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Worst Fire Poker Picture

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    My brother has a fire poker that came from my grandparents. It was 4 ft long and had a loop on one end for hanging and a 5 or 6 inch L on the other. It was homemade and heavy . had to be made out of 5/8 rod......well it being so long I never once remember it ever having a spot to hang.... My grandpa is what you would have called a sawed off Hungarian. Just under 6ft but all muscle, all from hard work. He grew up in hard times and was very tuff. Grew up eating out of trash cans because he lost both parrents at a early age. Worked his way through life and made something of him self but had been in his share of fights.......back to the fire poker. One night my grandpa had put in a hard day and decided to lay down by the fire and take a nap.....he was sleeping so everyone just turned out the lights and let him lay there. Later in walks my uncle. A man that to this day we lovingly call uncle fatts. 6'4" size 14 shoe. A real walking sasquach. He does not see my grandpa there and accidentally steps on the L of the fire poker. It comes down with all the weight and force of my uncle and beans my grandpa on the head. Think of the cartoons of stepping on a rake but going down and not up. Dang near killed the poor man and to this day I still don't know how did not. Everyone still laughts about it and looking back it was funny but it could have killed him. I always knew he was tuff but never knew how tuff until I heard that story. Your fire poker thread made me think of him. We lost him about 18 years ago.
    Last edited by jhunter77; 01-16-2018, 01:33 PM.


      Here’s mine for the shop heater.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        I use a 3/8"x 3' long piece of re-bar.


          I miss my house! **** Harvey!!! I'd be sitting in front of my big Ol fire place.

