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Yet another school shooting!

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    Should they prosecute the parents/ adults??


      Originally posted by SwampRabbit View Post
      I would say that you do agree then. We don't, as a society, generally, care enough about other people's kids. You can blame whomever you want for how/why/when that happened. You could argue that we don't care because we've been attacked when we tried to in the past. I think that is a valid argument. You could say we don't care because it's not "our" problem too. Seen plenty of times where people want to sweep problems under the rug because it is not in their neighborhood... Problem is, we live in a global world now... it doesn't take much for somebody else's problem to become your problem too.

      There are a lot of reasons... we've found ourselves, as a society in a pretty complex mess here... with no single culprit, that all by itself, can take the full blame for it all.
      You are correct. I do agree.


        The video-games-cause-school-shootings theory has been disproven many times. Even Justice Scalia spoke against it.


          Originally posted by Chasing_bone View Post
          This an absolute bull***** cop out. My son plays/has played these just as much as any other kid. He would never even think of doing anything like this. .

          Same thing the greek kid's dad said fourteen days ago
          But seven days ago look what happened...


            Originally posted by Da' Hitman View Post
            I don't think video game violence is really the problem. The problem is kids just sit alone in their rooms for hours PLAYING video games instead of playing outside and learning social skills. They isolate themselves but can't understand why they feel so lonely and isolated with no actual friends. Then they don't fit in so they become angry about THAT. Snowballs into revenge against the very thing they created themselves. But I'm just an old Air Force vet hanging out on the green screen so what do i know lol
            Video game violence isn’t a problem for the majority of the population. However for that kid that is just a little different it might be just the trigger needed to set them off. Not everybody has the same mental makeup.


              Originally posted by texansfan View Post
              Same thing the greek kid's dad said fourteen days ago
              But seven days ago look what happened...

              Well my kid did not. So......yay.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                Honest question. I never played COD or any other shooting/killing type game. I never played grand theft auto either. Whether they be military type games of zombie apocalypse type shooting games, why let your kids play them? What benefit does it give them in life? I’m not trying to say your a bad parent because you let your kids play them, just curious about the why part. That’s all. I just can’t see any reason to let my 5 or 11 year old play them really. Maybe by answering the question honestly you may walk away from this discussion with a new thought process about the games.


                  Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                  That we haven't "always" had school shootings or "mass death stabbings" at school.
                  If someone got stabbed and died it would be one death
                  Not ten at a time.

                  Sure folks BROUGHT guns to schools in the 80s but how many actually opened fire in the classroom?
                  I can't think of any.
                  Especially killing anyone.
                  I can. Not really sure if it was the late 70's or 80's but a kid brought a 45 to school and shot a kid in the band hall, when he supposedly pointed and the pistol at the students sitting on a counter above him and the gun went off. He said he never pulled the trigger. Luckily the bullet went under his heart and missed all vitals. the kid that was shot collapsed in my wife's arms as he was trying to make it from the band room to the office. Survived the shooting.

                  Social skills needs to be taught in EVERY SCHOOL and EVERY GRADE for a minimum 30 minutes, better yet 45 minutes. I work everyday with kids that have either an ED or an OHI that affects their interactions with others, but there are a ton of kids in Gen Ed that do not know how to interact or play or do whatever with their peers. Several of my kids have made threat towards the school, peers and to teachers on what they want to do to them, kill, bomb, burn whatever comes out of their young mouths.


                    Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                    Watch out for MS-13 and the Zetas

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Originally posted by Mudslinger View Post
                    I can. Not really sure if it was the late 70's or 80's but a kid brought a 45 to school and shot a kid in the band hall, when he supposedly pointed and the pistol at the students sitting on a counter above him and the gun went off. He said he never pulled the trigger. Luckily the bullet went under his heart and missed all vitals. the kid that was shot collapsed in my wife's arms as he was trying to make it from the band room to the office. Survived the shooting.

                    Social skills needs to be taught in EVERY SCHOOL and EVERY GRADE
                    for a minimum 30 minutes, better yet 45 minutes. I work everyday with kids that have either an ED or an OHI that affects their interactions with others, but there are a ton of kids in Gen Ed that do not know how to interact or play or do whatever with their peers. Several of my kids have made threat towards the school, peers and to teachers on what they want to do to them, kill, bomb, burn whatever comes out of their young mouths.

                    You're giving reasons why I chose to send my kids to daycare at age two
                    And why I sit and watch how other kids interact with mine (even if the other kid is "being mean" to mine)
                    I want my kids to know how to deal with those type of situations from before kindergarten.

                    It's simple stuff like other kids not sharing.
                    Mine are taught to love to share.

                    Home schooling is questionable act in my mind as well.
                    Last edited by texansfan; 05-25-2018, 03:16 PM.


                      Originally posted by Aggiehunter08 View Post
                      That's not an excuse. I played those same games growing up as a kid. I blame the parents 100%.
                      I totally disagree... If we want to get violence out of schools then we have got to be willing to get the violence out of homes!!!!!!
                      How can we expect schools to protect our kids from violence when they are constantly participating in it at home... Is this even a realistic Expectation??? I think not..

                      Everyone wants to say it starts at home until video games are mentioned, which are played at home, and then the toes get stepped on and the diversion and defensive reasoning begin to flow....
                      You are 100% correct though. It is the parents fault.. These violent video games are a huge part of the problem.. Are they the sole problem? Absolutley not but they are part of the violent recipe that creates these monsters.. Talk too any psychologist.....
                      Garbage in, garbage out... Plain and simple.. I can't believe any "parent" would let a child play that crap.. I wouldn't allow that garbage I my house.. What useful purpose does it serve??

                      All of us older fellas always want to talk about how "back in the day" we brought guns to school in our guns racks and "I never killed nobody" and yea this crap didn't exist back then either... Not to mention must of us, back then, had mommas that didn't work. They stayed at home and raised kids while dad worked.. That's just how it was.. She ran you outside after you ate breakfast and she locked the door behind you. You didn't come back in until it was dark... If you needed a drink, you drank from the water hose.. There Dang sure wasn't any sitting in front of a TV, with a joy stick in your hand, blowing people's heads off all day!!!! HUGE difference..

                      Another thing that didn't exist was social media and 24-7 non stop bullying.. This is another HUGE part of the problem.. These kids cannot escape it... We could..
                      Not to mention we are allowing for lawyers and judges to dictate to us, we the people, how to raise our kids.... The "no one is a loser" and "everybody gets a trophy" PC BS is creating a generation of weak mind, wussified cowards that can't handle any type of rejection....

                      The problems are huge and will never be solved.. We are past the point of no return so we had better be prepared for a whole lot more of where this evil came from....
                      Last edited by PondPopper; 05-25-2018, 04:45 PM.


                        Originally posted by drbonner View Post
                        Honest question. I never played COD or any other shooting/killing type game. I never played grand theft auto either. Whether they be military type games of zombie apocalypse type shooting games, why let your kids play them? What benefit does it give them in life? I’m not trying to say your a bad parent because you let your kids play them, just curious about the why part. That’s all. I just can’t see any reason to let my 5 or 11 year old play them really. Maybe by answering the question honestly you may walk away from this discussion with a new thought process about the games.


                          Originally posted by Mudslinger View Post
                          I can. Not really sure if it was the late 70's or 80's but a kid brought a 45 to school and shot a kid in the band hall, when he supposedly pointed and the pistol at the students sitting on a counter above him and the gun went off. He said he never pulled the trigger. Luckily the bullet went under his heart and missed all vitals. the kid that was shot collapsed in my wife's arms as he was trying to make it from the band room to the office. Survived the shooting.

                          Social skills needs to be taught in EVERY SCHOOL and EVERY GRADE for a minimum 30 minutes, better yet 45 minutes. I work everyday with kids that have either an ED or an OHI that affects their interactions with others, but there are a ton of kids in Gen Ed that do not know how to interact or play or do whatever with their peers. Several of my kids have made threat towards the school, peers and to teachers on what they want to do to them, kill, bomb, burn whatever comes out of their young mouths.
                          And people say homeschooled kids are, how was it put, weird, awkward, disfunctional?


                            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                            I totally disagree... If we want to get violence out of schools then we have got to be willing to get the violence out of homes!!!!!!
                            How can we expect schools to protect our kids from violence when they are constantly participating in it at home... Is this even a realistic Expectation??? I think not..

                            Everyone wants to say it starts at home until video games are mentioned, which are played at home, and then the toes get stepped on and the diversion and defensive reasoning begin to flow....
                            You are 100% correct though. It is the parents fault.. These violent video games are a huge part of the problem.. Are they the sole problem? Absolutley not but they are part of the violent recipe that creates these monsters.. Talk too any psychologist.....
                            Garbage in, garbage out... Plain and simple.. I can't believe any "parent" would let a child play that crap.. I wouldn't allow that garbage I my house.. What useful purpose does it serve??

                            All of us older fellas always want to talk about how "back in the day" we brought guns to school in our guns racks and "I never killed nobody" and yea this crap didn't exist back then either... Not to mention must of us, back then, had mommas that didn't work. They stayed at home and raised kids while dad worked.. That's just how it was.. She ran you outside after you ate breakfast and she locked the door behind you. You didn't come back in until it was dark... If you needed a drink, you drank from the water hose.. There Dang sure wasn't any sitting in front of a TV, with a joy stick in your hand, blowing people's heads off all day!!!! HUGE difference..

                            Another thing that didn't exist was social media and 24-7 non stop bullying.. This is another HUGE part of the problem.. These kids cannot escape it... We could..
                            Not to mention we are allowing for lawyers and judges to dictate to us, we the people, how to raise our kids.... The "no one is a loser" and "everybody gets a trophy" PC BS is creating a generation of weak mind, wussified cowards that can't handle any type of rejection....

                            The problems are huge and will never be solved.. We are past the point of no return so we had better be prepared for a whole lot more of where this evil came from....
                            Dang if you didn't type almost EXACTLY what I was thinkin'!

                            I was fortunate enough to have loving parents that thought the sun rose and set because of me. They'd do anything for me, but I was surrounded by brother and sisters and other family members that had been brought up just like I was brought up... we took care of ourselves... we didn't cause trouble, but we didn't duck and cover either... I recall once in probably the 5th or 6th grade a bunch of other guys jumped me when I was on my way home from school... was 5 of 'em and they tore me up pretty good. No single one of them could have took me, but together they did... My mamma was going to go to the school principal, but my dad told her naw, don't do that. Everyone will start callin' him a "mamma's boy" if you do that. Then he told me, "son, those guys won't always be together... you get 'em one at a time and if you kick their asses just right, they'll run from you next time they see you!" It took me about 3 or 4 weeks, but that's exactly what I did. Never had to worry about a single one of them again, nor the group... When we got to "Jr. High", most of us played football together, and since I was a lot bigger than any of them, I got to knock them around pretty regular... that was 50 years ago and to this day, I'm still friends with 2 of 'em...


                              Originally posted by SaltwaterSlick View Post
                              Dang if you didn't type almost EXACTLY what I was thinkin'!

                              I was fortunate enough to have loving parents that thought the sun rose and set because of me. They'd do anything for me, but I was surrounded by brother and sisters and other family members that had been brought up just like I was brought up... we took care of ourselves... we didn't cause trouble, but we didn't duck and cover either... I recall once in probably the 5th or 6th grade a bunch of other guys jumped me when I was on my way home from school... was 5 of 'em and they tore me up pretty good. No single one of them could have took me, but together they did... My mamma was going to go to the school principal, but my dad told her naw, don't do that. Everyone will start callin' him a "mamma's boy" if you do that. Then he told me, "son, those guys won't always be together... you get 'em one at a time and if you kick their asses just right, they'll run from you next time they see you!" It took me about 3 or 4 weeks, but that's exactly what I did. Never had to worry about a single one of them again, nor the group... When we got to "Jr. High", most of us played football together, and since I was a lot bigger than any of them, I got to knock them around pretty regular... that was 50 years ago and to this day, I'm still friends with 2 of 'em...

                              Brilliant minds think alike!!!

                              Yea I know about bullying and how one person can torment another to the point of breaking. I've been there but I could get away from it when I left school and on the weekends.. Today's kids cannot.. I can't imagine how bad it is with this social media bullying crap.. If that punk that used to bully me could have done it around the clock I probably would have snapped too..
                              Well actually I finally did snap with about 2 weeks left in my 8th grade year. He slapped me in the back of the head(first physical contact and last straw)and I saw red, dropped my backpack and smashed his punk azz in front of half the school..
                              That was the end of the bullying for me. One of the coaches gave me a high five the next day..


                                Originally posted by drbonner View Post
                                Honest question. I never played COD or any other shooting/killing type game. I never played grand theft auto either. Whether they be military type games of zombie apocalypse type shooting games, why let your kids play them? What benefit does it give them in life? I’m not trying to say your a bad parent because you let your kids play them, just curious about the why part. That’s all. I just can’t see any reason to let my 5 or 11 year old play them really. Maybe by answering the question honestly you may walk away from this discussion with a new thought process about the games.
                                By far it's the best, longest acting, easiest to use, and cheapest babysitter of all time.

                                That honest enough?

