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Post-Election Statement

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    As soon as the liberals apologize for the constant assaults on Republicans, Tea Parties and conservatives for the last 8 years.........and Hillary and barak bend over, put their heads between their legs......and kiss their own arses!


      Originally posted by Chew View Post
      I totally agree.
      I expect better out of one who I hold in high regard like you than to fabricate a quote like that. Please undo that.

      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk


        Originally posted by ultrastealth View Post
        Sorry, but I don't recall a whole bunch of sympathy from the left in the last two elections. I'm a Christian, but I don't mix politics and religion. The left has lied, cheated, and stolen from all of us, and they should pay for that. I have little confidence in the Republicans holding them to account, but we can hope. You have to realize that, if it were up to the left, we'd have no guns, no freedom, no ability to express ourselves. We'd basically live in chains.
        No doubt. Was it not Barack who famously said, "election have consequences and at the end of the day, I won"


          Originally posted by Sneaky View Post
          I expect better out of one who I hold in high regard like you than to fabricate a quote like that. Please undo that.

          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
          When you undo your fabricated concern about everyone being "Christ-like". As an atheist, you wouldn't have bothered invoking Christ if Hillary had won. And anyone who doesn't understand that I wasn't really putting words in your mouth probably doesn't know how to log on to TBH anyway. I'm the same person I've always been. Why are you acting like something you're not? Carry on, brother.

          But I will respect your wishes not to have the quote attributed to you. I changed it.
          Last edited by Chew; 11-09-2016, 08:58 AM.


            Originally posted by Sneaky View Post
            I expect better out of one who I hold in high regard like you than to fabricate a quote like that. Please undo that.

            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
            What?? Chew is dead on with his statement. This country has become so "sissified" that no one is willing to draw a line in the sand and dare a wrong doer/liberal to cross it. If it's Right, then it's Right. Never apologize for doing or saying the right thing!


              Originally posted by Chew View Post
              I totally agree.


                Originally posted by Sneaky View Post
                Half of our great nation is utterly heartbroken today.

                Conservatives, don't rub it in. Be kind and compassionate to your ideological opponents, and remind them that this is one of the only countries on the planet where our populace can be so divided, yet still love each other as brothers and sisters. For the majority of you that are Christians, think about what Jesus would do - seriously; don't forget to use this opportunity to act Christlike.

                Liberals, I'm sorry. I know you and I are opposed on fiscal/governmental ideals but aligned on social ideals, but I promise you - the world is not ending. Once an election cycle ends, all of the fire and brimstone goes away and the rhetoric cools down. I know Trump said utterly unacceptable things, and I too think he owes the American people a big apology for that behavior. But the American people overwhelmingly said that they are done with Washington.

                Most of you who know me know how outspoken I am, and and how much I love using uncensored, raw language in dispensing my unique brand of commentary on the issues I'm passionate about. Not today. Today, the only thing I have to say is that if you're reading this, YOU matter to me, and whether you are elated, heartbroken or terrified, we're in this together.

                God bless the United States of America!


                  As our Youth Pastor said before the election results, 'no matter who is President, Christ is still King'.


                    Since I'm not allowed to use my real world vocabulary, I will change my approach to make it more liberal and not offend peoples sensibilities, intestinal tracts, or hanging lower lips...

                    I most certainly disagree, and think if a person wants to celebrate this ***** being gone and the removal of the threat of this ***** destroying this country any more than she already has contributed to, they should be free to do so, in whatever method or fashion, or word choice they want.
                    The coddling of the losers, the whole sparing ones feelings ****... well that's a part of what has gone wrong in this country in past decades.
                    We are so afraid of offending someone that we allow absolute nonsense to rule, become law, become normalized... and what we end up with is a ***** that has had people killed, broken laws, stolen money, committed treason, and thumbed her nose at everyone for her entire life a shot at becoming president.

                    Has nothing to do with being a gracious winner as it does as celebrating the fact she wont cause me, my family, my country , my planet any more harm.
                    Pretty ****in' excited about that.

                    and if someone gets offended that I said that... chill, dude.


                      There is no doubt, America spoke up last night....They are fed up with the liberal BS.

                      The Evangelical Christians were out in full force this election, unlike the last.


                        Originally posted by Chew View Post
                        When you undo your fabricated concern about everyone being "Christ-like". As an atheist, you wouldn't have bothered invoking Christ if Hillary had won. And anyone who doesn't understand that I wasn't really putting words in your mouth probably doesn't know how to log on to TBH anyway. Carry on, brother.
                        I was merely framing my narrative within a context that Christians can more easily understand. That is, do what Christ would do in this situation; be compassionate. I challenge you and any other Christian on TBH or otherwise to talk to their pastor about this and see if they think it would be Christlike to do the opposite.

                        Also, if Hillary had won, I would have framed the same narrative within a context easiest for liberals to understand.

                        Thirdly, I didn't vote for either, so it's not like I'm feeling an extreme of either elation or heartbreak. But, it's crucial that we put aside grudges and ideological differences and try to unify ourselves as a nation as we move forward into the next administration. Be the bigger person.

                        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk


                          Originally posted by Chew View Post
                          I totally agree.
                          Perfect quote.


                            I wanted to see how my state votes so I just typed election results colorado in the Bing bar. It brings up a map showing each county. It is very interesting to see how states break down. For texas, you can pick houston, dallas, Austin and San antoino easily.
                            However what I found intestine for trump was that most of the states as a whole voted for him.
                            That Johnson guy put up some numbers too


                              We did it. I stayed up all night for the whole thing. I don't think she was physically able to address her supporters. We need to now insist that she's prosecuted and put in jail. Send a message that WE THE PEOPLE will not tolerate such behavior.


                                My mother in law called me and said happy democrat day after the last two elections. Do you think I am not going to return the favor? They are the most smug bunch of elitist and are way to quick to point out how uneducated and deplorable we all are. That being said, I will pass on the high road!

