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Jail Time for Poacher

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    Originally posted by Pkripper View Post
    That's really dependent on the area your in.
    I definitely agree with you. I grew up looking at deer as a dime a dozen because we have a lot, and people here probably have a more relaxed attitude than most (just in general). Not to say that people don’t care about the resources, because that’s not the case at all. I’ve just never seen anyone get worked up over a single deer, even a big one.

    I like to see action taken against people who seriously abuse the resource & I think that a lot of those guys are the ones that get away with quite a bit, at least in my experience.


      Originally posted by toledo View Post
      Follow the money. Everybody sees a deer like that, killed illegally, and the first thing they think is how much it would cost them to do it legally. Many feel wronged because they spend thousands per year, do it the hard and legal way, and still never get a chance on a deer like that. Then this loser comes along, shortcuts the system and he must pay to the fullest extent possible. It’s a symptom of where the money involved in deer hunting has taken us. If it were a big old 8 point, nobody would have given it a second look. Im not saying he shouldn’t pay for his crimes but the combined sentence shows how bat poop crazy we’ve all gone (the state, the poacher, society, everyone) over the score of some antlers.
      I see it from they eyes of the guy who had it on camera. The guy who had put in the hours on the stand trying to kill that particular deer. The guy who had the deer at 30 yards but the deer was walking away and his ethics wouldn't let him take the shot. That is a once in a lifetime deer for 99% of the population and IMO a value cannot be placed on that.

      What it cost to buy that deer never crosses my mind.


        Originally posted by Clay C View Post
        I didn’t say it was right. It’s not right. My post was just pointing out to the people who think this stuff was punished more severely in the old days that it wasn’t.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        I understand now, I thought you might have been in the camp that the punishment was too harsh and we should go back to how it used to be done.


          Originally posted by Razrbk89 View Post
          I definitely agree with you. I grew up looking at deer as a dime a dozen because we have a lot, and people here probably have a more relaxed attitude than most (just in general). Not to say that people don’t care about the resources, because that’s not the case at all. I’ve just never seen anyone get worked up over a single deer, even a big one.

          I like to see action taken against people who seriously abuse the resource & I think that a lot of those guys are the ones that get away with quite a bit, at least in my experience.
          You grew up seeing lots of deer because sportsmen in the past pushed for game laws, in order to build up healthy herds so future generations (you) could enjoy hunting the ample resources.

          As far as the sentence handed down, I think it was excessive.


            Do stupid S@@@ win stupid prizes!!! I hope this sends a message out to poachers


              Originally posted by adam_p View Post
              I see it from they eyes of the guy who had it on camera. The guy who had put in the hours on the stand trying to kill that particular deer. The guy who had the deer at 30 yards but the deer was walking away and his ethics wouldn't let him take the shot. That is a once in a lifetime deer for 99% of the population and IMO a value cannot be placed on that.

              What it cost to buy that deer never crosses my mind.
              Yeah, but the hunter doesn't get the money from the restitution.


                Originally posted by rut-ro View Post
                Welcome to the fire. I will agree values and lifestyles have changed over the years. But I will also say this. 30 years ago poaching happens all the time as well however, there was no social media or fancy game cameras to capture and brag to all your buddies.

                30-40 years ago people hunted more for the sport and now they hunt for horns and antlers.

                How do you feel about the guy that lives in the country and shoots a deer in the off season to provide for his family ? Is he a criminal or feedng family ?

                I feel a lot of people will use that as an excuse when they haven’t tried a food pantry, haven’t tried their local church, haven’t tried a second job....

                you show me someone who truly would have to leave their family without a meal if they didn’t shoot it and I would completely agree with no charges at all.

                But, you should have to exhaust ALL resources before it’s okay to break the law. Otherwise what’s the difference between coming into your house and taking your stuff to feed their family?

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Originally posted by Roy Munson View Post
                  Murder is a pretty severe punishment for poaching. That sounds like how my granddad would have handled it. Was your dad from Italy? My granddad was from Corleon, Italy. He came to America when he was little. He eventually started a small olive oil company called Genco, in New York with his closest friends Samuel Clemenza and Sal Tessio. Anyway, my Dad followed in his footsteps. Although he went to college, because of some unpleasantness with a police captain, he ended up in the family business and eventually was the head of all of our business interests when we made the move to Lake Tahoe. He kept his “brother” Tom Hagen on as a counselor of sorts. In the end he settled all family business just like you described your dad would have. Ask anyone who knew Moe Greene or Stratchi.
                  Sounds familiar


                    I still think we need to know right and wrong. It's your choice to decide upon that. Glad we have the TPWD rules and regs, Game Wardens, and Judges to handle matters like this. Plus all the previous generations that worked to overcome these type of issues.


                      play stupid games win stupid prizes


                        If I had not read this and someone ask me what I thought the punishment would be I would have guessed, hunting rights revoked for 5 years, 15-20K dollar fine, community service for several weekends. The jail time surprised me, but hey, you do stupid things you pay the price.


                          Originally posted by tradtiger View Post
                          Somewhat creative sentencing in making the punishments hurt and fit the crime, while still allowing the fellow to make a living ... to pay off the massive restitution amount.


                            Originally posted by Radar View Post
                            Yes and I remember my grandpa(born in 1903) telling me that when he was a kid they would run deer with dogs till the deer would die from exhaustion or gun shots. And then by 1930 there was no more deer in the county.

                            He also would tell me of all the fish they would net out of the river and then there was very few fish to catch. And he had never seen a wild turkey till he was 80 years old.

                            There was no such thing as game management back then, everyone thought animals would be around forever. I would say the Great Depression probably put the hurt on most game. Very hard times and there was no choice.

                            I think that today ,if you poach for any reason, your a liar and a thief . Poachers cost us a lot of money in the long run.
                            Well put and well stated. I ageee

