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    Originally posted by JonBoy View Post
    That may be YOUR definition, but the REAL definition of a millennial is someone who graduated high school on or after the year 2000. Source:

    Wahooooo! Class of 99' baby


      I agree.




          Originally posted by The General View Post
          Almost 25 years old, graduated from an incredibly liberal college (UT), and have held a 'real' job since I was 16. Oh and I voted for Trump. It's not all 'millennials' that have the 'me-me-me' problem. And I was thinking about this yesterday regarding the 'lazy millennials'- Granted they make their own ****-poor decisions using their own brain, is it their fault or their parents fault for being raised like a brat? If it's the parent's fault, was it their parents (the grandparents) fault for raising them wrong also? It's a trickle down effect IMO and the 'lazy millennials' are a result of more than just their own generation. Too many millennial parents were/are in favor of participation trophies/everybody wins/etc. Regardless of the cause- it make me sick seeing/hearing some of the crap people may age come up with and believe. Put me in the crowd of 'don't lump me with those millennials'- they are a disgrace.
          I'm a parent to a 20 and 22 YO and I agree with you. I was telling my wife last night, I think these "protesters" are a minority. There has always been a small percentage of malcontents and naive youths. What has changed is the generation that is tolerating this silliness and elevating to the point of validating it are the same knuckle headed parents that came up with the concept of participation trophies. If the people who are supposed to be grownups would call a spade a spade and shame some sense into these people, we would all be better off. It was boomers that didn't want to be parents and were worried about hurting their kids feelings. There are a lot of really good millennials, I would are argue they are a majority, it's their parents that need help.
          Last edited by Rush2Judge; 11-10-2016, 01:02 PM.


            Millennials are only a product of what they were brought up in.

            It wasn't millennials that started this socialist/communist movement where they complain and protest for free stuff. That was largly the baby boomers. Millennials are being indoctrinated into this stuff by the older generations

            Millennials didn't create social well fare.

            Millennials didn't participate in bad lending practices.

            Millennials definitely didn't get us into this looming financial mess our country is experiencing.

            I could go on.

            A large portion of the Millennial generation is not old enough to have had any drastic effects on the issues we face.

            Not that there aren't a lot of Millennials who are worthless, there are. If they don't shape up real quick, we will be in even bigger trouble. I'm just saying it isn't anything new for a generation to have a subsection of lazy morons.

            OP is right. A lot of it has to do with up bringing and indoctrination in college and sadly now, public schools.

            And yes I am a millennial


              Originally posted by hooligan View Post
              Technically I am a millennial by definition. I was kicked out of my parents house at 17 when I graduated hs. It ****** me off more than anything to see people associated with my generation as one of he biggest hand out generations around. I was raised with the idea that if you want something, work for it.
              Too many silver spoon, everyone gets a trophy kids these days
              THIS. bet they would stfu if hiLIARy was given a participation trophy


                Originally posted by Rush2Judge View Post
                I'm a parent to a 20 and 22 YO and I agree with you. I was telling my wife last night, I think these "protesters" are a minority. There has always been a small percentage of malcontents and naive youths. What has changed is the generation that is tolerating this silliness and elevating to the point of validating it are the same knuckle headed parents that came up with the concept of participation trophies. If the people who are supposed to be grownups would call a spade a spade and shame some sense into these people, we would all be better off. It was boomers that didn't want to be parents and were worried about hurting their kids feelings. There are a lot of really good millennials, I would are argue they are a majority, it's their parents that need help.

                They are, without a doubt, a minority. I understand this is Texas, but I have to look real hard to find someone that fits in with the what people perceive the stereotype of millennials to be. Even the few liberals I know (even if i do think they have their head up their...) are gainfully employed and hard working.


                  As a millennial I'm glad to not accurately fit your opinionated description of them. I do not associate with people that do fit it .


                    Labels are so sticky


                      Originally posted by Backwoods101 View Post
                      Wahooooo! Class of 99' baby
                      Class of '99 here also brother. Klein Forest High School.


                        Originally posted by Rush2Judge View Post
                        If the people who are supposed to be grownups would call a spade a spade and shame some sense into these people, we would all be better off. .
                        True. There have always been lazy or directionless young adults . However having an able-bodied son living under your roof who was not working or at least trying to work used to cast a sense of shame on the family so they were forced to get out and find a way to support themselves. That does not always seem to be the case now. I have friends who have college educated kids living at home and not working or even really looking for work. I don't get it.


                          I sight of millennial son your topic pizzed me off without reading further.... won't get on that soap box!

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by DapperDan View Post
                            I sight of millennial son your topic pizzed me off without reading further.... won't get on that soap box!

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Sounds cryptic.


                              Originally posted by Clay C View Post
                              Sounds cryptic.

                              I'm telling you it makes my skin crawl and blood pressure go up... eventually I'll have kids and I'll be dammed if they grow up like some of these unappreciative cry baby softies we have today...

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                Originally posted by J Sweet View Post
                                Wait, if millennials are so bad why are we blaming their generation for the current state of our countries popular culture if they just arrived at adult age. Pretty sure the generation that raised them and created them are the ones to blame.
                                Because accepting responsibility for outcomes is a rare thing. The parents of millenials are the generation of safe sex, and abortion, or more simply put wanting life choices with mitigated consequences.

                                I shared this in a pm earlier this week, but I believe the state of our culture is the net effect of 30 years of assault on manhood. Specifically the erosion of the importance of fathers, but it extends out from there.

                                We have 2 generation of who 1/2 of them had no father in the home. And the role of men has been minimized to the point that most men shrivel up in passivity to challenge. There is no fortitude, no resiliency and in a word a lack of courage.

                                Millenials are a product of thier upbringing, nothing more & nothing less

