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Whisker Biskit and Noise

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    Whisker Biskit and Noise

    Yesterday morning I had a group of about 5 does come into my feeder area and I was beginning to think I was going to finally get my first deer with a bow. As I started drawing my bow it became obvious that they could hear my arrow passing through my Whisker Biskit. I completed the draw but the deer became nervous and left the area before I could get a shot.

    I've read some threads where people were talking about sanding their arrows to make them smoother for less noise but I can't remember what they were sanding them with. I did go into town and by some silicon spray lube and applied it to my arrows and rest but it didn't seem to help the noise issue any. Is there something special about the lube or is any silicon lube OK.

    I really like my WB and don't want to change my rest so any advice you have would be appreciated.

    I've never used one of those rests, but I sort of remember posts about that noise. If I remember right, they weren't sanding their arrows. They were putting sand paper around an arrow and running the arrow back and forth through the rest, sanding the "whiskers" to make them softer and quieter.

    That is if I'm remembering correctly.

    Good luck!
    If I didn't think my opinion was right, then it wouldn't be my opinion. So, any other opinion must be wrong, therefore stupid.


      When I was using a WB I was also using Beman arrows, with a slick finish. They did not make the noise.


        find a better rest man! there is no sense fighting it. bodoodle makes a rest called a zapper you need to look into. holds the arrow just like a biscuit but uses three prongs instead of the whiskers.


          I'll replace it if I have to but I'm sure there were things I could do to quiet it down.


            I use the biscuit and I have not had any issues with noise. I killed two does this last week, neither knew I was there, and one was within 15 yards when I drew. I always use a light Scotchbrite pad to rub over the carbon shafts to erase any foam or other materials that might have collected on it. You can also use a wax on your arrows to give is a slick coating.

            I love the WB and I can't imagine changing.



              I'll second using the Beman ICS arrows. They have a slick finish. If using carbon arrows your wb rest should be the model for the aluminum arrows (it has a larger hole that helps with the noise with no effect on accurracy using the carbon arrows). I also would wrap sandpaper around the arrow and run it thru the rest several hundred times while you're watching tv or something. And I have found if I draw back slowly it is quieter also. All of these things together make a difference on those dead calm days.

