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Judy Just Made me Proud (Again) First Bow Harvest

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    Judy Just Made me Proud (Again) First Bow Harvest

    I got the call a few hours ago that Judy took her first shot at an animal with her bow and made a perfect shot at 18 yards on a spike that needed culling. Double lung with passthrough and 60 yard recovery.

    I am in Cairo, Egypt and Wildman met her at the ranch to help her with her first bow hunt and ensure that everything was caught on film. I am truly sorry I could not have been there for this. Danny put it just right when he said it was like watching a child take its first steps. Danny got it all on film so I will get to relive it with her over and over again.

    I can't thank Danny enough for doing everything he does for us, and it makes me feel good to know he was there with her when I could not be.

    She was obviously very excited and I believe she like the rest of us is hooked. I will get a complete report and LDP's out once I get home. I fly out at 3am tomorrow and will get the ranch Monday night.

    I am a proud man. It was great having a wife that loved to hunt as much as I did and now to get her to make the transition from gun to bow makes it all the more sweat. Her last words to me were "I am now ready to shoot a Kudu honey". Can't wait to get to Africa with her in May.





        congrats way to go !!




            Can't wait top see it in the hunting reports. Congrats to Judy!


              Awesome!!! Congrats.


                Way to go Judy!!!
                Looking forward to this video and the LDP's!


                  Congrats Judy


                    Congrats to Judy! Can't wait to see the video.


                      Awesome! I kinda know how you feel Clent. I was with my wife for her first kill with a rifle. Yeserday I finally had her out shooting her crossbow I bought her 2 yrs ago.....she didnt want to put the thing down! I figure a couple of kills with it and she'll want a bow.


                        Great job. Way to go!


                          Clent, the thanks needs to go to you brother, not me. I am home safe and sound. Tired as hell, but home. Judy has the video, pictures and a smile that will not leave her face for a very, very long time.

                          Hope this LSAT prep class doesn't put a snafu in my plans for the 17th weekend. See you then (hopefully).

                          I will email you my side of the story later tonight so that you can put it in the story.


                            That Danny is good people.

                            Congrats to Judy, I am sure that does not help your short time attitude for getting back here.

                            Give me a call or email when you do make it, beer is on me.


                              I will be in Houston the 29th through the 4th. I will give you a ring when I get into town.\


                              Glad you made it back safe and thanks again.

