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OFFICIAL 2016/17 East Texas Hunting Thread

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    I'm in here in Houston county. I saw a good buck yesterday morning but overall it's been the slowest season I remember so my expectations are low. I'll be hunting with the rifle in the morning to at least try to get a doe.

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      Originally posted by ghostgoblin22 View Post
      I would imagine all of Anderson county got hit, I live on the south edge of Henderson county 2 miles from Anderson county and have a farm on the edge also and we got hit hard, looked at the radar this morning and all of Anderson county was covered in rain clouds

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      Ghost! Any luck this year? I've got scrapes and bucks have been birddoging some. You seeing the rut going on?


        Originally posted by dataxman View Post
        Ghost! Any luck this year? I've got scrapes and bucks have been birddoging some. You seeing the rut going on?
        the first of the season I was seeing bucks fighting, chasing does..bachelor groups, and so the past couple of weeks have been dull to say the least, barley have seen deer, but it might be due to having hogs, ive seen hogs everywhere the past 4 sits....but I think the warmer weather had something to do with not seeing much deer movement during the day


          Originally posted by ghostgoblin22 View Post
          the first of the season I was seeing bucks fighting, chasing does..bachelor groups, and so the past couple of weeks have been dull to say the least, barley have seen deer, but it might be due to having hogs, ive seen hogs everywhere the past 4 sits....but I think the warmer weather had something to do with not seeing much deer movement during the day

          Yeah, I was wondering that too. I have a lot of hogs too. Mostly come to feeder at night sometimes hit during that day. I have a lot of deer in daylight on camera but have only seen a couple while out hunting. Seems like the coolest days we've had I've been working and then hunting the hottest. lol I'd love some cold weather! I put a decoy out this eve and I'm in a pop up back from the feeder. We shall see!


            Originally posted by dataxman View Post
            Yeah, I was wondering that too. I have a lot of hogs too. Mostly come to feeder at night sometimes hit during that day. I have a lot of deer in daylight on camera but have only seen a couple while out hunting. Seems like the coolest days we've had I've been working and then hunting the hottest. lol I'd love some cold weather! I put a decoy out this eve and I'm in a pop up back from the feeder. We shall see!
            good luck, I think once it gets cooler again we'll see more action


              Been sitting all day and have seen 0 so far. Maybe the last hour will bring em in

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                Originally posted by JayB View Post
                Been sitting all day and have seen 0 so far. Maybe the last hour will bring em in

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                Good luck man.

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                  Originally posted by TxDispatcher View Post
                  I looked at the forecast the other day and was all excited about temps in the high 40's-low 50's...I just looked again and we may get lucky and it be 60° in the mornings oh well, it is what it is
                  Yeah this sucks.


                    Got some good deer action in an acorn flat according to my cameras... I slipped in and put up a ground blind this afternoon. Hopefully the wind will cooperate in the morning. I'd like to get me a doe to go with the buck I got a couple weeks ago... Had a hot doe near one of my sets this afternoon... 2 bucks were driving her crazy... Hopefully she'll be more calm in the morning...


                      Finally had 2 doe wonder in....eating acorns. They finally made it to my corn but stood facing me the entire time. No shot opportunity. Sat for 12 hours straight for 15 minutes of sweat. I will be gunning it tomorrow

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                        I was just starting to see deer here in nac county and then the bottom fell out out of nowhere . And i mean it was flooding i had to get down soaked at 6:15 . I was in my work teuck so i had to get out while i still could . Its 2wd


                          All but one weekend since the 1st of October, and all I've seen during the day is a yearling doe and a small 4 point. Worst I've seen since being on this lease for the last 10 years. I sure hope things get better as we move into rifle season.

                          I'll still be in a bow stand in the morning, since I didn't have enough wasp spray to evict everything out of my box blind. No lie, I'll take a pic tomorrow once I finish the job, that nest is bigger than a football. I had to At one point, I had to jump on my 4 wheeler and haul butt because 2 of the wasps were chasing me. Those red suckers are vicious.

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                            Well ****. There's already 2 deer at the stand I was gonna hunt. I guess I'll ease on over to stand 2 and hope I didn't spook them.

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                              Just settled in the tower blind in Wood county. No telling what's here, haven't check cameras since I hung them, kind of feels like the old times. Good luck to everyone in the stand this morning.


                                Settled in my stand in Walker county.

