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Why can women not figure out what they want to eat?

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    3 Things

    Originally posted by curtintex View Post
    Because they have that thing, that one thing, and it's undefeated. That's "why". If I had one I'd rule the **** world.
    Originally posted by fox1 View Post
    It's not about the nail!!!
    We know it's not about the nail. Curt explains that in the quote about yours.

    Originally posted by Hank Hill View Post
    Tried the app for the first time last night, put dang near every restaurant within 5 mins of our house.
    Her final answer - "none of that sounds good, lets cook something"
    Me: "okay, what are you hungry for?"
    Her: "I don't care, anything"
    Now that made me laugh. Only because it wasn't me this time.

    Everyone pay attention. This is the first TBH thread where we all agree on something!


      We drive around town for 30 minutes arguing about where to eat then when we finally agree on something she starts naming off more places to eat. I swear shes trying to start the whole process over again. What ever you do after you eat, tell her it was the greatest meal ever because if you have a complaint it will be thrown in your face that she offered to eat somewhere else.

      Another one that gets me is when I work late and she waits till I get home at 9 to cook dinner. I tell her I'm tired, want a shower, something quick to eat and my bed....then she gets offended because I want a sandwich and don't want to eat at 10:30 at night. "Well I was waiting on you to get home so I would know what to cook." SMH!


        Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
        Until it takes them 2 hours to decide! At that point they're starving lunatics and over eat.
        My wife may not take a long time to decide as I said, but when she gets "hangry" I am smart enough to stay out of her way. After 25 years together I know how to pick my battles .


          Originally posted by TallTexan View Post
          I'm married, and have used both of those and something similar. One time I literally turned the car around after 30 minutes of the back and forth game, and made everyone eat what ever was at the house. It is interesting how fast a decision gets made now, and I have never had to turn around again.

          Willpower! [emoji1307]


            Originally posted by curtintex View Post
            What the hell is that about anyhow? How can I know there is a problem and not try to fix it? Why would I sit and listen to a problem and not immediately be thinking of a solution? Women, as a group, are crazier than a bunch of penned up raccoons and I just don't understand them and likely never will.
            Nailed it.


              Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
              Does not compute...

              Don't bring me problems if you don't want solutions...however hair brained or moronic. I solve problems.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Amen. Heaven forbid we come up with something that makes the problem cease to exist.


                I stopped asking along time ago. I just pull into a place and ask her if she is going to join me. She asked me why don't you ask where I want to go, and I told her I have done that for 15yrs and it's the same thing every time whatever you want so I stopped asking.


                  [QUOTE=curtintex;12750060]What the hell is that about anyhow? How can I know there is a problem and not try to fix it? Why would I sit and listen to a problem and not immediately be thinking of a solution? Women, as a group, are crazier than a bunch of penned up raccoons and I just don't understand them and likely never will.[

                  This is really saying something, cause if anyone were to be able to understand women it would be you my friend.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by Graysonhogs View Post
                    Amen. Heaven forbid we come up with something that makes the problem cease to exist.
                    If I can't fix it, I'll fix it to where NOBODY can fix it!


                      Originally posted by canny View Post
                      When you figure that out please publish your findings and you will win the Nobel Prize!
                      One the few things my wife and I argue about on a regular basis


                        Women: *I'm hungry, I wonder what he wants to eat? I'll text him to see. He'll probably say steak, he knows that makes me feel bloated. I could cook chicken, no we had that the other day and I don't feel like cleaning and HE won't. What about that Italian place, he said fine last time, but I know he really doesn't like that place and it's always crowded. Besides that waitress was eyeballing him all night. We could get pizza, but I look like a rooting pig eating that and I don't need those calories. I'll let him decide...what to wear, no, I look fat in those pants. I could wear shorts, but my legs stick to his seats and then they squeak and he will think I did something else. Did I bring my purse in? I think so I put it on the kitchen table beside the dish he didn't put up last night. Maybe I'll get him to bring something home, but he never gets what I like.*

                        Her "Wanna go grab something to eat?"
                        Him "sure"
                        Her "What do you want?"
                        Him *been here before* "You pick, you always make the best picks" *yeah, right*
                        Her "I don't care, really"
                        Him "OK, what about that Italian place you like?"
                        Her "REALLY, the one with the HOT waitress?"
                        Him "What waitress? Seriously, ok, what about the new pizza place?"
                        Her "yes really, don't act like you didn't notice her, and NOT PIZZA again" *oink*
                        Him "Ok, you pick then, I don't care" *could've ordered something by now*
                        Her "I always have to do everything, just eat whatever at home, I don't feel like going out"
                        Him "Ok, want me to bring you somthing?"
                        Her "No I have a head ache"
                        Him "Ok, I'm gonna stop and grab a burger then"


                        *he always ruins everything*
                        *Dang I was hungry that was good!"

                        Gets home:

                        Him: Hey, babe
                        Her: Don't babe me
                        Him: what the?
                        Her: you know what and if you don't I'm not telling you

                        Tune in tomorrow for exactly the same thing.

                        No husbands were hurt in the making of this parody, yet.


                          Originally posted by klwoodall View Post
                          women: *i'm hungry, i wonder what he wants to eat? I'll text him to see. He'll probably say steak, he knows that makes me feel bloated. I could cook chicken, no we had that the other day and i don't feel like cleaning and he won't. What about that italian place, he said fine last time, but i know he really doesn't like that place and it's always crowded. Besides that waitress was eyeballing him all night. We could get pizza, but i look like a rooting pig eating that and i don't need those calories. I'll let him decide...what to wear, no, i look fat in those pants. I could wear shorts, but my legs stick to his seats and then they squeak and he will think i did something else. Did i bring my purse in? I think so i put it on the kitchen table beside the dish he didn't put up last night. Maybe i'll get him to bring something home, but he never gets what i like.*

                          her "wanna go grab something to eat?"
                          him "sure"
                          her "what do you want?"
                          him *been here before* "you pick, you always make the best picks" *yeah, right*
                          her "i don't care, really"
                          him "ok, what about that italian place you like?"
                          her "really, the one with the hot waitress?"
                          him "what waitress? Seriously, ok, what about the new pizza place?"
                          her "yes really, don't act like you didn't notice her, and not pizza again" *oink*
                          him "ok, you pick then, i don't care" *could've ordered something by now*
                          her "i always have to do everything, just eat whatever at home, i don't feel like going out"
                          him "ok, want me to bring you somthing?"
                          her "no i have a head ache"
                          him "ok, i'm gonna stop and grab a burger then"


                          *he always ruins everything*
                          *dang i was hungry that was good!"

                          gets home:

                          Him: Hey, babe
                          her: Don't babe me
                          him: What the?
                          Her: You know what and if you don't i'm not telling you

                          tune in tomorrow for exactly the same thing.

                          No husbands were hurt in the making of this parody, yet.


                            Originally posted by CEO View Post
                            I don't even ask anymore. I just start naming places like an auctioneer until something hits.


                              And then their were women and the things they lose in their purses!


                                Originally posted by Hank Hill View Post
                                If your location is indeed Andrews, TX, I think I'd be eating Buddys Drive in steak fingers for every meal, regardless of what the wife says
                                Why don't more places sell steak fingers?

