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    Can Buddhism and capitalism coexist?
    Can you be both a Buddhist and pure (every man for himself) capitalist?


      Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
      I want to give one of these 10 day retreats a try sometime

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      Vipassana is very intense at 10 days
      The above group does 3 day "intro" courses before you are allowed to take a more intense 7/10 day course.

      They are both (pretty much all yoga) is based on Anapanasati so are similar in nature.

      You are in Kingwood so the above link is local to you.



        Buddhism is horse hockey.... that’s paraphrased from the Bible.


          Originally posted by texansfan View Post

          Vipassana is very intense at 10 days

          The above group does 3 day "intro" courses before you are allowed to take a more intense 7/10 day course.

          They are both (pretty much all yoga) is based on Anapanasati so are similar in nature.

          You are in Kingwood so the above link is local to you.


          Thanks! I could peel off three days way easier than 10. Plus you gotta have a buffer on the tail end to process and reacclimatize before rejoining work, family, etc. I will check it out.

          I have read and listened to the Dao De Jing and I have experienced the place of nothingness it describes. It isn’t Christian, but it isn’t necessarily anti-Christian. I believe it is more a tool or a means to experience the gifts God has given us.


            Worship how you want, but be forewarned, every knee will bow


              Agnostic here. Antjropology seems believable.

              Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


                Originally posted by Burntorange Bowhunter View Post
                Agnostic here. Antjropology seems believable.

                Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
                Don’t take this the wrong way, or that I’m trying to sway your beliefs, but I’m going to pray for you this morning, very simple prayer, for peace and understanding in your life


                  Originally posted by Leemo View Post
                  Worship how you want, but be forewarned, every knee will bow


                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    greatest lie in the world, is that Christianity is a religion,,, it is not...
                    regardless of what Buddhism is it does not lead to Heaven,!


                      Originally posted by Burntorange Bowhunter View Post
                      Agnostic here. Antjropology seems believable.

                      Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
                      The term "agnostic" literally means "without knowledge".


                        Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
                        Please, no Christian advice or endless bible phrases please.

                        Was in a really interesting conversation today regarding Buddhism and Christianity and it got me thinking....
                        Anyone on the Green Screen practice Buddhism or keep it as a side belief ?
                        Seems a lot of folks can't resist the urge to not adhere to the OP's simple request. I am an agnostic who lives as closely as I can to Zen tenets.


                          Not surprising the resident libs are Buddhist monks


                            Originally posted by ColoradoTexan View Post
                            I'm curious, if it's against the first precept [in Buddhism] to harm, kill or eat sentient beings as it is the same as harming, killing or eating the flesh of our own child or mother, are there any bow hunters in Buddhism?
                            Good question and I have no good answer which is why I don't claim to be 100% Buddhist. I have a fundamental disagreement with any faith path that claims certain forms of life have more or less value than others. In the case of Buddhism, the fact that killing plants for sustenance is okay but not animals is a major hang up for me. I'm a middle 3 adherent...b/c let's face it, I like my meat, beer & coffee


                              That's because, as Christian's, we are called to honor Jesus instructions concerning something called the Great Commission. It was the last command given by Jesus before ascending into heaven. It can be found in the Bible in Matthew 28:16-20 if you want to study it some time.
                              Originally posted by JonBoy View Post
                              Seems a lot of folks can't resist the urge to not adhere to the OP's simple request. I am an agnostic who lives as closely as I can to Zen tenets.


                                Zen Buddhism is a philosophy; not a religion. I study both Zen Budhism and Northern European Paganism. Both very natural philosophemes. Happy Mōnandæg (moon day) yall!

