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Please help me pray for our Emmett

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    Every day is a blessed day.


      Great update! Continued prayers for the little fighter.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        The little dude is winning. Great news!


          Keep it up little man!
          Continued prayers.


            More prayers up!!!!


            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


              Great report. Praying for Emmett.


                Continued prayers


                  Prayers coming your way!!!


                    Going to get caught up on updates here. I haven't been as diligent about keeping this thread current as I should. I post these on Facebook every night then copy paste here. Thank you all for the continued prayers.

                    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


                      Day 14 update. Peekaboo, little Emmett can see you! Around 5 am this morning we got a text that Emmett had opened his eyes! Getting up for work, I dressed quickly and ran over to the hospital to see. Our little guy decided to play hard ball though, and didn't give us another look till night time. When he did, my goodness was it a touching moment. He closed them back pretty quickly, so we'll continue to wait patiently till he's ready to keep them open. Krystal and I both found it hard to sleep last night worrying about his o2 saturation. In typical fashion, Emmett continued to stay strong through the night and actually gained traction on his oxygen percent, dropping down to 40%. I seriously can't think of 1 bad thing or concern to mention here. God has heard our prayers for Emmett.

                      Speaking of which, remember back when we were all praying for a poopie diaper? About that, I just want to make sure everyone got the memo that we're past this, because I think there must be someone out there still praying. My goodness! In all seriousness, we're so glad that everything continues to work well in that regard.

                      I eluded to work in the beginning of the post, and would like to elaborate some on this. As many of you know I'm a superintendent with Sabre Commercial overseeing construction work in the healthcare field. My project was in Kyle at Seton Hays, which really concerned me having to be so far away for so long from Emmett. Let me say, I work for an amazing company. I was contacted and told that they would let me work on some projects Sabre had going at Dell Children's to keep me close to our little guy! I still get goosebumps as I typed that out. I can't tell you all enough what a blessing this is.

                      Another humbling day in the books filled with love, support, food, and good health. We received a neat gift from a dear friend and family member that highlights all of Emmett's milestones as he continues this journey. Our spirits continue to rise tenfold with each passing day.

                      Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


                        Day 15 update. Guess who's 2 weeks old today? At this time 2 weeks ago our lives were turned completely upside down. Still in shock, we were trying to grasp what had just happened. We were shrouded in fear and concern for our little man, as being told your baby has a 50% of making it was the hardest information we've ever received. Jump forward 2 weeks, and our Emmett is doing amazing.
                        Krystal had been nagging on me to complete his closet that I was adding shelves in. In typical husband fashion, I procrastinated and boldly claimed "we have plenty of time to complete that closet." Take nothing for granted.

                        We start each day now eager to learn what big news awaits us. Emmett delivered yet again today! As mentioned previously, the doctor decided to give Emmett a second dose of tylenol since he had such a great response to the first dose. Today was his Echo to see how his PDA valve reacted to the second dose. Our Doctor, who has been accustom to delivering good news now, came in to let us know that Emmett's PDA valve has closed!! Prayers were answered yet again, as it looks like we dodged a surgery here. On the flip side, we almost made it through the day without any negative news till night rounds. The doctor told us not to worry, but Emmett's septum has some slight swelling. They are going to treat this with added IV fluids, so we'll pray this takes care of this.

                        We've been asked a few times on what exactly Emmett's heart condition is. Full congenital heart block makes many folks believe that he has an artery that is blocked. The problem actually lies in the electrical impulses in his heart. What happens is his atria will contract, but the signal that tells his ventricles to contract never gets to its destination. Out of necessity the ventricles will pump, which allows Emmett to continue on with this condition. But it creates for his very low heart rate. Thank goodness for our little guy, his beat is so strong that he's able to maintain with it. As mentioned, with no setbacks we allow Emmett to get to term then get a pacemaker placed in him.

                        Thank you all for the continued prayers and support!

                        Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


                          Day 16 update. After several days of having no set backs, we were blindsided today. They performed another echo on Emmett this morning to focus on his left ventricle and the cause for the thickening of his septum. After waiting all day on pins and needles, we finally got a call from the cardiologist. There is reduced blood flow from his left ventricle (LV) due to hypertrophy of the LV. We were given two different scenarios for the cause of this, both of which are related to the PDA that closed. In one scenario, his PDA was allowing excess blood to fall back into his left ventricle, which in turn was causing it to work harder. With any muscle, the more you work it, the larger it gets. With this scenario, a little medication and time should bring that LV back to normal. The other is much more worse. Here, the PDA was masking a genetic abnormality with his LV, and we're only seeing it now since the PDA closed. The doctor wouldn't go into detail on this, as there are a few different diagnosis out there with different treatments, but they all would be much more serious. In addition to all this, his PDA reopened some, likely due to the increased fluid intake he was given to help determine the cause of the thickening of his septum. They believe it will re-close with normal fluid intake, but we'll have to see. That's what makes this situation even more difficult, we will have to just wait and see how everything plays out over the upcoming week.

                          Our prayers have been answered everytime to this point, and we are calling on you all now more than ever. Please God let this be scenario 1. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers.

                          Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


                            I know this must be quite a draining roller coaster for you guys. I was getting so used to good news that your last update caught me off guard as well. I will continue praying for Emmett and your family looking forward to getting back on a role of positive updates!!


                              Prayers continued for all 3 of you!

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                More prayers for y'all!

