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Tile contractor issues!

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    Tile contractor issues!

    So first off I’m meeting with the lady from the Tile company at my house this evening. My wife has been handling most of the remodel after the flood while I’m at work so I haven’t ever spoke with them. How should I handle these issue, cause I’m kinda HOT!

    First tile mostly looks great!! A few spots too far from wall but trim will cover.

    Around fridge inset they left a good size gap that doesn’t get trim tile needs to be fixed to but up to the fridge cover.

    They put grout over all the tile then cleaned off the excess but you can still see grout in a bunch of places as the tile isn’t as shinny there.

    They got grout on my brand new painted walls and brand new cabinets!!!! Hand prints 1/2 way up wall and splatter.

    Kitchen was supposed to be installed with a diagonal pattern and was not.

    I have a trailer in front yard full of construction debris and demo materials that last week I reorganized VERY NEATLY with big pieces of Sheetrock on top ready to strap down and haul to the dump. They tossed all their cardboard trash, thin set bags, grout bags, shrink wrap, and etc all on top of which the wind blows off let alone trying to pull down the highway.

    They opened a window to put a fan out of for fresh air and broke the screen and window screen frame. It’s an odd ball size window as is the one next to it. To get 2 new frames and screens so they match in color is $205 from the local window place I checked with.

    Lastly after I noticed that there was a bunch of extra tile left over, over 8 boxes, I asked the wife for the quote. I noticed there is no way my house and the areas we had done were that big. So I remeasured all the room and figured up square footages. Areas we had tile put in added up to 876.5 square feet. Bid for material and labor is for 1154.8 square feet. That’s a cost difference of $1449.94

    I know you should add in an extra 10% for materials but the bid is for an extra 32% for materials and labor.

    Sorry for the long read. How do you think I should approach these issues? I will add pictures if I can upload them.

    Attached Files


      Fridge cover
      Attached Files


        Attached Files


          I would explain everything you just explained and ask that the company address your concerns. The question is do you contract out the fixes (cleanup and window replacement) and have them pay for it or let them contract it out themselves and cover the cost.

          Regarding the fridge gap... kinda surprised there wasn't a trim piece there. What flooring did you have before?


            Several areas in every room like this
            Attached Files


              Originally posted by SwampRabbit View Post
              I would explain everything you just explained and ask that the company address your concerns. The question is do you contract out the fixes (cleanup and window replacement) and have them pay for it or let them contract it out themselves and cover the cost.

              Regarding the fridge gap... kinda surprised there wasn't a trim piece there. What flooring did you have before?
              They are all new cabinets. Didn’t have a spot for the fridge before. I guess I could put a piece of trim there but there’s not supposed to be one there per design. Just a thin cover board under the cabinets which I haven’t installed yet


                I think you pretty much have lined out exactly what you need to say and how to say it...


                  Ask what there plan is to correct the problems.


                    Do you have a contract or executed proposal?
                    If you have the above and it states that it was to be on a diagonal I would start there and they will do basically whatever you ask or they can remove it and do it per the agreement.
                    They should have done a better job on clean up of walls and cabinets but there will be some grout residue left in locations.
                    In regards to the grout that was left on tile it cannot be seen in pics but unless it holes or divots it can be cleaned.
                    In regards to trash they should have hauled off there own unless it was construction dumpster which obviously it was not.
                    There should be trim behind the fridge.


                      Sounds like you have a very detailed list and I would explain it in that manner. I would write all of that out for notes just in case you get frustrated and might forget something. It's not uncommon for some contractors to order too much material either for their own use or for another job. Either way money in their pocket but it sounds like you are on top of that and hopefully you can get reimbursed. Best of luck to you.


                        Wow. That’s some.... iffy work. For reference what do they charge per foot installed?


                          First, hopefully you haven't already paid them in full for the work. If you haven't I would hold payment (or at least enough to cover all repairs) until they are all completed. If you have already paid them this could turn into a knock down drag out.

                          I would ask for a refund for anything over 15% waste on the tile, 32% is excessive. Added 5% to the standard 10% waste due to the requested diagonal in the kitchen which would have had a larger waste percentage. If you dont have any large open areas and just a bunch of small areas where there is a ton of cuts you could even use 20% waste. Also labor is generally a touch more for diagonal so make sure you have it in writing that the kitchen was supposed to be laid that way. If its in writing I would at minimum ask for a small credit since it was laid straight and if they refuse then I would ask them to remove and replace per your written agreement. They will likely change their mind at that point and decide to give you the small credit. I would ask them to haul off all of their trash as well since there was no construction dumpster. Hope this helps.


                            Originally posted by myway View Post
                            Do you have a contract or executed proposal?
                            If you have the above and it states that it was to be on a diagonal I would start there and they will do basically whatever you ask or they can remove it and do it per the agreement.
                            They should have done a better job on clean up of walls and cabinets but there will be some grout residue left in locations.
                            In regards to the grout that was left on tile it cannot be seen in pics but unless it holes or divots it can be cleaned.
                            In regards to trash they should have hauled off there own unless it was construction dumpster which obviously it was not.
                            There should be trim behind the fridge.
                            It’s the side of the fridge not behind it. I guess I can make a piece of trim for there if I have to. The kick plates that go under the cabinets are only 1/8” thick and I don’t think a painted base board would look good right there. I’ll have to look up some pics of kitchens and see some examples.


                              Oh yes, quote states Diagonal pattern for the kitchen tile

