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You don't have to identify yourself anymore?

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    Originally posted by Jack S. View Post
    I get that some cops won't grab guns but many would do such a thing, I understand good cops are out there but even in history it shows you cannot fully trust them example is Nazi Germany when the sort of police force dragged Jews away and confiscated guns and killed Jews, I would rather have my rights and not compromise, start compromising and that's how they go away
    Nazi German Hilter Cops vs American Cops? Hmmmmm great comparrison. I lost count of how many concentration camps we now have in the United States?



      Originally posted by CrookedArrow View Post
      Nazi German Hilter Cops vs American Cops? Hmmmmm great comparrison. I lost count of how many concentration camps we now have in the United States?

      Not saying they are the same but just showing that not all people will disobey orders and go against what the government they work for tells them to do even if it is immoral


        Originally posted by Johnny Dangerr View Post
        Another question that should never be answered is where are you going and where have you been. It is getting closer and closer to a police state..............
        This is so sad its funny.

        Going dove hunting one year with a bud of mine with my truck loaded down I got nailed by a DPS officer on IH 45 North in Huntsville doing 96 mph. Younger officer came up to the truck and asked me to get out and come back to his car so he could run my license. All is well. He asks me where we are going. I tell him were going dove hunting at my family's place in Hood Co. He tells me to sit tight and goes up to my bud in the truck just to confirm the story. They come back to DPS car and runs my buddy's licence. He has a pair of DWI's and an assault on his record from years ago. He tells us just get there and don't let this guy drive till your on the property.

        He asks if he poke around in the coolers. We say go for it. He tells us he's new to the area, doesn't know anybody and asks if we know any place he could get on to hunt. I ask if I could make a phone call. He says ok.

        We were 20 minutes from a 1000 acre private off road track where I was a member at the time. Landowner always likes law enforcement to come out and dove hunt so they will come by as a deterrent for people snooping around. Landowner asks to talk to him. They talk and he writes down the landowner's number with a big smile on his face. Landowner told him he won't be allowed to hunt alone so plan on bringing a few of your buddies when you come.

        We ask him what was up with the search. He says its pot running month and we are just doing our jobs. I said no problem.

        He hands me the ticket and explains to me that he pulled me over for an improper lane change and lets me off with a warning.

        So answering where I was going got me out of a big speeding ticket and a nice guy just doing his job got a place to dove hunt for the season.

        Last edited by JHT; 05-16-2018, 06:18 AM.


          Originally posted by J Sweet View Post
          If you live in a sanctuary city which Im sure all the big 4 in Texas are, just tell them your name is Juan Gonzalez from Mexico and you have no ID. You will be back out on the street in hours with no charges filed.
          Please don't tell them that. Tell them your name is Juan J Sweet from El Salvador and your brothers are with the religious group MS 13. Cut you lose in a heart beat.


            Originally posted by bakin7005 View Post
            Great job Leo


              Originally posted by JHT View Post
              This is so sad its funny.

              Going dove hunting one year with a bud of mine with my truck loaded down I got nailed by a DPS officer on IH 45 North in Huntsville doing 96 mph. Younger officer came up to the truck and asked me to get out and come back to his car so he could run my license. All is well. He asks me where we are going. I tell him were going dove hunting at my family's place in Hood Co. He tells me to sit tight and goes up to my bud in the truck just to confirm the story. They come back to DPS car and runs my buddy's licence. He has a pair of DWI's and an assault on his record from years ago. He tells us just get there and don't let this guy drive till your on the property.

              He asks if he poke around in the coolers. We say go for it. He tells us he's new to the area, doesn't know anybody and asks if we know any place he could get on to hunt. I ask if I could make a phone call. He says ok.

              We were 20 minutes from a 1000 acre private off road track where I was a member at the time. Landowner always likes law enforcement to come out and dove hunt so they will come by as a deterrent for people snooping around. Landowner asks to talk to him. They talk and he writes down the landowner's number with a big smile on his face. Landowner told him he won't be allowed to hunt alone so plan on bringing a few of your buddies when you come.

              We ask him what was up with the search. He says its pot running month and we are just doing our jobs. I said no problem.

              He hands me the ticket and explains to me that he pulled me over for an improper lane change and lets me off with a warning.

              So answering where I was going got me out of a big speeding ticket and a nice guy just doing his job got a place to dove hunt for the season.

              I assure you him taking a bribe and then not giving you a ticket is not his job hahaha


                Originally posted by CrookedArrow View Post
                Please don't tell them that. Tell them your name is Juan J Sweet from El Salvador and your brothers are with the religious group MS 13. Cut you lose in a heart beat.
                No one is buying that my Viking blooded *** is from anywhere other than northern Europe lol. But Ill give it a shot haha


                  Originally posted by J Sweet View Post
                  I assure you him taking a bribe and then not giving you a ticket is not his job hahaha

                  Maybe he could help with your little problem with the water access issue since he's on the take...


                    Originally posted by flyby View Post
                    Hmmm.....not sure what side of the fence you are on. I hope your son doesn't stop people to compliment their driving, that's a civil rights violation in and of itself. No problem in me admitting that lying to obtain information is okay. Been there, done that. Courts say it is okay. Still not sure where you are coming from with this. Can't ever remember cops demanding info from folks standing on a corner. If dispatched due to some complaint we have to do our job, but........hmmmmmm
                    Let me clarify...My son has complimented folks good driving when not in uniform. Out shopping and he saw something worthy of a compliment and tells the drivers.
                    I get the whole cooperate with law enforcement and I support the Blue. But why would anyone give up rights when they do not have to? Why cannot the police understand that is a persons right? I think the good cops do know. But to say, you must be hiding something is wrong, if you don't give up ID when asked while not being detained or suspected of a crime.
                    And Yes...Nazi Germany used call for peoples papers to prove themselves. I have spoken to people who have survived the Holocaust and Europe in the 40's. No, I am NOT saying that what we are discussing is that bad, but to arbitrarily ask for ID (which I think NO GOOD LEO would do without cause) because they have to prove it. Driving is a privilege not a right. You are under the laws thumb when driving.
                    It is all in how you handle yourself when interacting with LE. Being a jerk will get you treated like a jerk.
                    Now lying to get info..The courts say its OK....Alright. Then why isn't the right to not to ID not getting the same respect? That is my point.
                    For the record...Never been in trouble(fighting) since 16. Not even a speeding ticket. 53 now and I see more and more rights being whittled away in the name of safety and security. We all know what Ben Franklin had to say about that.


                      Originally posted by Tony Pic View Post
                      Let me clarify...My son has complimented folks good driving when not in uniform. Out shopping and he saw something worthy of a compliment and tells the drivers.
                      I get the whole cooperate with law enforcement and I support the Blue. But why would anyone give up rights when they do not have to? Why cannot the police understand that is a persons right? I think the good cops do know. But to say, you must be hiding something is wrong, if you don't give up ID when asked while not being detained or suspected of a crime.
                      And Yes...Nazi Germany used call for peoples papers to prove themselves. I have spoken to people who have survived the Holocaust and Europe in the 40's. No, I am NOT saying that what we are discussing is that bad, but to arbitrarily ask for ID (which I think NO GOOD LEO would do without cause) because they have to prove it. Driving is a privilege not a right. You are under the laws thumb when driving.
                      It is all in how you handle yourself when interacting with LE. Being a jerk will get you treated like a jerk.
                      Now lying to get info..The courts say its OK....Alright. Then why isn't the right to not to ID not getting the same respect? That is my point.
                      For the record...Never been in trouble(fighting) since 16. Not even a speeding ticket. 53 now and I see more and more rights being whittled away in the name of safety and security. We all know what Ben Franklin had to say about that.
                      A lot of people here are fake patriots.. fight for the government to leave them alone on gun rights but when it comes to cops or other rights getting removed they are all for them, and also a lot of your views will change when you encounter a bad cop who violates your rights. The thing about Nazi Germany is true as he and I said, just because you say "oh no concentration camps in the us" doesn't change the fact that that was a way of identifying people who the government wanted to jail or kill


                        Actually to me the biggest problem is the LEO in all these videos don't seem to know where their authority comes from. Must have skilled that day in the academy.

                        If you have a legal investigative reason to detain and ID someone and they refuse to comply arrest the little ***** and take him/her in for fingerprinting and identification and charge the with failure to ID.

                        Sometimes cops are suspicious but have no legal standing so they request your ID. Its your job to know your rights and weather you have to comply or not.

                        On the same token its the LEO job to know where his power comes from and how to handle someone refusing a legal request not just tuck their tale and run.

                        ****** me off seeing fellow officers get made to look like a fool but maybe it will force them to learn what they should have in the academy.

                        kronik by Diamond


                          If you get out on a casual encounter and a person refuses to give their information the best way to handle it is just hang out there. 9 out of 10 times a person will give you a legal detention if you give them enough rope


                            Originally posted by glen View Post
                            If you get out on a casual encounter and a person refuses to give their information the best way to handle it is just hang out there. 9 out of 10 times a person will give you a legal detention if you give them enough rope
                            You are limited as to how long you can hold someone at a traffic stop, even if you are waiting for a K9 unit.
                            Needs to be a reasonable amount of time.



                              Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
                              Start a poll

                              At 42 I have never been asked to identify unless I was in violation of the law.

                              Anyone else?
                              I've been hauling 40#s of corn in my backpack around UTPB to prepare for my upcoming Bear hunt (we may have to pack camp in and I want to be in shape) and I had my quiver attached to my pack. It was just the quiver with some arrows, no bow. Someone called campus police and an officer came out to question me about it (the quiver). I explained that I was preparing for my hunt and he asked for my ID. He ran my license and then afterwards we chatted/laughted for a little while about today's youth and how they tend to be in his opinion, "snowflakes." Despite this evaluation, he still asked me to keep my arrows in my truck to keep from scaring the kids. I did as he asked and from my impression he seemed like a great guy. It still seemed funny to me though as UTPB allows concealed carry but people were worried about me having pointy sticks.


                                If you wanna, go ahead.

                                If you don't wanna, don't.

