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Don't know how to feel [emoji53] pretty disgusted.

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    I don't know anything about him but he sent me a friends request several months back on facebook. He was active on the Central Texas Bowhunting page so I accepted. If you need me to try and send him a message I will gladly do so.



      He's a piece of shi+ don't listen to anything he says

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        So why exactly could the sheriff and/or game warden not do anything to help?

        It sounds perfectly logical that law enforcement would turn a blind eye and allow a group of vigilantes bum rush this losers house to retrieve their own stolen property. If the thief ended up dead, oh well but if he would've come out guns blazing I'd say law enforcement would be in a tough spot.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          I've had experiences with local - yocal taxis in the past with not answering the phone, deciding to get out of business, not mounting things as we discussed----

          I flat out don't use the local yocals anymore....


            Man this is a common occurrence and gives me some serious dejavu!
            Back in the 80s during high school I worked about 3 weeks one summer for a taxidermist in my home town that was taking over the family business from his father. The dad had grown a very successful business over the years but health issues had forced a quick exit.
            The son was a real POS! Between juggling too many women and dabbling in alcohol (and whatever else) he single handily ran the business into the ground. During just the 3 or so weeks I worked for him I remember him receiving several calls from the place he used to rent freezer space from telling him their freezer had gone out and that he needed to make arrangements to move all the hides and capes they had in storage.
            We made a few trips to the freezer storage and moved about half of the capes to various places but he never made arraignments for the remaining hides. He never even tried and just plain didn't care. After about 4-5 days I knew this guy was going to be in deep sh** because several of the hides I was hired to flesh had already started to "slip", which means the hide is rotten to the point the hair was dislodging from the skin. End result...the hide is ruined!

            I cut my losses that day and walked out of there...never even receiving a DIME for the 3 weeks of work either. My ole man was HOT!
            But I know there were some guys that spent a fortune on trophy hunts for deer, bear, caribou and who knows what else...that were A LOT MORE P***** OFF THAN I WAS!

            Stone glad you got your horns back. You can always find another cape.


              Man that sucks. Good luck. I learned a long time ago the hard way full payment up front screams fraud to me now.


                Last edited by BigYoung; 08-06-2017, 03:53 PM.


                  This is unbelievable that the guy is not in jail. Hope you get your horns back.

