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Lane splitting on motorcycle

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    Originally posted by Fishndude View Post
    Inconvenience? No? Being a ****** bag? Yes! Get in line like everyone else. Your time isn’t any more valuable than anyone else’s. Typical attitude!
    Agree. I like the way you think. I drive faster than a lot of people and if I pass I’m most certainly not going to slow them down but I don’t think I should pass on the right or cut in front of them. Wait your turn. Agree often motorcycle riders expect special treatment and then break the rules when it benefits them.


      I got my motorcycle license in Cali where it is legal, and I do agree with it, when don't properly. 5-10mph faster than the flow of traffic (parking lot speed) when traffic is under I think 35 is what we were taught.

      I sold my bike and quit riding here in Texas after almost getting run off the road 3 times by inattentive drivers.

      As to the overheating thing, on a trip from Cali to Texas in September I got caught behind a traffic accident where a semi caught fire. Me wearing all black leather on an aircooled bike in the desert your **** right I split that stopped traffic the whole way at an easy 10mph so I wouldn't die of heat exhaustion.

      Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


        Originally posted by Fishndude View Post
        So with that logic, sports cars can go to the front. Or maybe I can go to the front because I accelerate faster at a light than grandma in her Oldsmobile. Or etc... Can you see AT ALL, that it's about respect and that your time is of no more importance than anyone else? Sad to read that you're just ok with people acting like that because you too were a ****** at one time.
        Originally posted by Hoggslayer View Post
        There you go trying to bring logic into it. LoL


        Sounds more like jealousy than LOGIC
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by DNTRanch View Post
          Sounds more like jealousy than LOGIC
          My truck wieghs 7000 lbs and I drive around with my head up my arse. I'm not jealous at all.



            Originally posted by DNTRanch View Post
            Sounds more like jealousy than LOGIC
            Duochebaggotry is not something that makes me jealous but i do like the shirt.


              Originally posted by Fishndude View Post
              So with that logic, sports cars can go to the front. Or maybe I can go to the front because I accelerate faster at a light than grandma in her Oldsmobile. Or etc... Can you see AT ALL, that it's about respect and that your time is of no more importance than anyone else? Sad to read that you're just ok with people acting like that because you too were a ****** at one time.
              Can you explain that to the arrogant left lane drivers that tailgate when I'm not passing someone fast enough?


                Originally posted by Fishndude View Post
                So with that logic, sports cars can go to the front. Or maybe I can go to the front because I accelerate faster at a light than grandma in her Oldsmobile. Or etc... Can you see AT ALL, that it's about respect and that your time is of no more importance than anyone else? Sad to read that you're just ok with people acting like that because you too were a ****** at one time.
                If you can fit through in a sports car, go right ahead!

                I do see what you mean by respect but I guess I just don't see it as that disrespectful from my point of view.

                If I met you Jeff, you would see that I am a very kind person and respectful as I was raised that way. I just don't see this issue as a big one.


                  Is it disrespectful when I’m sitting in traffic and starting to drown in my tobacco juice and spit out the window when sommeone is lane splitting? This happened to me in Leander and the guy stopped but then came to his senses quickly. I guess if your gonna lane split around me get a helmet with windshield wipers


                    There are people on motorcycles on the roadways?


                      Originally posted by coachk View Post
                      I dont lane split/filter and wait my turn in traffic but people may think I'm an ******* when I'm out riding because I treat EVERYONE like theyre out to kill me...I drove mine out to Atlanta for a show bout a month ago and its ridiculous the number of cagers driving around with no clue what's going on around them because they're weaving down the highway at 80mph playing/talking on their **** many of us are guilty of that?? That's LIFE THREATENING to us bikers!!

                      Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
                      This is so true. We just came back from a 3200 mile ride. It doesn't matter what state. Almost every car we pass, the driver is on their phone. It's terrifying. I do not like riding in the city at all, but it is unavoidable.


                        Originally posted by dezigirl78 View Post
                        This is so true. We just came back from a 3200 mile ride. It doesn't matter what state. Almost every car we pass, the driver is on their phone. It's terrifying. I do not like riding in the city at all, but it is unavoidable.
                        You could get in a car or truck like most people. That way when some idiot hits you it won't be as bad.

                        I have a hunch stupid people will be around for a long time.


                          Originally posted by glen View Post
                          I had an easy fix to it when I worked highway. Arrested them for reckless and impounded bike. But I also had to work two wrecks that I remember from it but it didn't bother me as I was making overtime putting paint on the road.
                          been there done that several times,, all that pretty orange paint on the roads


                            Originally posted by DRT View Post
                            Far too many bikers are inconsiderate on the road period. That's just another way they show it.

                            Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
                            I agree 100%. Bikers talk about sharing the road, but lots of them think they own the road.


                              Illegal and stupid.


                                Originally posted by salth2o View Post
                                I agree 100%. Bikers talk about sharing the road, but lots of them think they own the road.
                                I just slapped the heck out of my computer monitor because of the bug crawling around you avatar lol.

