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    For the record I am not Catholic and dont know what they teach. But real science and the Christian faith ( true sound Biblical teachings ) do not contradict each other. There are many biblical things, and many scientific things that are unproven. In my opinion science has been hijacked by a train of thought that seeks to "prove" faith is wrong and that somehow science always prevails. This bias is a *******ization of the scientific process. The results must stand alone, regardless of opinion and bias in order to be proven as a fact. That is why evolution is a theory. ( as is creation )


      Originally posted by lovetohunt View Post
      Sorry to disappoint you but radiocarbon is not a theory it is a tool that can help to determine the age of fossils but it can only be used to date fossils to about 70,000 years ago. But there is another method called potassium-argon (K-Ar) method that can date rocks into the billions of years. There are several radiometric methods that can be used to date rocks or strata. And yes I believe in God.
      I get curious when people tell me they can date things back to 70,000 years precisely ...


        Originally posted by Man View Post
        What does a christian (me) do when we are raising our son Catholic and I can see he will begin to ask more serious questions about daddy's big dinosaur bone collection display on the second floor?
        actually the answer is very simple, dinosaurs did exit or there would not be bones to prove they did, when and how many is unknown,,, many of them are now extinct,, but not all of them, examples of living animals that are like dinosaurs but because they live are not called by that name include, alligators and crocodiles, turtles, crabs, lizards, ostrich, emu, pill bugs, armadillos, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, and the whales might even be included... God made them all past and present, he made the earth they walked, and swam on and he made man who still lives with the animals that have not died off for whatever reason.........


          Job 40:15-24 speaks of a "behemoth." No one is really sure what it is, but read its description.

          15 “Look now at the behemoth,which I made along with you; he eats grass like an ox.
          16 See now, his strength is in his hips, and his power is in his stomach muscles.
          17 He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.
          18 His bones are like beams of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron.
          19 He is the first of the ways of God; only He who made him can bring near His sword.
          20 Surely the mountains yield food for him, and all the beasts of the field play there.
          21 He lies under the lotus trees, in a covert of reeds and marsh.
          22 The lotus trees cover him with their shade; the willows by the brook surround him.
          23 Indeed the river may rage, yet he is not disturbed; he is confident, though the Jordan gushes into his mouth,
          24 Though he takes it in his eyes, or one pierces his nose with a snare."


            Ironically enough, by trusting the Bible, Christians have no need to "explain away" dinosaurs and do mental gymnastics to try and disprove their existence. The Bible even leaves the door open for Christians to discover dinosaurs alive today. Should a dinosaur exist today and ever be discovered roaming around deep in some jungle, it would not really affect our understanding of the Bible or our faith. On the other hand, evolutionists would have to restructure their entire system of thought if a dinosaur appeared alive on the today's scene.


              On the other hand, evolutionists would have to restructure their entire system of thought if a dinosaur appeared alive on the today's scene.
              Well not if it's Jurassic Park anyway.


                Originally posted by lovetohunt View Post
                Sorry to disappoint you but radiocarbon is not a theory it is a tool that can help to determine the age of fossils but it can only be used to date fossils to about 70,000 years ago. But there is another method called potassium-argon (K-Ar) method that can date rocks into the billions of years. There are several radiometric methods that can be used to date rocks or strata. And yes I believe in God.
                just a silly question,, how can either of these be proven accurate when there is no known already verified birth or creation date of the object tested? how can anyone prove a rock is a certain age when no one or no thing was there then and still here to verify the date?


                  Originally posted by xman59 View Post
                  just a silly question,, how can either of these be proven accurate when there is no known already verified birth or creation date of the object tested? how can anyone prove a rock is a certain age when no one or no thing was there then and still here to verify the date?
                  Apparently they use the half-life of certain elements trapped in rocks to get the time frame in which they believe the rock was formed. The problem with that is that that does not provide proof. Only evidence. Evidence can support a theory. It does not prove a fact.


                    Was raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools, daily bible study. Do remember being taught that a lot of things are not to be taken exactly literally as they are written, but the underlying truths are there and sometimes were difficult to exactly describe. D


                      Originally posted by Sackett View Post
                      Captain obvious, or in-obvious for some of y'all is stating his son is or will be asking questions such as, "if dinosaurs lived millions of years ago l, then how did Earth begin with Adam & Eve......", etc.......

                      The answer is, we sometimes have no answer and that's ok.
                      Earth didn't begin with Adam and Eve though in the Bible right?


                        Originally posted by miket View Post
                        Apparently they use the half-life of certain elements trapped in rocks to get the time frame in which they believe the rock was formed. The problem with that is that that does not provide proof. Only evidence. Evidence can support a theory. It does not prove a fact.
                        so a theory is not a fact,,

                        how can a half life be proven without a whole life being known?


                          Originally posted by Jen-Man View Post
                          Has anyone seen the movie Genesis? Very interesting. Will we ever have all the answers? Probably not. Does it really matter how old the earth is? I mean, really, in the big scheme of things. I believe the words of the Bible were breathed by God. So I believe everything it says. Do I understand it all completely? Of course not, that's why I continue to pray for wisdom and continue to read. Bottom line: I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life here on earth, setting an example for all of us, was crucified and died on the cross, taking our sins with Him, and rose on the third day, overcoming sin and death for me. He is peace and love and He is my Savior!
                          So when I see Him I'll ask Him how old the earth really is. Til then, well, anything is possible with God.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Last year, as part of my ongoing professional development, I was required to take an 8-week seminary class on the Hebrew Bible. Among the many topics we learned about and discussed, was the process of how the Hebrew Bible (or the Torah, or Genesis - Deuteronomy) was canonized. It's extremely complicated, almost impossibly so, to derive the precise sources that were collected, revised, edited, to become the book Genesis as we know it today.

                            The Creation Story as we find it in Gen 1 is just that, a story. It has been described as a myth - NOT a made-up, untrue tale, but an attempt to wrap primitive minds around experiences they had no other means to explain. There are actually many creation mythologies from many ancient peoples. The one we Christians know and love (and vehemently defend as verbatim truth? ) just happens to be the creation story of the people that came to be known as the Hebrews, then the Israelites, then the Jews, from whence our savior Jesus came.

                            Again, the process of how even just the Old Testament part of our Bible came to be is extremely complicated, evolved from oral tradition into written stories as alphabets were invented (yes, we're talking prehistory here) over the span of at least hundreds, if not thousands of years.

                            I SAY ALL OF THIS TO SAY - before digging in with our stance on any issue, I feel it's pretty helpful to admit that there's way more information AND unknowns than we'll ever know, and while some enjoy healthy debate, to argue and get bent out of shape about these things is usually misspent energy. We need to be able to walk away from a discussion still capable of loving the other person.


                              Originally posted by bloodstick View Post
                              maybe, then maybe not. The bible says that people lived to be hundreds of years old also.

                              but then again, it rained for 40 days and nights. I take that in its literal meaning 40-24 hour periods of rain. Then drifted for i forget how long before landing on the mountain

                              I think they were on the boat 370 days.
                              How many is they? Human
                              How many of each KIND of animal?


                                Originally posted by Brazman View Post
                                The Creation Story as we find it in Gen 1 is just that, a story. It has been described as a myth - NOT a made-up, untrue tale, but an attempt to wrap primitive minds around experiences they had no other means to explain.
                                I happen to believe that Jesus was 100% God (in addition to becoming 100% man). Since Jesus refers to the creation of Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4-6), I think Jesus knew it to be true, not a 'story' to placate people.

