient ! He’s obviously had plenty of practice, & has sharp knife !

                      Search “How to clean a hog”.

                      I’m new to this site, & typically don’t post much, so for now can’t add the link. I’ll add post in a bit.


                        Originally posted by Longue Carabine View Post
                        I stopped eating them just because I was tired of the ticks and fleas.
                        You’re not supposed to eat the ticks and fleas!


                          YouTube link to hog cleaning video:


                            I've enjoyed feral hog as sausage and have also put shoulder roasts in the crock pot- was pretty darn good. You may want to let the meat sit in an icechest with some applecider vinegar or other stuff to draw some gamey taste from it, but to me it's good stuff.


                              Originally posted by captteddy View Post
                              YouTube link to hog cleaning video:

                              Never done it this way. May have to try this. Looks like it beats gutting hogs.


                                Originally posted by jsctx84 View Post
                                Never done it this way. May have to try this. Looks like it beats gutting hogs.
                                Don’t ever gut a pig. Go gutless just like you would on a deer. And wild pigs are some of the best eating animals you can harvest. They like mud and they aren’t clean. Spray em off, skin em out, quarter and toss on ice. Done.

                                If you don’t like it, then it’s just more for the rest of is!

