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Need a prayer or three

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    Isn't it funny how thing you could do 20 years ago hurt now. Prayers for a fast recovery. I fractured mine years ago and played football 4 weeks later, now it would take me 4 years to recover.


      Originally posted by Artos View Post
      Missed this...sorry amigo.

      I'm allergic to stinging insects & sorta go into some sorta super human freak out mode when I think it's coming...I woulda tried to launch myself to the vehicle & done some damage.

      I don't do those type's of set ups any longer...heck, we changed all our feeders to crank ups due to a ladder mishap when filling some years ago. Getting old is painful & humbling sometimes.

      Hope everything heals up quick...

      Exactly! Accepting new limitations is a psychological challenge at best. The physical part of learning what to not do happens quickly - about as long as it takes to hit the ground! That's been my experience, anyway.

      I hope you heel quickly, Chew, and are able to make that elk hunt.


        Wow, prayers up man. Glad you are ok. I was 15' up a tree myself yesterday but clipped in every second at the top. With no cell coverage where I'm hunting I am taking zero chances. I'm planning to add a lifeline on the next trip to make the ascent and descent safer too.


          Originally posted by TexaRican View Post
          Wow, prayers up man. Glad you are ok. I was 15' up a tree myself yesterday but clipped in every second at the top. With no cell coverage where I'm hunting I am taking zero chances. I'm planning to add a lifeline on the next trip to make the ascent and descent safer too.
          I usually do....but wasn't hunting. Sold the stand and had to take it down. Didn't realize I was a bee/wasp farmer. Still not sure what got me.


            This time of year it's always a good idea to invite that guy you don't like very much just to check for bees.


              I was up in a tower blind getting the chair out so we could take it down when I realized my arm was on fire. I then notice several hundred wasps of several different types flying around. My BIL was yelling for me to jump, but I had the presence of mind to just climb out. We were 25 miles from town, and I didn't want a broken leg, or worse. I thought I might go into shock, so I stuck my arm in a cooler full of ice and water for as long as I could stand it. Luckily I am not allergic and only had some discomfort (burned like a !!!***), and we got the big stand down and moved out.

              Rest a few days and let the soreness work out, then get back to conditioning for your elk hunt. Hope you make it.


                Prayers sent, quick recovery


                  Prayers up for a speedy recovery! So glad it wasn't worse!


                    Dang, sorry to read this Bobby.

                    Speedy recovery so you can chase elk.


                      Prayers up for speedy recovery. Take it was Bobby. We sold all our ladder stands year's ago for this exact reason.


                        **** Bobby..glad your ok. That could have been real bad.Let me know if you need anything. I still need to get that disc to you someday.


                          Originally posted by Chew View Post
                          Slept pretty good thanks to pain meds. But feel like i got hit by a bus. Feet, knees, hips and neck hurt. Doc warned me about that. I had on some good hiking boots laced up securely when i fell and feel like that saved my ankles.
                          At least you're able to feel the pain. Could have been much worse and we're all glad it wasn't.

                          Take care of yourself and listen to the Dr..

                          Elk hunting isn't all it's cracked up to be anyway.

                          IT'S EVEN BETTER. So take it easy and make the trip.



                            I have a stand just like that and red wasps built in the seat cushions where squirrels had gnawed holes in it. I made it up and they started hitting me. I managed to make it down without falling. 7 stings is all the damage I got Chew. I can relate. But not with the pain from a fall. Me and Steve243 can help you if we need to. We are close. Heal up


                              Dang man. Glad you are ok.

                              Lol Smart.



                                Was out of town yesterday and at church this morning... first I've logged on since Thursday or so... Dang man! I'm real sorry to hear about this! I pray that you will indeed heal sufficiently to make that elk hunt. I know how much it means to you after last year's close encounters with all those wapiti... I also pray that you will have the wisdom to make the right decision when the time comes to give the hunt a thumbs up or down decision... Really I pray for Mary and Abby, that they will be able to "help" you make the right decision...

                                God speed to your recovery sir! Holler if I can do anything, or if I've got any other equipment you may need for the hunt...

