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2018 Middle of North Texas Thread!

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    Prepare for acorns and/or broomweed.


      Originally posted by Nra0585 View Post
      The season can't come quick enough.... A bumper year for good bucks on our place. These are the two best so far. The buck in the top picture lost his eye in a fight last season and boy did his rack get gnarly.
      I don’t want to put a damper on your hope lol but I think that’s the same buck in both pictures?Either way it’s a awesome buck are bucks
      Last edited by Hoss163; 07-08-2019, 11:06 AM.


        A heads up for y’all that hunt by Quanah. There is a new outdoor shop - bow shop there just east of sonic.right across the street from the motel . Pretty cool place with some decent stuff they are a Mathews dealer as well .


          Man I had to do a double take myself, but they're different deer.


            Originally posted by Hoss163 View Post
            A heads up for y’all that hunt by Quanah. There is a new outdoor shop - bow shop there just east of sonic.right across the street from the motel . Pretty cool place with some decent stuff they are a Mathews dealer as well .
            $ Cha cing.. You fellas will keep them in business on arrows alone the way yall let em fly!

            Going out in a couple of weeks to work. Figured we would let it warm up a little before we got busy workin


              Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
              Prepare for acorns and/or broomweed.
              We don't have one acorn on our place.

              It will look like an ocean of broom weed thou


                That's one of the things i most love about Wilbarger County. Very, very few oak trees. Hence, very, very few acorns. Deer don't taste like acorns, deer don't chase acorns, none of that. The deer get a steady diet of what the farmers plant, and what the hunters feed them. Good stuff.


                  Originally posted by mikemorvan View Post
                  That's one of the things i most love about Wilbarger County. Very, very few oak trees. Hence, very, very few acorns. Deer don't taste like acorns, deer don't chase acorns, none of that. The deer get a steady diet of what the farmers plant, and what the hunters feed them. Good stuff.
                  No doubt! We actually have zero on 2200 acres.

                  They hear our mule and the tailgate feeder going off and they come a running.
                  I put out cotton seed, they never touched it. I put out a acorn rage block, never touched. Put out a salt block nothing. They ran from a tub lick.
                  When I bow hunt I have put my clothes in empty corn sacks.


                    Bumper crop of grass hoppers this year .


                      Putting hunting clothes in corn sack is a genius idea. I'll be doing that.

                      Yes, championship season for grasshoppers. As i was driving through the pasture last weekend i was wishing for a place to go catfishing.


                        All this rain has our place real grown up in Jack County. And our main road has washed out in several places.

                        Got a good bit of trimming done, feeder running, cameras out, etc. I’m excited but a little nervous to see what the buck quality is this year. At least the rain has provided strong forage.

                        I’m hoping this guy is still around. He was a regular 3-4 times a week until mid October and vanished.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          Compared to last season when it didn't rain all dang summer, this season looks to be much much better for the bucks. I have some deer that made really big jumps and am looking forward to seeing them once they are hard horned.


                            My partner has not seen any real big bucks but he said the antlers are looking really good.


                              Get ready to deal with broomweed, and acorns.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                No acorns on our place, but plenty of broomweed. The ranch hand on our place told me he saw the biggest buck he's ever seen on our part of the ranch. Ready for the season!

