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    My son is in kindergarten this year and it’s the same as you mention . Homework out of the wazzooo! I complain my wife thinks it’s normal , I Don’t even remember having homework until middle school ..


      I wouldn't expect any relief by changing schools. My daughter started 7th grade this year and I would say this is the least amount of homework she's ever had. Her homework load from 1st through 6th was ridiculous.


        There won't be a change in school. Wife will stay home and homeschool if that is what we have to do. I just don't see the point in spending $14k a year for us to pretty much be homeschooling rather than the kids learning in school. I almost see it as more of a daycare than anything.

        They spend 30 minutes on the playground and 30 minutes recess/PE. Other activities are library, art, music, etc. We know quite a few people in the area that homeschool and a few go to our church. They use the Abeka Curriculum which runs about $500/kid and 2-3 hrs of work a day. All of their kids are very knowledgeable and well behaved. I was even thinking about starting a County group if we decided to go this route where local homeschool kids/mom's/dad's (whoever stays home to teach) could get together and socialize. Kids would have the interaction with one another as if they were in school. Basically help build social skills with other kids similar age.


          Originally posted by Antlers86 View Post
          There won't be a change in school. Wife will stay home and homeschool if that is what we have to do. I just don't see the point in spending $14k a year for us to pretty much be homeschooling rather than the kids learning in school. I almost see it as more of a daycare than anything.

          They spend 30 minutes on the playground and 30 minutes recess/PE. Other activities are library, art, music, etc. We know quite a few people in the area that homeschool and a few go to our church. They use the Abeka Curriculum which runs about $500/kid and 2-3 hrs of work a day. All of their kids are very knowledgeable and well behaved. I was even thinking about starting a County group if we decided to go this route where local homeschool kids/mom's/dad's (whoever stays home to teach) could get together and socialize. Kids would have the interaction with one another as if they were in school. Basically help build social skills with other kids similar age.
          As far at the homeschooling county group goes, there was a group in my hometown that did this. They even had a basketball team that played other homeschoolers and small private schools. I wasn't homeschooled, but I thought it was cool that they got the kids and parents together and even had sports teams.


            Originally posted by rattler03 View Post
            As far at the homeschooling county group goes, there was a group in my hometown that did this. They even had a basketball team that played other homeschoolers and small private schools. I wasn't homeschooled, but I thought it was cool that they got the kids and parents together and even had sports teams.
            I like the sports idea! I'm planning a meeting with our pastor to see if we can use the church facility once a week for this. Classrooms and gym that rarely get used. I think it will help settle our wondering what to do.


              Homeschooling works very well for my family. I have my doubts about the in-school all day/homework all evening model.

              It's nice to be able to travel whenever we want, it's especially nice during hunting season.

              I interact with a lot of homeschooled families through work, church, family, etc. In my opinion the socialization issue isn't a valid concern. I don't feel that the ideal way for children to learn social skills is by spending most of their time around other children their age-I went to public school and remember it well.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                Teachers...****ed if they do...****ed if they don't.


                  I have family members who attended private school and the same scenario as you speak of. However, it only gets worse. By the time they were in 8th-12th grade it was 4 hours of homework a night at minimum. It worked for them and they had it easy in college because of the habits they were forced K-12. Me I am a product of public Sharpstown High School in the inner city of Houston LOL. We all turned out OK I guess. Well their grammar is better
                  Good luck on your endeavors. prayers your way to make the right decision


                    Don’t even get me started.... I’m about to bang my head against the wall with my school district. My 4th grader has 2-3 pages of math problems each night, read 3 books a week, spelling workbook and an English worksheet each week.

                    I’m going to ask for evidence/research that indicates homework benefits elementary age kids.

                    I swear to all things holy if I hear one more educator claim “well I have to teach to the test...”. I’m going to scream! If teachers collectively despise “the test” and know it isn’t in the best interest of kids, then collectively revolt against it, there is no more qualified opinion than those that work with kids all day.


                      My boys private school has a no homework policy and fridays off to pursue a passion with excellence. They cite multiple studies to back all this. Kids can only handle so much sitting every day and it’s detrimental. Schools SAT scores and academic scholarships are amazing.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                        Same problem here, OP. My 1st grader does more homework than my 7th grader. Usually 1 to 1.5 hours a night. Seems bassackwards to me. Even more frustrating, it seems the kiddo is generally grossly unprepared for the assignments, so me or the wife basically have to sit and be the teacher/tutor for the duration. Just about might as well stay home. I know several home-school families that only do a few hours a day and we are half way there already.


                          All good points!

                          I think less is best! Cramming all this crap into their heads especially at such a young age isn't doing them any good!

                          Evolver I hear ya. That is why we are leaning towards homeschooling.


                            PM sent


                              I attended public school up until the 5th grade then shifted to a private Christian school so I’ve seen both sides. It was very small but we had enough for a basketball team, golf, etc. We used the same curriculum as your kid’s school, which is solid. I believe it prepared me well for a higher education in a number of ways. My elementary experience was similar to others that have posted in that I did not have much homework. When I shifted to the private school the homework picked up but not to a great degree. It sounds as though the approach may be a bit different as we spent more time with instruction in math, reading and sciences than with electives. From what you describe, the homework sounds excessive. My kids (15, 13, 10) attend Denton Schools. The two younger kids spend 30-45 minutes max per night on homework. If my youngest had to do much more he’d run out of steam. To me, my fondest memories of my childhood involve jumping on the bike after school and playing with my friends from the neighborhood. Kids should work hard in school and be kids afterward....just my .02

                              Also, I went to private school that had a heavy emphasis on Christ. Memorization of the word, strong focus on teaching what the right path in life is all about. I saw allot of kids be sheltered until they graduated. Many have gone on to be successful, well adjusted men and women while others had a very hard time with adjusting, socially and to having a great deal of freedom (drugs, alcohol, etc). This is probably no different than any other school or group of kids. I have all 3 of my kids in public school at this point because I feel that they will have more opportunities to grow and experience more based on significantly more being offered than I’ve seen with smaller private schools. We follow the Lord and pray over them daily as I know that they are probably exposed to more, overall than would otherwise in the private school setting. Not trying to jerk the wheel on your thread but did want to contribute.

                              Good luck whichever direction you go!


                                Several of the scouts that have Eagled out of our troop were home schooled. Most were well mannered, of excellent character and smart young men.

                                A couple were . . . A bit incapable of normal interaction in the group. They were the exception though.

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