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Relocating the family 4.5 hours away

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    Relocating the family 4.5 hours away

    Who's done it and how hard was it on the family?

    -Our kids are 17 and 9
    -Yearly income will decrease
    -Moving from 30 minutes south of Houston to 10 mins outside of Kerrville
    -Debt will be cleared after selling current home and new mortgage will be less than 50k
    -Moving from 5.3 acres to 77 acres

    Thanks for any feedback guys, my stomach has been in knots for weeks. It's hard for me to fathom walking away from the security that comes with from a 20 year career to start over making a fraction of the pay. When I was younger I thought happiness came with how much money you made and how nice your house was. Now that I'm getting older, I'm not buying into to that crap anymore lol.

    I would guess it will be hardest on the 17 year old having to uproot and change schools for senior year. I would think the 9 year old would be in heaven.

    Me and my wife did the same thing three years ago actually moved to kerrville as well. We wanted a slower pace of life and to raise our young kids in a small town. I took a leap and took a 30% pay cut to get in the door down here. Two years later my income is back to the level it was and we love it here.

    Shoot me a message if you need anything.


      No help on the relocation of family part but Houston to Kerrville and 5.3 to 77 acres sound like major wins. Good luck


        your gonna b fine,onward thru the fog! Good Luck,Happy Hunting


          Originally posted by tminc View Post
          your gonna b fine,onward thru the fog! Good Luck,Happy Hunting

          Freddy Freeloader, is that you ??



            If your wife agrees then do it. Kerrville would be my home if I didn't live next door to my grandkids.


              Grew up with my dad in the Navy so we moved quite a bit. I liked it, if you’re kids are in sports or activities they’ll have new friends in no time


                Sounds like wins all the way around! Congrats on an awesome accomplishment.


                  Our youngest is 17. We moved to the farm this last summer. It took her a little bit to settle in but is doing fine now. The FFA program at her last school was pretty pathetic but she loves the one here. It was the right move for us. Might be a little different for us. In that we have owned this place a long time. My mom is from here and I have relatives all over so we were not exactly complete strangers.



                    Where do i sign up?


                      Good luck to you and your family. I grew up in the country not having much, so after finding work with a good company I didn't have what it took to leave the security blanket of a decent job.


                        Better half didnt like moving because of schools and friends and stuff, but the kiddos are thriving and doing better than they ever have. We keep them involved and enjoy the community. They jumped right in and we love it.

                        We didnt go so far, but we chose a great community and knew we could make it work.

                        Yall can absolutely do it if that is truly what yall want as a Family. Be blessed.


                          Coaches and preachers tend to relocate a lot. So being a coach and moving around some. The kids have always made friends and settled in way easier than us adults did. We just down sized on bills a house and just stuff 1.5 years ago and it's been great.


                            30 minutes south of Houston? Sounds like you’re leaving my old stomping grounds.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              I hate moving my daughter her senior year but at the same time I hope she finds her significant other and starts her family up there. My grandpa was the only sibling out of 6 to move away from the hill country and now my son is 9 years into being the 4th generation to live down here. Hopefully I can fix that.

