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You don't have to identify yourself anymore?

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    Originally posted by kfd82 View Post
    I agree with you, and dont think you are wrong.
    You have EVERY right to ask, just like I have the right to refuse.

    The only problem I have is with your last sentence. It's very sad to me that exercising my rights is seen as suspicious.
    I completely understand where you are coming from, and you are not wrong.
    It just makes me sad that exercising the rights given to us as citizens is now suspicious.
    Again, I support LEOs and I also expect them to support me.
    You exercising your rights is not suspicious. You missed the point. If I ask for your ID it's because I have already decided your actions are suspicious. Suspicious actions OFTEN are innocent. A cooperative individual who can explain those actions dispels those beliefs. An uncooperative individual ENHANCES those beliefs.


      Originally posted by kfd82 View Post
      They want to see your full name and address, shouldnt you be able to ask the same of them?
      IF you are NOT under arrest, then you and the cop are equals! Neither has power over the other.
      Why would someone ask to see my ID? I'm not gonna show it to some stranger any sooner than he is gonna show me his ID.
      Another question that should never be answered is where are you going and where have you been. It is getting closer and closer to a police state..............


        Originally posted by Roy Munson View Post
        How many sovereign citizens have you delt with and how do you keep from punching them in the face?

        They are infuriating.

        “I wasn’t driving, I’m a free citizen who is traveling.”
        Dealt with a few. Put one in jail for Fail to Identify after a traffic violation. Couple days later his "people" delivered a warrant to the jail for our judge to sign for MY arrest for violating his rights. Was funny to read. Said the court, the judge, and I had no authority over him, but wanted our judge to sign a warrant for my arrest. Needless to say the judge didn't sign it.


          when I started go "f" yourself was a good way to get a WOOD shampoo, or a good blackjackin', walk by slappin, or a good ol fashion chokiin or sometimes all of the above. then it was on the way to the CROSS BAR HILTON.


            Originally posted by flyby View Post
            Just to elaborate a little, when I see suspicious activity that I can't monitor due to being seen I choose to investigate rather "push anyone with criminal intent" down the road to commit their crimes. That investigation will probably end up with personal contact and requesting identification, along with questions about why they are in the location they are in. If someone refuses to provide identification that usually means (24 years LE) there is a problem. I may not have reasonable suspicion or probable cause, but I guarantee I will be looking for it on those that refuse. That means registration check (eventually you will leave the parking lot), check of lights, follow out of parking lot looking for traffic violations, etc.

            On the other hand, I contact you driving through the parking lot with lights out, hey, how you doing. Great officer, you? Yes sir, here's my ID, buddy said he's coming here tonight but not answering his phone, just looking to see if his trucks here. We'll probably have a very pleasant conversation and part with a hand shake.

            Proactive police work versus reactive police work are very different things. Proactive prevents crime, reactive lets them move down the road and commit the same crime to someone else.
            That's called profiling.


              Originally posted by kfd82 View Post
              Explain to me how me not giving them my ID, when I'm not legally required to do so, is stopping them from doing their job?

              Knowing or not knowing your name and address will not help them determine if a crime has been committed. it really is as simple as that.
              If you choose to give up your info, great! Just know that you are not required to do so.
              Believe it or not, people lie to me just about every day I work. Just talking to people you can often determine whether or not they are engaged in illegal activity, because the longer you talk the easier it is to determine if they're lying. People who refuse to talk to you are OFTEN hiding something. Refusing to provide ID is often a sign of deception. Again, feel free to exercise your rights, just be aware that if you have nothing to hide you are probably only making things more difficult and time consuming for yourself.


                Originally posted by Roy Munson View Post
                What do you think they get paid?

                I know officers who clear 190k every year. They aren’t management either.

                If 190k is a pittance, you must be filthy rich.
                Not sure where they work, but I don't clear half that, even working 20+ hours a week in part time jobs.


                  Originally posted by Traildust View Post
                  I'm calling BS!......or they are working 7/12s....365!
                  Nope. They get 4 hours at time and a half if they are subpoenaed to testify. They work STEP shifts as well.

                  They work nights. Majority of the arrests result in the defense requesting hearings. These hearings occur during day time hours. Therefore they get paid at overtime rate at time and 1/2 x 4 hours.

                  I’ll give you his name and you are welcome to make a public information request to verify this is truth.


                    Originally posted by rockyraider View Post
                    The answer is obvious and has been stated, under arrest you have to ID and can't lie. If just lawfully detained, you don't have to ID but still can't lie.

                    Ya'll are getting way off in the weeds about whether it is right or wrong to ID if a police officer asks you to. The fact is, how you act towards another person is a personal decision. Choosing to ID yourself when its not required by law is up to you, it has nothing to do with what is legally required by state statute.

                    Really? Hmmmmmmmmmm so if you get pulled over for speeding. The officer asks for ID I can tell them to Eff off? I am not under arrest right? All I done was commit the offense of speeding. A class C misdemeanor. It isn't an arrest-able offense in Texas.

                    So I can just ride off into the wind and officer can have a nice day, right? I was detained I guess when you hit your red and blues, but you can't or didn't arrest me so so long sucka


                      Originally posted by Johnny Dangerr View Post
                      Another question that should never be answered is where are you going and where have you been. It is getting closer and closer to a police state..............
                      Ummmm....okay. Last time I asked someone and they said they were going home from there girlfriends house I immediately popped that into the national computer system so every cop in the world knew. We can now track all your GPS already has that.


                        Originally posted by flyby View Post
                        Not sure where they work, but I don't clear half that, even working 20+ hours a week in part time jobs.
                        Austin, Texas

                        You should apply.


                          Originally posted by cuttingedge View Post
                          That's called profiling.

                          No it’s not

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by cuttingedge View Post
                            That's called profiling.
                            Yep. Got a problem with it? It's also called good police work.


                              Originally posted by Roy Munson View Post
                              Nope. They get 4 hours at time and a half if they are subpoenaed to testify. They work STEP shifts as well.

                              They work nights. Majority of the arrests result in the defense requesting hearings. These hearings occur during day time hours. Therefore they get paid at overtime rate at time and 1/2 x 4 hours.

                              I’ll give you his name and you are welcome to make a public information request to verify this is truth.
                              This must be how Chew can drive a $60K truck and go on all those high-faluten elk hunts.


                                Originally posted by Traildust View Post
                                This must be how Chew can drive a $60K truck and go on all those high-faluten elk hunts.
                                Best one I seen here yet

