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first deer!

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      Big congrats! Welcome to the club.






            It worked and you a bow hunter for life Congrats


              Congrats, thats a big ol doe !!!!


                Congrats and here's to many more!




                    Originally posted by TexasArchery_27 View Post
                    I hear ya. This is my second season of not getting anything with a bow. It can be extremely frustrating at times. Half the time I really don't want to tell anyone I'm going because of the feeling of failure when I don't return with any kills/ The key is persistence, so kudos to you!
                    Man it really is frustrating. Like I said earlier I have eaten tag soup for the last 2 years. Doesn't help I started hunting way late so a lot of what I know I've either read or had to learn on my own. I shot a 8 point buck my first year and never found him. blood trail was **** near non existent so Im sure I shot too low and he lived. The next year I shot a doe and wasnt able to recover her due to her going onto private property and I had no way of contacting land owners. Than this year I started late (put a bow on layaway) and didnt get it until the middle of October. This was my third sit in the stand, and I have no idea how it happened. I got set up and finally in the stand about 10 minutes after sunrise, my stand was leaning downward so a good fart would have blown me 12 feet to the ground and I (thought) I was sticking out like a sore thumb because the tree I was in was bare and I didnt really have a lot of cover behind me. Somehow this doe had snuck up behind me about 45 yards away and she circled around and came up to my left and stopped behind a tree so I drew back and she stayed there for what felt like an eternity and then finally came out. I put the pin on her and let the arrow fly. Arrow hit and she took off like a bullet. I thought I heard her crash but decided to wait an hour because of previous experiences. I ended up finding her 60 yards from my tree. Once I started skinning her I saw that I had hit her right in the heart. So this kill was probably 30% me and 70% God. It happened all so fast and I still cant believe it really happened haha. Persistence definitely pays off. That and not overthinking it. Whole reason I picked the area to hunt was because I knew there was acorns all around me and I had seen trails so I said sure, this sounds like a good spot. No previous pictures or sightings to go off. Just basic knowledge of animals. They gotta eat and they gotta move to get to food.


                      Originally posted by TexasArchery_27 View Post
                      I hear ya. This is my second season of not getting anything with a bow. It can be extremely frustrating at times. Half the time I really don't want to tell anyone I'm going because of the feeling of failure when I don't return with any kills/ The key is persistence, so kudos to you!
                      That's why we call it "hunting" instead of "killing."




                          Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                          That's why we call it "hunting" instead of "killing."
                          Thats the truth! Shoot if they gave awards for longest sits in a treestand without killing I'd be a contender for sure lol






                                Awesome. Congrats

