man that looks like a nice place.. don't you need a ranch manger fro several months
would be nice to get out of this
texas heat but then I would have to come back to tex when it
got cold.. old bones can't take the cold weather
Thanks! We could get you an upgraded stand with a heater
After checking cards today I had a couple of new comers to the food plot stand on the hill. After reviewing other cards they are also frequent visitors to the protein feeder. Still a lot to do before the opener, but its getting there
The protein feeder had its share of visitors as well. I have learned a lot about deer movements at this location and will move in to put a lock on in a tree before the bachelor bucks break up if this type of regular attendance continues
Really nice looking place and deer, and as for the second cull question, if it was mine, He would go after I got one of the really nice mature bucks. You have a few to pick from.
Hope the best for the first season.
Had some beautiful weather today and decided to move a big stand. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but things worked out fine! With a little bit of lane mowing this location should work out well
Really nice looking place and deer, and as for the second cull question, if it was mine, He would go after I got one of the really nice mature bucks. You have a few to pick from.
Hope the best for the first season.
I agree, he looks older than the first one so I will give him some time to reverse course. Thanks for your input