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New Year Workout Accountability 2018

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    I sleep straight through the night until 3:45

    Most sleep I’ve had in weeks and I Feel rested and ready to go!

    Shoulders and cardio and aiming for 30 mins of stair master


      I've been trying to take it easy the past week. The Dr. said that my rotator cuff may be torn and I need to lay off anything upper body for two weeks.
      So, lots and lots of time of the stair master for me!


        Yesterday was a good chest and biceps day. No cardio. Trying to let my sore heel get some relief.

        Today....still undecided. 3 hours sleep. I hate nights.


          Legs and abs today. Tweaked a glute so now I have a pain in the ***. Taking a few days off before starting the heavy low rep segment of this plan. I will either start that Sunday or Monday.


            No gym for me today and yesterday. Short turn around time at work and crazy schedule. Back to normal schedule tomorrow.


              Hit the road earlier. Really good Pace for me.


                Shoulders was a success

                Today ended up being sprints but called a auidable and did the fastest paced mile I’ve done since high school at 6:59.

                Tomorrow is Legs if I can fit it in before my flight at 3:05

                Saturday will more and likely be a off day since it’s a wedding day and we are in a hotel


                  12 Drop step lunge and leans SS 12 Single leg DB squats each leg. 3 sets.
                  12 DB single leg DBL SS 20 hip bucks. 3 sets.
                  12 step up thrusts each leg SS 12 split squat jumps each leg. 3 sets.

                  Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


                    I donated blood yesterday so no biceps work today like I wanted too. I was a little scared I'd blow that thing open again. Plus my arm was a little sore from being stuck with what I am sure was a old oil can spout!

                    Anyways, I did get some chest and back today and managed not to squirt blood all over the entire gym.

                    Supersets 4x8 with last set stripping it down

                    Seated wide grip chest press/weighted pullups
                    Incline dumbbell press/wide grip seated row
                    Pec deck/body weight chin up
                    Incline situps/hanging leg raise

                    Taking the weekend off. Got an IDPA shoot tomorrow and then yard work the rest of the weekend. Yuck!


                      Today was working on jerk and snatch. Did lots of jerks, light weight and behind the neck press, Klokov presses as well. Sitting in a full squat, atg, with the bb overhead in with a snatch grip. Then finished off with arms, traps and abs. Going to start doing Tabata. Their is a YOUTUBE sight called Tabata Songs that keeps your cadence so, you don't need a stop watch.


                        Was able to do legs!

                        Mch calf raises///Laying leg curls///leg ext (20/10/10)x4
                        Leg press 3x20 with increasing weight per set
                        DB walking lunges 15x15x12x10 each leg
                        Smith Squats 20x20x15x10x10x20 inc weight per set minus the last one which is a drop set
                        Leg ext///leg curls 4x12

                        8 min mile


                          I don't know how I used to jump rope for hours as a kid!
                          100 regular jumps.
                          75 side to side jumps.
                          5 minutes boxer shuffles.
                          25 double jumps.
                          That's all, but it kicked my butt.

                          Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


                            Shoulders and abs today. Mixture of dumbbells machines and kettlebells. Got some pretty good cardio going with the kettlebell swings and snatches. Had to cut it short cuz my grandsons got a baseball game at 6.


                              12 DB deadlifts SS 12 tubing squat to standing rows. 4 sets.
                              15 inverted rows SS 12 DB clean and press. 4 sets.
                              Burpee push-up pyramids 10-1. 2 sets.

                              Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


                                10 min treadmill
                                20 on calorie burner program on rotating staircase of death
                                8 min treadmill
                                2000 Meter row
                                10 min treadmill cool down
                                Sauna time to relax

