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    Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
    Fo me it's not about achieving anything, other than a peaceful life. Like I said in the very first post, it's just Ideas, concepts if you will, that blend with MY philosophy. What I want out of my life for me. That is happiness. Not temporary happiness, from some THING, but high on life 24/7. So we'll say money. The Bible says it's the root of all evil, and man will chaise it round and round like the whirlwind. That's not happiness to me, and I can agree with it.
    Buddhism (Dukkha), is the idea that man chaise a Temporary Fulfilllment for happiness. Since it's temporary, it's not real happiness, and he is never satisfied. This to me ties in with man chaising money. He's only happy for a short time, and then he wants more, because he is no longer happy with what he has. So they are just things I agree with, and Identify with, not necessarily a strict code I live my life by.
    To me all religions tie in to an extent, and there are ideas from all that relate. They all get lost in the nuances of culture, at some point though. (Almost all)


      Originally posted by sir shovelhands View Post
      Just because you blocked texansfan doesn't make you buddhist
      Lol... Nope never happened. I have no ignore list.. No reason for it.. This place is a cake walk..
      The characters on here are just a very tiny glimpse of what the real world is like...
      If a person can't handle the green screen, and all that comes with it, then one had better stay on the porch.. Or better yet move back to Momma and Daddy's house.. Real life is a toothy beast...


        Originally posted by MadHatter View Post
        Fo me it's not about achieving anything, other than a peaceful life. Like I said in the very first post, it's just Ideas, concepts if you will, that blend with MY philosophy. What I want out of my life for me. That is happiness. Not temporary happiness, from some THING, but high on life 24/7. So we'll say money. The Bible says it's the root of all evil, and man will chaise it round and round like the whirlwind. That's not happiness to me, and I can agree with it.
        Buddhism (Dukkha), is the idea that man chaise a Temporary Fulfilllment for happiness. Since it's temporary, it's not real happiness, and he is never satisfied. This to me ties in with man chaising money. He's only happy for a short time, and then he wants more, because he is no longer happy with what he has. So they are just things I agree with, and Identify with, not necessarily a strict code I live my life by.
        To me all religions tie in to an extent, and there are ideas from all that relate. They all get lost in the nuances of culture, at some point though. (Almost all)
        Please keep posting...
        I don't agree with you, but I'm really enjoying reading your thought process sir.


          Originally posted by MadHatter View Post
          Fo me it's not about achieving anything, other than a peaceful life. Like I said in the very first post, it's just Ideas, concepts if you will, that blend with MY philosophy. What I want out of my life for me. That is happiness. Not temporary happiness, from some THING, but high on life 24/7. So we'll say money. The Bible says it's the root of all evil, and man will chaise it round and round like the whirlwind. That's not happiness to me, and I can agree with it.
          Buddhism (Dukkha), is the idea that man chaise a Temporary Fulfilllment for happiness. Since it's temporary, it's not real happiness, and he is never satisfied. This to me ties in with man chaising money. He's only happy for a short time, and then he wants more, because he is no longer happy with what he has. So they are just things I agree with, and Identify with, not necessarily a strict code I live my life by.
          To me all religions tie in to an extent, and there are ideas from all that relate. They all get lost in the nuances of culture, at some point though. (Almost all)
          The Bible actually says the love of money is the root of all evil.

          Huge difference there.

          Also, the Bible teaches not that we should seek personal happiness, but that we should glorify God in everything that we do. You should check out 1 Corinthians Chapter 10.


            Originally posted by Burntorange Bowhunter View Post
            More personal insults.


            TBH Christians...…..this guy is not helping your cause.
            Argumentative people never help their cause. I'll simply say 2-3 things and then bow out of the thread (like a few others probably should but I digress)

            1. I have never seen anyone insult another person, and then gain their trust to where they can find common ground and build a friendship. It just doesn't happen. I wish folks would see that being a witness is NOT being argumentative or combative. It's simply stating what has happened in your life and then letting the "jury" make a decision. And as a witness, that means you aren't on the jury God never called anyone to be a lawyer that argues relentlessly, nor a judge who metes out justice. Period...and the judge/jury will "call you back to the stand" if they want to hear more. Just saying

            2. MadHatter and BoB...I've never met either of you gentlemen, but would love to some day. I may not agree with all of your posts, but I also think that y'all are usually reacting to how you're treated/spoken to, just because you don't suddenly believe what people are telling you. And to his credit, BoB did apologize and try to move on, but kept getting quoted and drug back into it.

            3. Bulldozing right pass a simple request from the OP isn't going to make anyone suddenly want to hear your views

            Originally posted by curtintex View Post
            I find, as a Christian, that I'm often embarrassed by the way my fellow Christian brothers will treat a man that doesn't agree with them. Nobody ever got ridiculed into heaven and I can't imagine Jesus treating Bob like he gets treated here repeatedly.
            Well said, Curt...way too often. It seems that treating others the way you want to be treated would be a staple precept of a Christians life. Wait a minute, what's that you're saying? It actually should be?!?! Oops, my bad

            Okay...I'm out


              back when I was heavy into hiking, I used to be able to spend the night in a Buddhist temple located on the way up to one of the 14ers whenever I needed a place to rest or the weather got bad, or whatever.

              There was always an open door, food to eat, and a warm and dry place to sleep found at the temple.

              This was scrolled above the plank where I slept:

              "The time we have together is what we have. Let us make it enough"

              I'm probably officially a level 4 Christian and a level 3 Buddhist.


                Originally posted by Playa View Post
                This is like an “anything but Lab” thread where the lab owners jump in to tell you what great dogs labs are....

                OP- did you get your questions answered?

                Had a long day at work yesterday and just now catching up. All I can say is wow.


                  This thread needs Gummie Bears.


                    A couple of you need to read the whole thread a little closer to see how folks were treated.


                      Originally posted by hero_moneybags View Post
                      Satan is having a field day with this thread.
                      If there is a satan.

                      Originally posted by sir shovelhands View Post
                      Serious? This is a thread about Buddhism but you don't want people to ask about it? Geez

                      Originally posted by MadHatter View Post
                      Fo me it's not about achieving anything, other than a peaceful life. Like I said in the very first post, it's just Ideas, concepts if you will, that blend with MY philosophy. What I want out of my life for me. That is happiness. Not temporary happiness, from some THING, but high on life 24/7. So we'll say money. The Bible says it's the root of all evil, and man will chaise it round and round like the whirlwind. That's not happiness to me, and I can agree with it.
                      Buddhism (Dukkha), is the idea that man chaise a Temporary Fulfilllment for happiness. Since it's temporary, it's not real happiness, and he is never satisfied. This to me ties in with man chaising money. He's only happy for a short time, and then he wants more, because he is no longer happy with what he has. So they are just things I agree with, and Identify with, not necessarily a strict code I live my life by.
                      To me all religions tie in to an extent, and there are ideas from all that relate. They all get lost in the nuances of culture, at some point though. (Almost all)
                      Thanks for the reply. So I sort of get the why. Makes since to look for peace. Now how about how? And do you believe in reincarnation? Is there a budda god that helps or is it just men in temples learning to have peace?

                      These are serious questions BTW. I really have no clue and want to know.


                        Originally posted by Tracy moss View Post
                        Mudslinger if you believe in the almighty why not believe in what he tells us to do and that is to gather in his house and sing praises to him and worship him in his house with other Christian and Christian fellowship .Thats what Jesus and the 12 prophets stared up 2000 years ago. And that’s why they all died in horrible deaths for the church’s. go to church and worship one on one with GOD and pray for the so called hippocrits because they just may need it.
                        Personally, I do my worship alone, I do not need to be with others to do so.


                          Originally posted by MadHatter View Post
                          So it's cool to sin everyday, just say you're sorry before you go to bed?

                          A little more to it than that....

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by Rack Ranch View Post
                            No sir, it's not "cool" at all. It comes down to your heart, and God knows our hearts. There is a word used in the Bible called repentance, which means to show sincere regret or remorse. As Christians, we should be trying to improve our walk with Christ daily, striving to be more like he was, aware of our sins as we walk the patch. If you go to the ranch next weekend, get drunk, cuss, and tell lies, and on the way home you feel remorseful about it, talk to God, and return the next weekend with the mindset your going to do your best to improve yourself, that's "cool". Might you fail? Sure, that it what I meant by Gods grace, he knows your trying and will be standing with you when you head back the following weekend. Hope that helps...

                            Well said.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              The funniest thing is when you cross reference the post from these "Christians" and how much hate and negative views they spew towards "libtards" and that of those who choose to walk more towards finding Zen.

                              One group is nice and giving
                              And the other group...


                                It's easy to see why people don't step foot inside a church just from this thread alone. If I were God I wouldn't want a lot of y'all to spread my message. I'd be like...."Nah,I'm good. Thanks."

                                You know what the worst thing is about Christianity?.....Christians.

