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Ever Pulled Your LTC Weapon???

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    Nope never had to "pull it" but had several occasions where, after the fact, I was really glad I didn't have it on me because I probably would have when in fact it was not necessary. I think part of the mandatory classes should be how to handle situations and weird people without shooting them or threatening to. JMO


      I've never had to pull mine thankfully, but I was with a buddy when he pulled a gun. We were headed home from a hunting trip when 2 punks ran up beside us and was swerving at us for no reason. This went on for about 5 miles and they clearly wanted us to pull over. They even got in front of us and slowed down to about 20 mph on I 10. Well my buddy is not wrapped real tight and had taken about all he could stand. He wound up the 1 ton Ford and was trying his hardest to run them off in the ditch. When that didn't work he reached in the back seat, while running about a hundred, and grabbed his deer rifle. When we got up beside them again he stuck that 7 mag out the passenger window and they bailed off the interstate through the ditch. It's a wonder they didn't completely wipe out. That wasn't a real fun experience for me, but the look on their faces were priceless. I'd bet good money they never pulled that stunt again! LOL


        Never. And, pet peeve of mine ... sorry, try calling it a pistol, firearm, handgun, etc. Anything but weapon. That term doesn't help our cause in the long run.


          Originally posted by lonestarag View Post
          Never. And, pet peeve of mine ... sorry, try calling it a pistol, firearm, handgun, etc. Anything but weapon. That term doesn't help our cause in the long run.
          Gat? Piece? 9? Burner? Chopper?

          Last edited by justletmein; 02-06-2017, 11:58 PM.


            I went to pick up a rent one day. Had my wife in the car. Had a big fella tell me he wanted to test drive the car. After three times of telling him no, he told me "what are you gonna do if I take it?" I told him I was gonna bury him if he so much as opened the door. He back peddled purty quick and I got out of there scared as ****. I would have done it, I just never thought I would have put me and the wife in that situation. Don't take her anymore.


              Originally posted by justletmein View Post
              Nope never had to "pull it" but had several occasions where, after the fact, I was really glad I didn't have it on me because I probably would have when in fact it was not necessary. I think part of the mandatory classes should be how to handle situations and weird people without shooting them or threatening to. JMO
              I agree. There should be some conflict resolution methods taught.


                Originally posted by Black Ice View Post
                Years ago living in Arizona I was driving on the 101 loop and a car pulled of next to me and speed off then slowed down again and did this multiple times. After about the 3rd time when they slowed down the passenger waved a pistol at me but wasn't pointing it at me and they speed off and slowed down again but this time I had my Beretta 390 12 gauge pointed out the window laying on my window seal. Them boys hit their breaks so fast and took the next available exit. On the same stretch of the 101 I had two hot chicks pull up next to me and start touching each other and showing me pictures of them making out. They then wrote their number on a piece of paper and put it up against the window and it said to call us. I had a buddy in the passenger seat and I had him write down the number and I called and called but they never answered. To this day I still give him crap about writing down the wrong number[emoji23]

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                2nd story had all the makings for a little assault with a friendly weapon


                  Gassing up at a station near the big airport in Houston (that's where I work) I saw 3 guys gathered around a car with the radio going boom boom. As I began to fill my truck they all dispersed and the one driving the car drove over to the pump opposite me. Then one guy began to walk in front of my truck, and one walked behind my truck while the driver of the car was behind the gas pump. When I noticed the one in front of my truck I pulled my "weapon" and stepped away so he could see it. He suddenly retreated and I turned back to my gas pump. I then saw the guy coming from the rear of my truck and revealed my "weapon" to him, at which point he retreated. Now the guy in the car, parked opposite me at the gas pump, peeked around the pump and realized he had no backup and suddenly he doesn't need gas at all. I was wound up for two days afterward.


                    Stuck my .357 in the back of a dudes head once and cocked the hammer. He was a peeking tom looking through the kitchen window at my ex wife. He froze. He lived across the street briefly and new to the neighborhood. It was dark so I was able to sneak up behind him. Told him if there was ever a next time he wouldn't be walking away. Never saw the guy again.


                      Originally posted by lonestarag View Post
                      Never. And, pet peeve of mine ... sorry, try calling it a pistol, firearm, handgun, etc. Anything but weapon. That term doesn't help our cause in the long run.
                      Seriously? That's what hangs you up? Let me tell you what my pet peeve is; mine is a crazy S.O.B. at a traffic light that charges my 4 year old daughter, my wife and myself with a freakin' aluminum baseball bat. I don't know what your "cause" is but mine was to stop that idiot from raining hell on my family and I did it with my chosen weapon. Just so happened, it was a .38 revolver. It could have been a shotgun or an AR...last I checked, they are all weapons. Trust me bro, if I only had a hatchet, I would have wielded that. I guess our priorities vary and I just don't give a fuzzy rat's behind about semantics . My family was unharmed and that would be my hope for you too, God forbid it happen to you.


                        Originally posted by Robert View Post
                        I was coming out of a small store one afternoon and there were 3 guys standing on the side walk. They kind of looked me up and down. I could see the were armed and I knew things were about to get wild. They looked at me then looked at each other. Finally I had enough so l said " you gonna pull them guns or whistle Dixie" well that got it going they went for their guns I dropped my packages and let em have it. I got all 3 and my buddy came up and got one I didn't even see. That was a rough day.
                        Had a similar situation. Me and two of my brothers along with a friend of mine were strolling through town one day. We walked up to an empty lot where several no-gooders were gathered trying to get rid of the hangover they had. It was an intense standoff for a few seconds but then my friend (who happened to have a double barrel tucked under his coat) decided to wink at one of them which caused the next several seconds to be total chaos. After the dust had settled a few of the no-gooders were graveyard dead and we only received a couple of wounds between the four of us.


                          I have had my LTC for 1.5 yrs now and haven't bought a pistol! My wife has had hers the same amount of time, but she bought her a Walther CCP 9mm and has luckily not had to use it yet.

                          crazy stories!!


                            I parked my dually in a parking lot at a large western wear store in SA, way out by itself. As I was putting on my duster I could see through the back window a guy heading right towards my truck. There was no reason for this guy to be walking towards me, as there was nothing around me and nothing behind me. I made sure as he rounded the back of the truck he saw me holster my .45. He seen it. He never said a word and kept walking.

                            Always better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


                              Originally posted by TCR² View Post
                              Had a similar situation. Me and two of my brothers along with a friend of mine were strolling through town one day. We walked up to an empty lot where several no-gooders were gathered trying to get rid of the hangover they had. It was an intense standoff for a few seconds but then my friend (who happened to have a double barrel tucked under his coat) decided to wink at one of them which caused the next several seconds to be total chaos. After the dust had settled a few of the no-gooders were graveyard dead and we only received a couple of wounds between the four of us.
                              I think I heard about this. Small town in Southern Arizona, right?!?


                                Hubby and I each have ours (well, his is somewhere in the mail system en route to our casa) I have had mine for a few months. Never been in the position to pull but it's always there and ready to go. Reading these stories is a major reality check to just how dangerous the world is. Obviously, we know crazy is out there but when you don't have a constant encounter with it you tend to forget

