Man, your a lucky feller! I think about all the fun I could have mow-n yards with 12 goats. I could amass a fortune build-n a lawn-scape business and accounts. I'd have those suckers tied up side by side in a line. And a set of reins run-n to the back to steer them with. Swipe a whole yard with one pass and make a fortune! And I wouldn't even charge for the extra fertilizer they leave behind.
Thanks Muskles! You just gave me an idea for a new business adventure!
Man, your a lucky feller! I think about all the fun I could have mow-n yards with 12 goats. I could amass a fortune build-n a lawn-scape business and accounts. I'd have those suckers tied up side by side in a line. And a set of reins run-n to the back to steer them with. Swipe a whole yard with one pass and make a fortune! And I wouldn't even charge for the extra fertilizer they leave behind.
Thanks Muskles! You just gave me an idea for a new business adventure!
Just FYI.... If you think they'll do what you want and take care of the yard, you're wrong (with all due respect). They'll not eat a f-n thing you want them to. They'll climb on every vehicle in the driveway, make a crack in your Jeep windshield, and ruin your flowerbeds. Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt!
Have you tried going "Tex style" on your backyard pigs yet Muskles?
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So far, I'm a chicken poop *edit*! It has crossed my mind, and I'm not really that scared of em. The darkest momma pig is very aggressive. I've been mentally mapping out my path to get down there (Tex style). I'm gonna at least take a shot this weekend. If not, I'll shamefully lurk in the shadows from now on!
Sir, you sound mad at-em. I didn't mean to offend if I did. I've just got a lil eccentric way of think-n sometimes. Just ask FND. And I always try to look for the good in a situation despite the outcome. My pup has a shock coll-er should you wanna barr-a it for your goats. She don't mind the muskle stim-u-la-tion. But hates the beep-r on it. She's been ask-n me to get one with out the beep-r. She just loves the muskle stim-u-la-tion so much, she just lays there on the ground when I hit it for her. And kinda flops around. Been think-n about upgrade-n to a taze-r for her. She calls those TENS units. I see a lot of-em at the gun shows.
Sir, you sound mad at-em. I didn't mean to offend if I did. I've just got a lil eccentric way of think-n sometimes. Just ask FND. And I always try to look for the good in a situation despite the outcome. My pup has a shock coll-er should you wanna barr-a it for your goats. She don't mind the muskle stim-u-la-tion. But hates the beep-r on it. She's been ask-n me to get one with out the beep-r. She just loves the muskle stim-u-la-tion so much, she just lays there on the ground when I hit it for her. And kinda flops around. Been think-n about upgrade-n to a taze-r for her. She calls those TENS units. I see a lot of-em at the gun shows.
No sir, if you can offend me, you've really done something! I was just saying the goats don't make good yard men.
We had a **** goat here on the ranch for years. He just showed up one day. Hung out with a couple of his favorite cows all day. Thing had free range around here. No matter what pasture we had the cows in, he'd sneak under the fence and do as he pleased...especially when we were feeding calves in the lot. He'd push those bull calves out of his way and climb up in the **** trough and eat till all the feed was gone. No matter how many times I chased him off, you can bet he'd be right back in there the next morning when I fed. **** also would break into my feed pens and eat out of my protein feeders. Crazy goat.
What bread of goats are they? Maybe they need to learn to speak english? I've got a cuz from way back in the day, and way back in the mountains, that is good at teach-n goats to speak english. He's trained many of fish to jump through hoops. but did loose an arm one time while try-n to train a black tip shark. Anyway, he trained his neighbors goats to speak. He says he should have never done that with that group of goats. They always want a free handout now. Their a bunch a cry-babies. And all they do is bawl all the time.