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Doc won the lottery!!!!!!!!

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    That’s awesomeness congrats

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      Congrats doc. For those with stupid comments about doc you got him all wrong. Couldnt happen to a better guy. I don't know if he remembers this but a couple years ago I was supposed to head to Amarillo right after a bad ice storm for work I messaged doc about the conditions there since it is a good 6 hr drive from me. He told me how the roads were and offered his help if I got a not any trouble. Turns out I didn't need the help but he offered it up quickly.


        Congrats Doc! I'm sure that's a great feeling! Those 2 Mason bucks are great deer.

        Please keep posting your hunts. I, for one, enjoy tagging along and following your updates.


          Originally posted by bphillips View Post
          1. You don’t owe anyone any type of explanation

          2. Without your sharing many people probably wouldn’t have branched out and tried some of the hunts they have.

          Watching made me take the leap and save for my sheep hunt and it was the best hunt of my life. Keep it up because I’m sure someone else will see and follow a dream
          bphillips, great post.


            Congrats Doc!

            Always enjoy your hunts!

            Haters gonna hate! Screw they azz!


              Ok, this thing just got real!!!!!

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                Pretty awesome.


                  Awesome! Get em Doc!


                    Very cool!!
                    Congrats my friend!


                      Congrats Doc! Can't wait to see the pics from this adventure!




                          Congrats! Ready to follow along!


                            Awesome! Congrats!


                              Originally posted by docmay View Post
                              I’m sure I’ll post it up. I’ll get over having my feelings hurt. I have always loved this site because it was different and felt like a family. I hate to see that slide. I don’t post my hunts to brag, I promise you that. I usually hunt alone and I truly love hunting. Tbh is like a big group of hunting buddies and after each day of the hunt I want to share the experience and bs with my buddies. That’s why my hunts are on here. I don’t want to brag or have any recognition. Same reason why none of my animals are in the record book on my accord. I could care less about scores and records and awards. It’s all about memories!
                              Keep sharing Doc. I don't spend much time on tbh anymore, but when I do get on and see a post from you, I know it will be good.


                                Awesome deal Doc, can't wait for you to take us along.

