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What is the lamest reason you have ever been pulled over for?

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    I was the second car in the right lane at a stop light. Light turns green. I follow the car in front as we turn right. Got pulled over for following too close on the turn. Rookie cop said I needed to see the wheels of the car in front of me. Received a warning. Then I told him he was acting chickensh*t.


      When I was 16

      Pulled over for failure to signal a lane change (which I did) and then the warning on paper said Following to close. There was only one car in 500 yards in either direction and it was in the lane to my left.
      Was confused and asked the officer and he then went back to his car and called for back up because he smelled something like weed (he actually said ____ cigars) and then me and my buddy were asked to exit the vehicle, spread eagle on the pavement face down, and we were padded down in the dollar general parking lot lol

      ‘‘Twas a interesting night and the back up officer apologized for the situation and was chatting with us the whole time as the Other guy was tearing through my vehicle. He ended up letting us back in which we had to clean everything back up and the he followed us all the way to my buddies house where I dropped him off.

      We at least got the W in the baseball game that night we were coming back from!


        College Station PD were the worst about messing with you. I stopped at a 4 way stop one morning like I was supposed to, on my bicycle. Cop pulls up just a second before me on my right and stares at me. I waved him on since he had the right of way. He rolls down his window and tells me "I'm glad you stopped." I told him I didn't want to get run over (this intersection was particularly bad with people rolling through). Barney gets upset at tells me "Yeah you just didn't want a $100 ticket." Figured I was about to get delayed for a while but he took off.


          Originally posted by Kas View Post
          Not using a turn signal at a three way where you can’t go straight

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          Same here.
          At a light that had 2 lanes. Left has to go left. Right has to go right.
          I turned left without a blinker and got pulled over.
          When he asked me why I didn't use my blinker, I asked him where the hell did you think I was going to go? I guess my argument was strong enough ... I got a warning.


            Spitting gum out of the truck window, I got a ticket for littering
            Going to slow down a washboard gravel road I was going 25 and speed limit was 35


              31 in a 30 and smoking a cigarette when I was younger got pulled over to make sure I was 18


                Sometimes we just have to donate the 15 minute contact that some people call hassle to allow our officers to do their jobs. With so much case law in favor of the criminals officers use small infractions to catch bigger violators. The man hauling meth to our neighbor kids and the felons on the run aren't cruising 100mph acting fools most of the time. So when I get stopped I am polite and thank our officers for doing their best to make our country safer. Most of the time (not all) the petty traffic stop is not even about us or our violation it's about turning over rocks to help protect us. I'm bias for being Police Officer for 15 years however.

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                  My Fiancee (girlfriend at the time) and I were heading to South Texas 5 or 6 years ago and she was driving 80 in a 70 on I-10 and I was following behind her. We were going through Seguin and I saw the police officer way before she did so I started slowing down. She got pulled over so I stopped about 600 yards in front of her on the shoulder to wait on her. Cop comes up to her window and asks if I'm traveling with her. She says yes and he tells her to call me and tell me not to move he is giving me a ticket too ... Obviously I stayed put and he comes up there about 5 minutes later and writes me a ticket for doing the same speed as my girlfriend. Lesson learned though. Next time I will not be stopping.


                    I was traveling in the right lane going speed limit.
                    Sheriff Tahoe comes up behind me and then goes around me in the left lane.
                    I wasn’t paying much attention and sped up a little keeping pace a couple hundred yards behind him.
                    City cop on motorcycle pulls me over and gave me a ticket.

                    I was ****** and asked him why he didn’t pull over the guy going at least 10mph faster than me.


                      32 in a 30 in downtown Cross Plains, Texas....Didn't even ask for my insurance....stroked me a ticket and sent me on my way so he could get his next victim in that speedtrap.

                      Ballinger, Texas.... said my license plate light wasn't visible at 100 foot when it clearly was. Then told me to get my truck plates changed from Kansas to Texas plates. I said but this is a Kansas truck. He looked at me like I was a retard and said but you live in Texas!! To which I replied...yes, but the owner of the truck who is right here in the passenger seat lives in Kansas!. Well why are you driving his truck?. Because it's 10 hours from his home to our lease and he drove 5 hours to get to my house. Its 10pm at night, so I figured I'd be safe and drive the second leg to our lease. You could see the light bulb go off finally, albeit delayed. He told me to slow down and drive safe. I asked, "was I speeding officer?" He said no....sorry get that plate light brighter.. I rolled up the window and my buddy Nick said....**** he must be new..


                        Originally posted by ghost View Post
                        Sometimes we just have to donate the 15 minute contact that some people call hassle to allow our officers to do their jobs. With so much case law in favor of the criminals officers use small infractions to catch bigger violators. The man hauling meth to our neighbor kids and the felons on the run aren't cruising 100mph acting fools most of the time. So when I get stopped I am polite and thank our officers for doing their best to make our country safer. Most of the time (not all) the petty traffic stop is not even about us or our violation it's about turning over rocks to help protect us. I'm bias for being Police Officer for 15 years however.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        So true. I know this as well and I am not an officer. You can usually tell because of the surprised look I get from them at the window and the hurry to get out of the contact. It has always ended in them checking for warrants and a verbal warning for me. I have 10-15 of these stops I just listed my 2 most silly.


                          Wearing Seat belt the wrong way.


                            Driving while Mexican

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                              Originally posted by ghost View Post
                              Sometimes we just have to donate the 15 minute contact that some people call hassle to allow our officers to do their jobs. With so much case law in favor of the criminals officers use small infractions to catch bigger violators. The man hauling meth to our neighbor kids and the felons on the run aren't cruising 100mph acting fools most of the time. So when I get stopped I am polite and thank our officers for doing their best to make our country safer. Most of the time (not all) the petty traffic stop is not even about us or our violation it's about turning over rocks to help protect us. I'm bias for being Police Officer for 15 years however.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                              Thank you for doing what you do.

                              Ever time I've ever been pulled over I deserved to be pulled over.


                                Katy,TX 3 months ago .......not turning my headlights on 30 minutes before official sunset time.

