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    Originally posted by bowhuntercoach View Post
    Do not get certified in something just because it will get you a job. Get certified in something that you love to teach. Be a great teacher AND a great coach. Math and science are in high demand for a reason. Not everyone who can pass the test needs to be teaching these subjects. I have been at for 16 years now and love it. Started out in Texas History for 11 years and the last five have been in PE. Wouldn't do anything else. Kids these days need good men to look up to. Good luck!
    MS and Elementary PE is my dream job when I am done standing out in the heat in August but not yet ready to retire. There is a lot of truth in what you are saying. I am starting my 18th year this year.



      Special Education.


        I majored in Health and Kinesiology didn't have a minor. I am certified in PE, Health, and 8-12 Social Studies, and coach football and baseball. It is tough getting a PE job unless you are an OC or DC, or know the head coach very well when you apply. Make sure whatever you do to take teaching seriously, I have been fortunate enough to not move around at all yet (knock on wood) but have seen quite a few "coaches" who didn't do well in the class get non renewed. I am by no means a master teacher and sometimes wonder if my kids learn at all but I try. Also, don't send a ton of kids to the office, principals are up to their ears in tons of stuff, as a coach especially at a small school you can take care of most misconduct during athletics, only send kids that really earn a trip to the office. The principals really appreciate it.

        And remember that coaching is teaching, if you can't teach you are going to have trouble coaching. I was told that by my first AD and it has helped me out so far.


          For what it's worth, we are still trying to hire a Head Girls Soccer Coach.

